I WILL BLOOM - Evergreenbloom


Jul 10, 2023


  • Name: Evergreenbloom
    > Previous Names: Evergreenkit, Evergreenpaw​
    Evergreen-: a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year. / named for her parent's enjoyment of the plant. | -bloom: a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty. / produce flowers; be in flower. / named for her 'blooming' into a more confident and open cat
    Age: 13 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Warrior of ThunderClan
  • Short Description: Short furred fawn and white she cat with dark green eyes.
    > Long Description:Evergreenbloom is a short furred fawn she cat. Her ears, tail tip, and feet are all white, but her front left leg is white all the way up. She has dark green eyes.​
    Scars and Injuries: None
    Accessories: None

    (base credit to micamone on deviantArt and neko atsume)
  • Intelligent | Imaginative | Shy | Overthinker | Skittish
    Personality: A soft-spoken and shy type at heart, Evergreenpaw desperately wants to reach out and make friends. She is imaginative and easily picks up on things, but tends to overthink them. As a result, she tends to think that she isn't doing well enough, despite succeeding and being praised. She's a bit skittish and easily unnerved and has a lot of anxiety about things. Evergreenbloom has a soft spot for kits, however, and one day hopes to have a few litters of her own.
    Mental Ailments: N/A
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Vision: Hydro
    Path: The Preservation
    Pokemon Type: Grass/Fairy
  • Parents: Willowgrove (NPC) X Parsleyleaf (NPC), Gen 1
    Siblings: Grasspath (NPC) and Dandelioncloud (NPC)
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Mentored By: Sagestep (NPC)
    Likes: Sandthorn, Emberkit, Rainbowkit
    Neutral: Everyone else
    Dislikes: Basilwhisker, Sunnyday
  • > Theme color is Evening Sea #024E46
    > Her human AU name would be Evette Greene, and her nicknames would be Eve and Evie
    > Her partner Pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be a Cottonee or Whimsicott
    > Her toyohu.se can be found here: https://toyhou.se/22952166.evergreenbloom
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