i will rearrange the stars || gillpaw

Aug 1, 2022


riverclan warrior. 32 moons. tags

An apprentice.

And a little one at that—Clearsight would mentor Gillpaw, tiny tom with sunlight eyes so like his own. He'd felt almost like a kit at that meeting, overcome with the excitement of being chosen for this child, chosen to teach and guide and raise, and he'd hardly slept for the anticipation of a first day of mentorship.

So when morning comes Clearsight feels well-prepared. He's thought through and thought through and thought through the way this first day will go, and he's settled on the same choice so many of his fellow mentors have made: a territory tour. A reliable first adventure, he thinks.

The blue tabby doesn't wake his charge, but rather waits for the boy to come toddling (or bounding) from the apprentices' den. When Gillpaw does, Clearsight will approach him and purr a gentle hello.

"Good morning, Gillpaw," he'll murmur. "How are you feeling? Ready for your first day of apprenticeship?"

He turns toward the camp entrance, nodding for the little tom to follow. "First on our schedule is a territory tour. How does that sound?"



The transition from the nursery to the apprentice den is an exciting one.

His first night as Gillpaw - as a RiverClan apprentice - is a restless one, excitement overshadowing the kit's need for sleep. He was an apprentice now! And Clearsight was chosen to be his mentor! Gillpaw thinks he's one of the most skilled warriors in RiverClan, so the fact that the blue and white tom would be the one to teach him everything he would need to know to become a warrior? It was just as exciting as everything else, if not more!

He finally is able to close his eyes for longer than a moment, and when he opens them again, it is to sunlight flickering into the apprentice den. The black and white tom sits up quickly, eyes wide as he looks around.

Was he late for training? He sure hoped he wasn't!

He hurries out of the apprentice den, sunny eyes looking around for Clearsight. He doesn't have to look long, as it seems as though his mentor is waiting for him.

"H-Hi, Clearsight!" he greets his mentor, "I'm ready for t-training!" The warrior begins to walk, and Gillpaw follows beside him, trying his best to keep up with the older feline's stride. His mentor suggests a tour of the territory, and Gillpaw nods his head eagerly. He hasn't ever been too far from where RiverClan made its camp, and the thought of seeing the rest of the territory, the rest of what is considered his home? It's just another thing to add to his list of why being an apprentice was much better than being in the nursery.

"Yeah!" he cheers, "Let's go!"
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riverclan warrior. 32 moons. tags

There is nothing nervous about Gillpaw. His excitement seems almost too big for his little body and he follows along with happy chirps. He fights to keep up, and Clearsight has to remember to slow his stride—right. Kitten legs.

He leads Gillpaw into the crisp morning air. The black-and-white boy is all eager nods and little cheers, and Clearsight's chest aches. Turn back, a part of him is screaming. Back to safety, back home, where fragile things are wrapped up in soft moss and dens of reed—

But stars, Gillpaw wouldn't stand for that. He's so excited. He's going to grow up into a warrior, and, well—growing up means growing up, doesn't it?

Clearsight takes a deep breath. He'd rehearsed this.

"The first thing I want you to learn is that there are safe places, and there are dangerous places. The whole territory can be dangerous if you're out alone, and ideally you'll ask me or another warrior to supervise you if you want to go out."

As though to emphasize his point, a crack of thunder rings through the air, just as it had at last night's ceremonies—Clearsight freezes, tail snapping to curl around his charge—but nothing happens, and he tentatively relaxes.

"But," he finishes with a shaky breath, "if you ever find yourself out alone, some places are much safer than others."

"Let's start out with the river."
Flicking his tail to indicate follow me, and pausing to ensure Gillpaw does, Clearsight will set off for a spot of the river he knows is calm—the place where Gill will first learn to swim.

They'll arrive at the shore, and the water is, as always, glassy-still. Clearsight gives Gillpaw a moment to look or maybe explore—watching with proud eyes and a fond purr.

"This spot may look calm and safe, and even inviting—especially on a hot day. But the river is always dangerous."

"Our clan thrives in the river because we respect it. Even calm waters can turn deadly in moments, and a good warrior is just as careful as he is strong. I'll teach you all kinds of ways to get out of trouble, but the best way is simple and always holds true—never swim alone."

Gill will have plenty of fun in the river, too—Clear's already been asking around about joint training with the other mentors. He knows he can be a bit of a stickler, and he wants the kid to enjoy his apprenticeship, so giving him the chance to play train with one of his friends sounds like a great idea.


Gillpaw listens to Clearsight's every word, but listening doesn't stop him from making comments in response.

Clearsight says that some parts of the territory are dangerous, that all of it can be, and perhaps that's something that Gillpaw already knew, but, he finds himself confused at the suggestion that he needs to be with a warrior, if he wants to leave camp.

"M-My m-mother left me on my o-own all the time, and.... and I didn't get h-hurt," he tells his mentor, though doesn't see the glaring problem in his words - that a kit as small as he was shouldn't have been left on his own as often as he was. But, a crack of thunder breaks through the sky, and as Gillpaw jumps at the noise and presses closer to his mentor, he realizes how important it is to follow Clearsight's orders.

He follows close as the warrior leads him to a river, and the black and white tom settles beside it as his mentor continues to speak, golden eyes locked on the rushing water. All the rocks that the river must hold - one day he'll be able to swim and get them himself! He doesn't get too far in his daydreaming of all the rocks he'll one day be able to collect before Clearsight's words reach his ears.

"Never swim alone."

All this alone stuff - all this speak of having to stick with someone - frustrates him a little. Why is it so important now, but it wasn't when it was just him and his mother? When she'd leave him alone all day, only to come back when he was already asleep? Gillpaw doesn't get it.

But still, he nods his head, eyes still locked on the river. "N-Never swim alone," he repeats, only the slightest hint of that frustration reaching his voice.

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