private I WILL GLOW, I WILL BURN [firefang]

༄༄ The rain has come and washed away the threat to their territory. The flames have already done their damage, however, and the charred remnants of once-beautiful flowers now lie as stark reminders of just what could have happened to each of them. What did happen to some of them. The calico has spent much of her time hunting and patrolling—any luxury afforded to her by her new ranking means little to her in the face of WindClan's losses. Every capable warrior must be doing their best to aid the clan in its recovery. Because there will be recovery for WindClan, no matter how long it takes. But those who are injured cannot help with the hunting, and so it falls upon Scorchstreak to help feed them.

And so, like a particularly unwanted badger, they darken the entrance of Wolfsong’s den. A rabbit, freshly caught, dangles from their maw, and they speak around it in a low, slightly muffled voice when they lay eyes upon their target. "Firefang." Their greeting is matched by a dip of their head, a show of respect for the injured warrior. She had only been injured attempting to save Sunstar, when Scorchstreak had ordered her to leave him. However ill-advised the rescue attempt had been, the calico must admit that Firefang has proven herself a loyal warrior. She has proven that she cares about Sunstar and WindClan more than she cares about Sootstar, at the very least. Extending trust to her—and by extension, care—no longer seems like a misstep. "I thought you might be hungry." The deputy drops the rabbit in front of the other she-cat, nudging it closer with a paw. "How are you feeling?" Even as she speaks, she gets the sense that she should have merely turned around and walked back out of the den after delivering the other warrior's meal. But Scorchstreak is not a coward; she can face her clanmates' ire so long as they continue to breathe.

  • ooc: @Firefang
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Every breath Firefang takes is labored, she feels her throat rattle as much as she feels the blazing pain running up her forepaw. She sparingly does much more then lift her head and puff out her chest whenever either medicine cat comes to check on her, a preservation of some of her pride but she's weak and hurt. She can't find the energy or passion to do much more then struggle to stay awake and deal with her agony in silence as a true warrior did. These days felt like a blur, her head always felt light and she no longer knew how many days had passed since she was burnt - she hardly remembers the copse - she wonders if she'd managed to taunt any of the fish-eaters but she can't recall and she doubts it.

She yearns to leave her nest, to march out into the hollow and return to normal. Even if she could nothing had been normal for a long time, she hadn't had the chance to adjust to the strangeness of Sunstar's regime before the blaze burnt away the prosperity and the spoils the moor had awarded him and his victors - and Soostar's remaining survivors. She doesn't know what her clanmates must think of her anymore, there was once an assurance she wasn't welcome and she lived on borrowed time - every word she spat only made the timer tick closer but something had changed now and she wouldn't be able to see it until she was healed. She doesn't know what to think of them either, and doesn't know how to feel about herself.

A shadow covers her bleary eyes, she adjusts herself holding her head higher even if she didn't move from where she lay. "Scorchstreak" she croaks in response. Her eyes focus on them, she felt she was more sure of them any one else in the clan. Her gaze is cold there is no mirth for the newly crowned deputy, she recognizes the dip of her head and can't understand why she'd show her a modem of respect. Her ears fold back but her teeth and claws do not show themselves, what was she trying to pull? Was this some sort of ploy, a way to look good in front of their clanmates - showing kindness to a wounded fool. It was only through luck alone that Sunstar had survived, the same luck that'd kept her entire body from setting alight when she heeded Scorchstreak's call. It wasn't luck that Scorchstreak stands before her rather then laying besides her, burnt but triumphant. They could've saved him then, she was so certain and if they hadn't.... Wasn't it a warriors duty to die for their leader? But you didn't did you Firefang?

She eyes the rabbit hanging from their jaws and hates the way she begins to salivate, it felt wrong to eat when she hadn't caught a thing when her clanmates would likely go hungry. But she doesn't deny herself even as guilt worms it's way into her stomach, she hadn't eaten much all she wanted to do was sleep she'd only allowed scraps of what was left over from the others lining the medicine den. "I am" she admits and finally does she dip her head, it's the closest to a thanks the deputy would get. She lowers her head down and begins to chomp down hungrily on her meal, but her ears stay pricked and even now she's cautious. As she swallows down a morsel her gaze flitters up again, she doesn't lift her head up as she responds. "Like complete dung" she growls drily "Seems you're doin' just fine though aren't you? Windclans brave deputy" she shouldn't be challenging them but she doubts they will strike her and this was the only chance she may ever have of talking to them. Of truly figuring them out, seeing if they felt any guilt - seeing if they deserved what they'd been crowned.

༄༄ The calico had expected iciness. They had expected for Firefang to hiss and spit and curse at them, rage flying along the same path as spittle from the jaws of a cooped-up warrior. The glare that Firefang fixes upon them does not faze them, but the croaking of the warrior’s voice does. Hearing that she feels terrible does not calm anything within the deputy—the admission only serves to make her fury burn brighter. That damned dog, those damned twolegs! A warrior is injured, and Sunstar forever marred, because of the twolegs’ cruelty. She can only hope that Wolfsong will be able to heal Firefang just as he had healed his mate’s grievous wounds.

Sarcasm stings like a salted wound, but Scorchstreak does not snap back as they would have only months ago. When the calico speaks again, their voice is low and even. They do not wish to pick fights, not as Firefang does. They do not wish to argue, not when they have bigger concerns floating about in the back of their mind. "Would you prefer we watched you burn? Would you prefer we all burn, for his sake?" The question is entirely rhetorical—of course she would not have allowed it. She would never allow a warrior to meet the stars, permanently, when instead a star-blessed leader could greet them temporarily. Sunstar is her friend, and means a great deal to her, but Scorchstreak does not exist to serve any leader. She serves her clan first and foremost; to endanger multiple clanmates for hope of saving one cat would be not only foolish, but would go against the code that she lives by.

"If that is your outlook, then we share no common ground on this matter." They turn, tail swishing gently across the dirt, as if to leave. They could care no less what the dark she-cat thinks of them; they know where they stand. And if they must stand twenty tail-lengths away from Firefang’s ire at all times, then so be it.

  • ooc:
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

The fur on her neck prickles, she feels like a kit again throwing a tantrum at her mothers paws; she's met with rigid calmness an iciness that Firefang could never stand. She wants the deputy to yell, to stoop down to her level because then there wouldn't be a chasm between them anymore - she'd finally know every thought Scorchstreak held against her. She wants to see them for who they were beneath the decorum; or who they'd become in reality they'd changed so much from the mother who killed her son in Sootstar's name. She wonders if that brutality lay within Scorchstreak still like a chained dog waiting for it's collar to loosen. "I figured you'd get some pleasure from watching me burn" she growls beneath her breath, it's a low blow and a test to see where her feelings lie now.

She must hate her, hate everything she stands for and everything she is. Would she have put her down like their disposed leader if it'd been her in charge of the rebels? Would she be laying here defiantly staring at her and pressing for answers she may not like.

"I'd do anything for my clan" she states bluntly, as if she had no self preservation as if she hadn't failed her last leader. She takes a breath, biting back a cough that shakes her body "I couldn't stomach letting him just die... If all his lives were stripped away then what was the war for?" she stares down at her paws her gaze hardening with intensity. The words she spoke in this den she hoped would never leave it "Would you have been able to live with yourself if that had happened?" she wouldn't fault them if they turned their tail fully and left, it was expected. But what would they say if they stayed? She looks back up at them expectantly.