private I will revive as many times as it takes ♡ Bayingkit

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Bayingkit was adorable, in Wrathpaw's opinion. All spiky fur and snarling teeth, a face so hostile on a bed of kitten down cheek fluff, it was hard not to mumble "awww" under your breath when you saw her. It was strange how a kitten so inarguably feral could've come from two of Thunderclan's most dignified warriors. He didn't doubt Nightbird would've tried to teach Bayingkit how to socialize properly...or perhaps, like Wrathpaw, Nightbird just loved seeing the unique kit explore the world too much to correct her. After all, in the grand scheme of things, was there really anything wrong with how Bayingkit "spoke"?
Either way, Wrathpaw loved being assigned to the nursery now! Any chance he got to visit Bayingkit and Twilightkit was always a treasure!

"Hiyah Bayingkit! I brought you something!" he purrs, dropping his ball of clean moss on the ground. He'll sort it into a new nest later, first, he pawed through it to pull out a special trinket he thought Bayingkit might like. "It's a bird skull" he purrs, excited to see Bayingkit's reaction as he pushes the little cranium towards Bayingkit. He'd found it while on patrol. He couldn't tell what sort of bird it had come from, seeing as all the flesh and feathers had long since withered away. But the beak remained sharp, and the skull was lined with interesting textures of post-mortem least, he hoped it was after the creature had died.

"It's sharp, so be careful, but this part is the beak" he meows, pointing to the deceased's nose. 'Beak' was a pretty easy vocabulary word, right? Maybe, bit by bit, he could help Bayingkit find more of her words! The idea left him beaming, imagining Raccoonstripe praising him or Nightbird rescinding her disappointed stares.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

bayingkit is playing with a worm when wrathpaw parts the nursery sedge, paw semi - damp with clear slime and a poor pink body long since grown still with death, fleshy skin caked with dirt. an unfortunate wandering on rain flooded grounds, weaseled into thickets of nursery moss for safety it did not find. wrathpaw enters with a bright greeting and bayingkit likes it — evident in the way fur thistles and flattens in only momentary alarm, large paws pulling to lope away from her half squished victim to close the short space between them with a heavy bonk of her head at his shoulder. he addresses her as she slumps to a clumsy collision - sit, sniffing instantly and curiously at the wonkily - shaped bundle of greenery between pearly teeth that he drops gently before her. her ears swivel, tail lifting, eating up the attention the apprentice bestows upon her with short, rusty heaves of puffing purrs.

he pries soft moss apart for her to reveal.. something. something sleek and clean and eggshell white, trimmed at the edges with old soil.

” “ her face twists, shoving her muzzle closer to the bony skull to sniff at its empty nose holes. her maw writhes across dark - striped features, lips curling and nose wrinkling before letting out a heavy huff, wretching her head back and clicking her muzzle with a short, quick stomp of front paws. she opens her mouth, closes it, opens it again with an audible clamp — tries another time, voice ever low and gritted through clenching teeth, ” it’s bbeak. it’s beak. bbbeak, beak, beak. “ she tries, tries, lashes her tail and mouths it over, again and again. she commits it to memory, leans back and tucks her chin, whipping a white - capped paw out to bap at the back of the trinket’s cracked skull, watching it spin with pupils blowing wide with wonder. it’s beak is the part ma told her to avoid, back when her milkteeth started sprouting.. her tail puffs, excitedly, ” why does i — it have that on it? “ it was sharp, like a claw.. wouldn’t that make it hard for birds to eat?

  • i.

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  • ” speech “
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

*+:。.。 Bayingkit, as adorable as she is, remains a puzzle to the boy.

With a tight, confused smile, he watched as she bristled at his arrival, wild fur as untamed as her fiercely glowing eyes, shining eerily in the gloom like unnaturally colored moons. Did he frighten her, or piss her off? Luckily, the answer comes to him quickly when, with all the force found in cloudless thunder, she storms right up to him, greeting him with a rush of cranium against the humerus. He gasps at the sudden attack, though it isn't enough to knock him over, he does find that he's left suddenly only enough strength to let out a resounding purr.

