i will only break your pretty things } spottedpaw's tags


it's summer somewhere so you shouldn't be so cold
Sep 18, 2023

  • name ▹ spottedpaw
    ↳ named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    gender ▹ female, afab + she/her
    age ▹ 7 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the 15th of every month
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ september 18th
    character birthday ▹ february 22nd
    penned by ▹ sheep

  • short description ▹ a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.

    physique ▹ lithe and thin with dainty paws
    notable features ▹ her dappled pelt, her fluffy cheek tufts, her sparkling blue eyes, she often wears flowers woven into her pelt
    eye details ▹ light pale blue eyes lined with thin lashes

    scent ▹ smells of the fresh flowers
    voice ▹ she has a sharp soprano voice that she carries from her chest and that can be grating on the ears

    demeanor ▹ she walks on dainty paws and always has her ears perked, she seems sure of herself, she is often moving about quickly and poking her nose around camp
    accessories/items ▹ when the season permits, she wears various found wildflowers woven into her long fur


  • personality traits ▹ bossy / confident / just / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong / protective / vain / 'know-it-all" / studious / devoted / extroverted

    alignment ▹ lawful good
    mbti type ▹ ESTJ-A, 'the executive'
    hogwarts house ▹ gryffindor

    likes ▹ wildflowers, being right, sunny days, newleaf/springtime, strong spirits, kits, eavesdropping
    dislikes ▹ rain, leaf-bare/wintertime, rats, water/swimming, bees, dogs, cheaters

    Spottedpaw is a headstrong and confident youth. She knows she was born to cats outside of the clans, yet she never doubts her loyalty to her ThunderClan. She has pride in her clan and desires above all to help her clanmates. She has a deep motherly instinct which can also lead to her being bossy and patronizing in some cases. She usually thinks she knows best. She likes to “mother” her fellow apprentices and sometimes warriors too. She wants to grow to be a good warrior and to make her adoptive mother Tansyshine proud. She is typically a rule-follower and she is studious when I comes to her warrior training. She has slight vanity when it comes to her appearance and sometimes her abilities. She keeps her long pelt well groomed and often decorates it with floral petals or small flowers to enhance her beauty and because she has a fondness of flowers.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on no one

    partner(s)/mate ▹ n/a
    parents ▹ rogue npc x rogue npc
    adoptive mother ▹ @tansyshine
    siblings ▹ rogue npc sister
    adoptive siblings ▹ @tigerpaw, @crystalpaw, @coalkit
    offspring ▹ none

    mentor ▹ @leopardtongue
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ wip
    enemies▹ wip

  • interaction notes ▹ will start fights / will flee / will show mercy / will not kill - unless forced to / @tag account is needed or wanted / powerplay of peaceful and minorly offensive actions allowed / all character posts & opinions are IC and not OOC

    adept at ▹ climbing, communicating, staying "in the know", being punctual, training
    inept at ▹ swimming, talks involving deep emotions, receiving criticism, coping with tragedy

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◇◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇​
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇​
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇​

  • Born to a pair of rogues in late Feburary. Her mother lost her in a snowstorm whilst she was moving her litter to a safer and drier place. Spottedkit was found by a ThunderClan patrol and brought back to their camp. ThunderClan's permaqueen Tansyshine took her in and she was raised as a Thunderclanner.


  • Born to a pair of rogues in late Feburary. Her mother lost her in a snowstorm whilst she was moving her litter to a safer and drier place. Spottedkit was found by a ThunderClan patrol and brought back to their camp.
    ThunderClan's permaqueen Tansyshine took her in and she was raised as a Thunderclanner. She considers Tansyshine her real mother and she is unaware of her true origins.
    09/19/2023 SHE CAN'T REMEMBER BUT HOW COULD A HEART FORGET? ✿ gets lost from her birth mother and found by thunderclanners - history oneshot
  • 09/19/2023 IF YOU'RE BLIND TO THAT I AM FINE WITH THAT ✿ spottedpaw's intro thread - 1st post
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  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

[slide=✿ OOC NOTES . ][justify][b][color=#9EB9D4]✿ ooc :[/color][/b] — [/justify]
[slide=✿ . CHARACTER INFO]
[quote] [color=#9EB9D4]✿ [b]spottedpaw[/b][/color] [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color] she/her [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color] 7 moons [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color] apprentice of thunderclan [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color]
a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
[URL=https://tabbytales.net/threads/i-will-only-break-your-pretty-things-spottedpaws-tags.8999/][color=#9EB9D4][B][U]⇀ TAGS ↽[/U][/B][/COLOR][/URL]
──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank. 
──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
 / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted
[slide=✿ . APPEARNCE ]
[img height=480px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png?1695336818[/img]
[slide=✿ . STATS ✿]
strength ◆◇◇◇◇
stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
speed ◆◆◆◆◇
charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
fighting ◆◆◇◇◇


[fleft][IMG]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1155861737300566126/1155863003053441054/spotchibiresize.png[/IMG][/fleft][QUOTE][FONT=georgia][color=#9EB9D4]SPOTTEDPAW[/color] [abbr='tags !'][url=tags!][color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color][/URL][/abbr] [color=#9EB9D4]THUNDERCLAN APPRENTICE ✧✦✧[/color] a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes; she often wears various wildflowers woven into her fur. [color=#9EB9D4] ━━━━ [/color]smells of fresh flowers and walks on dainty paws. her voice is a sharp grating soprano. she was abandoned as a kit and taken in by ThunderClan. Tansyshine serves as her adoptive mother. [/FONT]
[/QUOTE] [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color] [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/i-will-only-break-your-pretty-things-spottedpaws-tags.8999/][color=#9EB9D4]TAGS[/color][/url] ━━ [url=https://toyhou.se/23515006.spottedpaw][color=#9EB9D4]TOYHOUSE[/color][/url] [color=#9EB9D4]✿[/color]
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