LIKE AN ELEGY [ 08.12.24 ]
Jan 4, 2024
She's getting more and more bold. The wounds she was left with after her last - altogether quite successful - encounter with another cat had been superficial. A little cobweb around her midsection, and she was fine. The beast that did it fared far worse. It was left marred, its horrible and mocking visage torn open just as her own once was. A little mirror, so it can never forget the cat it wronged. She feels the thrum of retribution reverberating through her skull, can see the image of that blood-soaked face imprinted on the back of her missing eye. Justice, how sweet.

A torn mouth stretches into a smile as the molly traipses towards the land she once avoided. ThunderClan land... She won't let those self-righteous bastards take all the food in the forest. She's done hiding; she has mouths to feed.

Speaking of - there, through the foliage, her eye catches on two familiar faces. Traitors, cats who she once called children. Her teeth flash, lip pulling back from the bared-teeth smile. "Come crawling back to me, have you?" Baying Hound croons, sickly sweet. Claws slip quietly from their sheathes as she begins stalking closer to the two young cats. "I knew you would, eventually." Her eye crinkles with delight. What a gift, that fate should let her see vengeance upon all of the once-children who wronged her.

// @doepaw ࿔ @antlerpaw


The attack on Fallowpaw had been harrowing. More then harrowing, at that. Seeing her sibling in such a defeated state had caused a number of emotions to flicker through her. Fear, worry. And, perhaps, anger. Anger, backed by talent gifted to her by Howlingstar herself. She thinks to herself, every time she's awake without her sister in the apprentice's den, that she must cast aside family ties. Despite how it hurts, she must cast aside her connection to Mother.

They were on a patrol, but it was easy to slip away under orders to hunt alone. Antlerpaw had been speaking softly to Doepaw, a reassurance that all would be fine while they hunted separate from their mentors. Would she be considered a liar when that rogue's scent caught her nose? Would Doepaw think less of her as her eyes met Baying Hound's, ears shoving forward and fur standing on end. Would Doepaw think herself less, as Antlerpaw moved to stand in front of her?

"Mother." She said, her voice devoid of warmth. Studying Howlingstar's interactions at gatherings, at borders, she had come to learn how to control her tone better, to leave the trembling kit inside hidden by the strength she has built in the last few moons. Not only that, but she was taller now. Not so much so that she was eye-to-eye, but she was far closer then when she had been scarred. Ears twitched, vision briefly dropping to Baying Hound's claws, then back up.

Those were the things that stole Doepaw's clear vision. Those were the things that took Fallowpaw's eye. Those things needed to be stopped. She swallowed any rising guilt, any connection she had to Baying Hound, unsheathing her own claws and taking a step forward. "You are not welcome on Thunderclan territory. Take your leave, now, or suffer any and all consequences." She said, chin lifted in challenge. Don't make me do this.
  • "speech"
  • GealYnG.png
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her fretting and fussing, though in some ways selfish, were most important out of fear for her siblings. Doepaw felt she had so little left to cling to with every harrowing loss... and the constant reminders of their mortality only served to frighten her more. Separating to hunt would be fine, if not for the reality that it could kill either of them through sheer bad luck. Antlerpaw's gentle reassurances do little to slice through her fear but she isn't so stubborn as to cling to her tail and ruin both of their hunts either- she thinks to depart, to give her a quick lick on the cheek just to make sure she knew she loved her and then go- but there is a beast hungering for vengeance in the brush, with a face that still haunts her nightmares.

The reason she clings so tightly to sharing a nest with anyone who will have her. Abysmally, a whine catches in her throat, a call for some sort of name that doesn't form itself completely.

Antlerpaw steps in front of her like she is a shield raised in defense, as if her purpose is so clear to her and easily acknowledged. She is rigid and sturdy, like the trees they live beneath and thrive under... resolute and unafraid. Virtues of the self that Doepaw could never imagine having, cowardly as she was. She tried to learn, to make sure at the very least she would not be a dead weight, that she could defend herself... practicing in less than orthodox ways when she could. Still, still, ever the kittish one of her litter, despite their grown age.

Finding her voice is harder.. but not so difficult as her stubborn lack of willingness to unsheathe her claws at her mother. "Momma... Please don't be angry with us," and a part of her knows that anger doesn't do it enough justice to explain the bloodlust with which she'd attacked them last. Searching for words that might soothe her, the fawn molly peers around Antlerpaw's defensive stance to try to make out the shifting colors, "We don't want to fight you... Just be content that we're safe... and we're fed and happy... Isn't that enough?"