Any day now and his siblings would arrive into this world. So close. He was almost there. Just a little while longer he needed to endure this. Tired and hungry like any other day Vulturemask was on his way over to the horseplace, almost dragging his paws on the way. Tonight he had been lucky to have caught a mouse even if it barely had any meat on its bones. He knew it wasn't enough to please his mother but he didn't care. Like any other day he would endure the abuse comforting himself with that not for much longer he would have to.

He was cold and covered in snow by the time he arrived to the den and he would duck his head to crawl himself inside. Vulturemask had been expecting to find only his mother inside of there but he was wrong. In shook he would drop the mouse on the ground the moment he spot the three small lives that was curled up by his mothers belly. It was not until now he could smell the blood and sweat in the air as well. " Why couldn't you have come here sooner for!. How could you have left me alone giving birth to this...these things." his mother hissed at him, looking weak and beyond exhausted. Vulturemask would turn his attention to her, ear twitching as he looked at her indifferently. He couldn't explain it was strange to look at his mother like this, to weak to even defend herself. Vunerable.

" I need some fresh air." Vulturemask looked surprised as his mother forced herself up on her paws and literally pushed himself aside to head to the entrence. His gaze followed as he watched her unsteady steps, mouth half opend. How could she leave her unborn kits like this?, so soon when she just gave birth to them?. Vulturemask closed his mouth again, teeth clenched as his claws briefly digged into the dirt. He would have stood there letting anger consume him for a while longer if he had not heard a soft whine came from the nest. His attention was instantly back to the nest and he would awkwardly stare at this small lives that was suppose to be his siblings. But they where so small, so vunerable. A cold wind past his fur, the den not completely protected from the cold outside. It made him start to worry if his siblings were cold too. With his mother not here who would keep them warm?.

With hesitant steps he would move himself closer to the nest carefully stepping over the small lives before he laid down beside them, taking his mother place. At first he felt uncomfortable, not liking the feeling to have something so small and vunerable by his side but it didn't took him long to relax and he would lean his head down to look at them more closely. He watched them breathe, and kick their little legs around, listening to the noises they made. Something fell over him as he watched them, a warm feeling expressed into his chest. His gaze started to soft, getting warmer. Using his tail he wrapped it around all of them and he would place his head down just so he could watch them, a smile almost present on his maw. He would embrace it as he watched the little light balls who shine so brightly. He had only known them for some few minutes but he already felt close to them. Love at first sight. A instant natural instinct to want to protect them, to feel they where his whole wide world. Hello little ones. My name's Vulturemask and i'm your big brother." he would speak so softly, so gentle and he would use his paws to bring them to him so he could hold them closer.

Names, they needed names and he already knew what to call them not going to allow his mother to give them awful and nasty names. Sunflowerkit, after his friend Dandelionwish and his sunny personality but also after Rosepaws favorite flower. Dreamkit after Dandelionwish again because having them here with him was like a dream come true, and his friend was the biggest dreamer of them all. Lastly...Flarekit, after his mentor Echolight and Hyacinthbreath. A fiercy and warm name perfect fitted to honor them both. " Sunflowerkit,Dreamkit and Flarekit. That is gonna be your names." he mumbled their names out and he brought his head closer so he could feel their sweet and warm touch. It was weird how he did not hated to have them close to him like this that he actually enjoyed it. For the first time he had something that was his, something that was worth fighting for. " I promise i wont let anybody hurt you." he would whisper his vow to them. He wouldn't let any harm come to them. He would protect every single one of their breathes and all he asked in return was....

for them to never leave his side.

@Flarekit @Dreamkit @sunflowerkit

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