camp i will rearrange the stars | kit intro

”Careful now, watch your step,” Robinheart coos as she slowly backs out of the nursery, guiding wobbly kittens into the bright openness of camp. She will not allow them to wander more than a couple tail lengths from the nursery entrance however this much freedom should be enough to satiate curious minds. There was only so much the new mother could do to keep tumbling kittens within their nest and as their legs strengthened she found they wanted to explore more.

“Stay close little ones.” The mottled queen seats herself once fully exited from the woven walls that had housed her children since birth. The only home they’ve known; newly developed sight and hearing taking in all that there is to see within the nursery. Citrine eyes glisten with sadness and adoration at the sight of her kits - tiny mirrors of the love she shared with her starbound mate. Can you see them, Brookstorm? Look at how strong and curious they are.

I wish you were here with us.

The kittens stop right at the mouth of the den and Robinheart eases herself down to her belly to be at their level. Who would take that first brave step out into camp? Would it be large and in charge Redkit? Or perhaps the ever vocal Rivuletkit? Algaekit has proven to be a studious child - the thrill of the unknown may draw her out before her siblings. “Come on, I’ll keep you safe. Come meet the members of your home,” she adds quietly, soothing potential trepidation at taking such a big developmental step.

// @rivuletkit @Redkit @ALGAEKIT this is open to all no need to wait <3
[ penned by kerms ]
Big stomps come from the kitten as wide blue eyes observe the bright light they often saw outside of the nursery. He was once something small with eyes that couldn't comprehend anything, and legs that couldn't support him. Now? He was the king of the world. His steps were mostly firm and steady despite an occasional wobble here and there, but with his sweet mother's guidance- he finally finds himself finally outside the nursery. Curled ears flick at the bustling noise which is louder than he expected, an frown furrowing on his face before he gives a defiant snort.

So what if they were loud? It didn't scare him and he would protect his mom and sibling from it. His large paws touch the ground as he paws at it with curiosity at the strange texture on his pawpads before turning to face Robinheart, “Maawma.” Redkit would meow loudly as ears flick and he stumbles back over to his mother, not interested much more in the outside of nursery besides being close to his mother and sibling. It takes a minute but he soon finds himself to the red chest of his mother, giving it a headbutt as he rubs his crown on his mom's chest with content purrs.

The loss of Brookstorm was still a raw, stinging lump in Ferngill's throat- he couldn't imagine how difficult it was for Robinheart. He hoped the same sentiment that Iciclefang had held onto extended too to Robinheart- that these kittens, precious gifts of life, would help mend the hole that Brookstorm had left. And Ferngill was sure that Robinheart's mate was watching down on her eternally- the silver threads of their souls tied together, embracing their kits.

Brightness glowed idyllic green in Ferngill's eye as Robinheart emerged from the nursery, her brood in tow- Redkit strode forward bravely particularly, and Ferngill's face brightened with a smile, joy flickering fondly on fire-light features. Hoping to make a good first impression, Ferngill dressed himself with a grin. "Oh, they're wonderful, Robinheart..." Ferngill cooed quietly to his friend, flicking her shoulder with a comforting brush of his tail. Even in Brookstorm wasn't here... all of RiverClan was behind Robinheart. Ferngill vowed in that moment, an easy vow to make, that he would help his friend the best he possibly could.

"Oh, let me guess- you're Redkit, you're Algaekit, and you're Rivuletkit! You all suit your names so well," Ferngill purred, pointing to each of them in turn. Of course, he knew... it wasn't a guessing game, but the kits wouldn't know that, would they? "I've been very excited to properly meet you guys."
penned by pin
Iciclefang isn't far from the mouth of the nursery as Robinheart guides her little ones into the heart of camp. The older queen's lip twitches into a smile as the ruddy-pelted kit moves his lips into a drawled-out, Mawwmaa. "I remember when I brought mine out to meet the Clan for the first time," she murmurs; motherly pride, a warmth she rarely allows herself to luxuriate in, floods through her limbs like new sunlight. Ferngill pads over, introducing himself to Robinheart's brood and remarking over their beauty.

The tortoiseshell queen lifts her chin, blinking serenely at Robinheart and trying to catch her gleaming amber gaze. "You must be so proud. They're strong little warriors already." She tucks her white-tipped tail closer to her body, watching the Clans' newest lives toddle about on sturdy limbs, staring with blue-tinted baby eyes at the home they will someday grow to protect and defend.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Wavering steps, though more akin to an imitation of the confident strides of a beast who had already traversed the world before, followed in suit behind her siblings and her mother. The ground beyond the tendrils and yarns of moss was unfeeling, though not cold. The earth below comforted Algaekit more than anything, for it cushioned his path and never quavered in its splayed position. "Ma... Mam..." Still-juvenile voice lilted from satin throat of whites, as though the words had been minced by tongue still learning to lash and teeth still learning to bite. Feathery tail whipped behind him, stopping just at where Robinheart's front paws lie, almost like a protector of that which had sustained him for so long. Besides, she was the only constant in the ever-changing world that exposed itself to the kitten, little by little as it peeled itself away. Brilliant eyes traveled upwards to the impossibly tall Iciclefang and Ferngill, limbs like towers without any rungs and bodies like clouds without any reprieve, impossible titans that lie just outside her nest. Would he grow up to be just as tall? No, it seemed like a distant dream from one so small...

Under normal circumstances the kittens that were now fresh out of the nursery would be familiar with the sight of the moon-capped medicine cat, a friendly face that would try to visit the nursery as often as she could to avoid illnesses from both the kits and the queens taking care of them. This time was different though for though the feline picked up these visits once no longer trapped in the twoleg monster she had still been trapped and time had quickly caught up to her. It felt wrong to see the kits out in the camp exploring for the first time as it seemed like only yesterday they had been born, small little things with eyes and ears closed, though she couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up at the sight.

Quietly Moonbeam moved towards the small gathering group, usual soft smile present on her maw as she looked over the trio for a moment before looking towards her friend. "They're so strong." She'd muse to Robinheart, eyes lighting up as she looked back towards the trio of kittens as they shakily moved about. "Here pretty soon they'll be begging to get into the water too I bet, time flies too fast." She'd let others introduce themselves to the kittens and sit by the two queens for the moment - they'd get to know her well enough after all.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Rivuletkit is last to follow her siblings, last of the trio to tottle bravely into the brightly lit unknown. She's held back briefly by the swaying reeds that enclose the nursery, biting kitten-sharp teeth into the base of one and snapping it short. It had been particularly weak with the comings and goings of many queens and kits throughout the day, however the feat is one that Rivuletkit boasts about almost immediately. Whilst cats primp and ogle at how strong and small her siblings are, the eldest appears with a triumphant - "AAAAAAHHHH!"

The thin stemmed plant trails behind her as she stumbles forward, her war cry now followed by endless babbling. "Ah buh-bah bah -buhhhh bahb," she says. "Buh-buh- augh!!" She rumbles, and then yelps as her uneven movement is tripped up by the very reed she tried bringing forth. Rivuletkit sniffles as she pushes herself back to her paws, now whimpering a somber chorus of, "Maw-mamama-maaaama... Maaamaamaa...." The forboding figures of the Clan are not afforded anything from the firstborn as she moves to collapse, instead, into her mother's tail, completely broken and horribly saddened by the trickster reed.​