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    ORANGESTAR; formerly orangeblossom / orange blossom ———
    meaning: orange for her ginger pelt, paired with her littermates' ooc fruit theme. / star denoting the rank of clan leader.
    opinion on name: generally neutral on her name, orangestar sometimes quietly laments the fact that she was never orangekit, or orangepaw.
    nickname: ora
    gender: cisgender female ; she/her ; most comfortable with feminine pronouns and terms, indifferent to others
    orientation: bisexual demiromantic
    rank: leader of skyclan / formerly warrior, deputy of skyclan
    affiliation: skyclan (born prior to the clans) ; wholly loyal to her clan and to the pine colony who came before it, orangestar has not known a life outside of the forest. she has little interest in expanding that worldview.
    age: 42 moons ; created on 30/11/2022 at 24 moons / ages realistically every 24th

    last updated june 18, 2024 | penned by mercibun​
  • lBZHY0X.png
    orangestar is a perfectly average sized cat, but seems shorter due to the many large cats of skyclan. she carries a strong, muscular physique, especially around her shoulders from a lifetime of climbing. however, her moons of motherhood have shaped her into something a little softer around the edges. orangestar has long, thick fur inherited from both parents. her pelt is mostly white, with patches of ginger visible on her tail, rump, shoulders, ears and back of head. despite the neutral expression of displeasure often on her scarred muzzle, orangestar's eyes are a gentle brown.

    smells like the pines, of moss, faintly of prey-blood. sometimes smells of herbs, on bad weeks for her leg.
    sounds: gravelly, as if with a permanently irritated throat || voice claim here
    toyhouse // a scarred ginger-and-white she-cat with brown eyes.
    — lh red 'tabby' w/ high white (masking chocolate solid; carrying cinnamon, dilute, point)

    demeanour: neutral expression of displeasure. rigid posture always, holds herself up. always seems faintly tired, even when offering a rare smile.

    — ears and whiskers are very expressive. doesn't emote with her tail as much.
    — walks with a limp that favours her right hindleg, severity depending on my roll for that week.
    — eyes flick towards the sky in informal prayer. may be misinterpreted as rolling eyes.
    — will not compliment someone she's irritated at, or give empty compliments.

    torn ear, left side. received at 18 moons from mint during the great battle. impacts her hearing ever so slightly on that side, however orangestar has genuinely never realised this.
    clawmarks, right foreleg. received at 18 moons from mint during the great battle. no mechanical impact, though the exposed skin gets dry sometimes.
    clawmarks, right side muzzle. received at 25 moons from badgermoon during the skywind skirmish; often irritated, but only to a minor degree.
    clawmarks, right hindleg. received at 25 moons from badgermoon during the skywind skirmish; deep scarring, snapped the tendon at the back of her knee. the source of orangeblossom's limp, she has permanent weakness in this limb; and hind leg attacks will be less effective because of this.
    puncture marks, throat. received at 41 moons from a fox. this injury cost her first life.
  • ydUwnoJ.png
    ( + ) reliable, humble, practical
    ( / ) logical, just, loyal
    ( - ) stubborn, judgemental, rigid

    deep dive: extremely logical, to the point of emotional detriment. practical. starting to get used to holding her tongue. prone to exasperation. easily irritated, but not easily angered. fully capable of pettiness, tries not to give into that. slow to notice romantic intent. takes duty and debts extremely seriously, almost as sacred. finds it difficult to be vulnerable, but is capable of warmth; this is often shown to cats younger than her. struggles with things that she can't control. is becoming displeased with some members of her council because of this. believes in a meritocracy. hypocritical, to a degree: prone to nepotism. believer in starclan, but not zealously so; confused by the choice not to believe as she has seen proof for so long, but won't force it. kind of scared of death, actually. claustrophobic.

    morals: order of priority is clan > kin = starclan > herself. sees no value in killing unless her opponent is an immediate threat. her decisions aim to keep the most amount of skyclanners safe. does not tolerate discrimination based on circumstance: if a cat is a skyclanner, then they deserve to be treated as such.

