private I WILL FIND THE ENEMY WITHIN ✧ cicadapaw

After Cicadastar concludes the meeting, Iciclefang brushes her white-tipped tail in front of her new apprentice’s long-muzzled, big-eared face. “Let’s go,” she prompts. “I would like to be the first to take you out of camp, even if you will be going out with your father until my return.” She does not wait to see if he follows, trusting he will take the opportunity to see the river they are born to, bred from.

She does not go far. There’s a sliver of moon sitting just below the treeline. When it crests the tops of the forest’s horizon, she knows RiverClan will be called to journey to Fourtrees for a final goodbye. She sits at the water’s edge, pale gaze trained on the black-and-silver shadow and light play. Once Cicadapaw sits beside her, she will flick her eyes toward him, appraising him. “Are you nervous? Or are you excited to begin your training?

Iciclefang curses Fernpaw in her mind for volunteering to go on this quest again—if he hadn’t, would she have felt obligated? She wants nothing more, in this moment, to remain in her home, to begin training her first apprentice. Cicadastar of course would not do anything to spoil Cicadapaw, but… she feels like she will miss out on so much now. What kind of cat will he be when she returns?

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
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