Dear Starclan she's so CUTE! A burst of butterflies takes flight in his thoughts, large ears flopping at the sides of his head as he looks endearingly down at the toothy gremlin. He wonders if Bayingkit greets all her visitors like this! Wrathpaw can't help but puff his chest out with pride as he allows himself the temporary privilege of pretending he's the only cat the little one likes enough to crash so heartily into. It's not every day a little kit seems so happy to see him, especially when they're not tied by blood. Is this what it feels like to be a big brother? So cool... he hopes his parents have another litter sometime soon!

Snapping out of his wistful thinking at the sound of snuffling, Wrathpaw refocuses in time to hear Bayingkit attempt to parrot him. Lowering himself into a semi-crouch, he nods encouragingly, "You got it, Bayingkit! Buh-EEK! " Oddly enough, it's almost painful to watch the girl struggle so much with pronunciation. A lump forms in his own throat, sympathy and confusion intermingling as he watches with concern as the girl expresses her frustration over a seemingly basic task by stomping her foot and gurgling little growls at the sky, as if challenging the ancients inhibiting her ability to move her maw in the right formation.
Although, to think of Bayingkit as less powerful doesn't quite sit right with him. He grows quiet, ceasing his attempts to sound each letter out for her and choosing instead to simply observe. Despite her struggles, Bayingkit still forms the words, practicing without sound before shoving each syllable from between her teeth like a serpent practicing a venomous strike. Although he still can't help but wonder if he made a mistake challenging her the way he did, he also can't help but sit back and admire the girl for not giving up. It's only then that Wrathpaw considers what it means to consider a task "basic". After all, once upon a time it had been a "basic task" to run around and play, and it had been Wrathpaw who couldn't keep up with expectations.

"Thats a good question!" he mews, oddly a bit more aware of each word as it leaves his tongue, the ease with which it does, and the way his mouth moves to compensate for every new meaning his tongue produces. He watches the skull spin before halting its rotation with a well-timed paw on its cranium, its beak facing Wrathpaw this time. "Honestly, I have no idea" he laments, cheeks turning a shade pinker at his inability to maintain a "wise older figure" image. He baps at the skull himself, managing to get the bottom jaw to snap against the upper beak. Wrathpaw can't help but smile as the sound is similar to Bayingkit's teeth chirp. " Maybe since they don't have paws, Starclan put their claws where their mouth should be?" although where, then, that put their teeth was beyond Wrathpaw. On that note, did starclan breathe life into these animals? Did they have that power? Could they, I dunno, change a cat's form, too, if they wanted?
Shaking his head at the dizzying questions fit only for Gentlestorm, Wrathpaw would bat at the skull with his paw, sending it spinning until its beak resumed pointing at Bayingkit.

"Isn't it cool how, even though their mouths are different, they can still talk to each other just fine? And sing beautiful songs, too..." he lifts his gaze from the beak to Bayingkit, deep blue eyes soft. After a moment of deliberation, he asks, "Hey Bayingkit, what's uh...what sounds do you like to make? " an odd question for most, he imagines, but he wonders how Bayingkit would respond to it. To the girl who speaks in snaps and hisses, did she have an entire vocabulary as foreign to him as the clack and caw a beak produces? A songbird not often allowed to sing?
"You do this sound a lot, do you like this one?" he asks, opening his mouth and snapping his teeth shut until they clack! emphatically. He blinks open his eyes to immediately study her reaction. Is the noise he replicates a happy one, or is it, to Bayingkit, an insult? Though it does make him smile to imagine she's been insulting everyone this whole time, he hopes she sees him as wanting to learn rather than throwing, say, a curse word suddenly at her.
More than that, he hopes she doesn't take him for a fool trying to talk to her like this.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
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