    on the warrior code: so far, orangestar agrees with all six instalments of the warrior code. however, the need to dispense prey to the vulnerable is difficult to reconcile with keeping her hunters strong in leafbare.
  • ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — strength (+2)
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — dexterity (+1)
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — endurance (+3)
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — hunting (+0)
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ — fighting (+2)
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ — climbing (+0)———
    + tree hunting
    + logic / notable topics
    - sprints
    - land hunting

    won’t start fights / will end fights
    won’t flee / will show mercy
    will defend an ally / will forge ahead

    — attacks are underlined and relevant posts will tag the characters being fought.
    — peaceful powerplay (nudges, background cameos, etc) and healing powerplay are allowed unless otherwise noted. if you aren't sure, feel free to ask!
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    ALICE xx HEAVY STONE ; gen 2 | family tree

    — raised by both parents, with heavy stone a permanent member of skyclan and with alice visiting regularly.
    — littermate to apricotflower, applefrost
    — older sister to honeysplash, cloudberrythorn, blueberrybounce


    SINGLE; currently padding after slate. former mate to ashenclaw
    ─ always open to platonic relationships.

    children: cherryblossom, glimmersun, eggbounce, tawnyclaw, owlheart

    — mentoring springpaw, ashpaw / mentored eveningsun
    — mentored by blazing dawn


    close friends with: fireflyglow, slate, sheepcurl†, ashenclaw†
    notable friends: bobbie, dogbite, johnnyflame, little wolf†, blazestar†
    likes: figfeather, howlfire, howlingstar, lichenstar, smogmaw, batwing†
    ambivalent: dawnglare, sunstar, silversmoke, chrysaliswing
    dislikes: chilledstar, raccoonstripe
    notable enemies: sootstar†
    despises: badgermoon
  • EIGHT LIVES REMAINING ; ascension thread
    “I hail you by your new name, Orangestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of SkyClan.” The wind whispers through the trees, combs through Blazestar’s starry pelt. “Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity.”

    ———1. MORNINGPAW, THE LIFE OF HOPE — currently held
    ———2. HAKU, THE LIFE OF PERSEVERANCE — currently held
    ———3. BRIGHTFLAME, THE LIFE OF LOYALTY — currently held
    ———4. SPIDERPAW, THE LIFE OF TEMPERANCE — lost to a fox on april 26, 2024.
    ———5. SNOWPATH, THE LIFE OF FORGIVENESS — currently held
    ———6. DAISYFLIGHT, THE LIFE OF A MOTHER'S LOVE — currently held
    ———7. LITTLE WOLF, THE LIFE OF SELFLESSNESS — currently held
    ———8. SHEEPCURL, THE LIFE OF BRAVERY — currently held
    ———9. BLAZESTAR, THE LIFE OF COMPASSION — currently held

  • ▶ LA FINE, maneskin
    ▶ CAESAR, the oh hellos
    ▶ FLAWS, bastille
    ▶ NEVER LOVE AN ANCHOR, the crane wives
    ▶ INKPOT GODS, the amazing devil
    ▶ BATTLE CRY, the family crest
    ▶ MAN! I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN!, shania twain
    ▶ STRAY ITALIAN GREYHOUND, vienna teng
  • old bios: december 2022, august 2023

    pinboard: link
    motifs include battle, blue-orange sunrises, fire, white flowers, stone (specifically sandstone and marble).

    faceclaims / theme weeks:
    — riza hawkeye (fma/b), anime
    — arcanine (pokemon), pokemon
    — tigress (kfp), movie / animation
    — robin (sdv), video game

    naming list: (dependant on active / census'd characters)
    — reminds her of skyclan: peonykit, fernkit, hazelkit, bramblekit, treekit, pinekit, hollykit
    — animals: raccoonkit, squirrelkit, birdkit
    — after others: firekit, flintkit, leafkit, featherkit, frostkit, flowerkit, lambkit, softkit, smallkit
    likely to name after appearance traits and fur colours. unlikely to give fruit names. will not name directly after another notable cat or clanmate, living or dead.
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