private I WISH I WAS A TOY &. rogue attack ft houndheart


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

tired. but when is he not? he's been a sleepy fella, since he was a kit. it just seemed worse now. so much stress and all he wanted to do was escape to his dreamless landscape. at least there, he couldn't get hurt. his family couldn't get hurt. he winced as he was told to go on a hunting patrol with his npc mentor, amongst others, and he felt his stomach twist. they were starving. they needed this. they needed the food. and yet, drowsypaw has no real confidence that he will catch anything. he's not very skilled in hunting, even after nearly two moons of practice. he's a lot better in fighting and even then, he's not that great. who are you kidding, drowsypaw? the only thing you're good at is sleeping.

he shakes the thought away and quickly follows after the patrol. they eventually all split off into their own mini hunts. there is a threat of rogues and he's been warned to make sure to tell a warrior if he sees one. they haven't been murdering them, no, but they've certainly caused problems. he hopes that maybe today luck will be on his side. as he crouches and stalks a squirrel, he is quick to catch the thing, killing it swiftly and thanking the stars for it. luck. pure luck. his mind echos and he knows. he winces, however, at the sour scent of something else. what was that? the crunch of leaves and snap of a branch and he finds himself face to face with a shady figure. a rogue.

"might nice squirrel you have there, kit."

the apprentice flinches as he stumbles back, keeping the squirrel with him.

"it's... for my brother and my sister."

"sharing is caring... only problem is... you're gonna have to find something else to share. give the squirrel, kit."

he swallowed back thickly, shaking his head. no. no! he can't! his clan needs this! he won't give it up!

"I was trying to do this the easy way but I guess I just have to... take it."

the rogue bunched their muscles before leapint forward and attacking drowsypaw. if he wouldn't give up the piece of prey, they would take it, and teach him a lesson about sharing in the process.

"g-get off! help! help! mama! cr-crowy! lulu! g-get off me!"

he tried to fight back, claws flailing as another set of sharper claws came in contact with his muzzle.

"quiet! this is your fault! you should learn to give when grown ups ask!"


( ) Houndheart let out a huff of frustration. She was on a patrol with Drowsypaw and a few others, and she had yet to catch anything at all. At the best of times, she was a bit underwhelming as a hunter, as her skills had always lain elsewhere. Recently though, prey had seemed harder than ever to find. She couldn't help but think it must have something to do with the stolen prey that Doompaw had found.

After a few more moments of searching desperately for a scent trail, she decided to reuintite with the other members of the patrol.She heard the kid through the trees and she followed it. For a moment, when she heard the other voice, she thought it was his mentor. She didn't know them very well after all, and the voice did not sound all that familiar to her ear. Her expression dropped. Picking up the pace, she raced through the wood toward the voices, which became clearer with each step. As she listened, the situation became apparent.

Some rogue was shaking down the young and vulnerable apprentice for prey. She wished she could say she had never stooped so low, but she was trying to be honest.

The rogue barely had a moment to react before she had launched out of the bushes and slammed into them, and the two went tumbling. From how they aimed their swipes remarkably close to her one good eye and her throat despite the chaos of the fight, she knew her opponent was an experienced fighter. In other circumstances, perhaps they would have stood a chance. In such close quarters, however, the rogue had no escape from her superior strength and size. She quickly pinned them under her weight.

Without hesitation, she went for the throat. The rogue writhed out of the way, causing her to sink her teeth into their shoulder instead, and she bit into them hungrily. The rogue screamed and thrashed, trying to get out of her grip, but she held firm. Like a dog, she shook the rogue until she came away with a mouthful of blood and fur, which she spat directly in their face. "Mousefodder." Houndheart snarled down at them in disdain. Then she hooked her claws into the rogue and lifted them up to slam them into the ground, once, twice, and a third time until she finally felt their struggling weaken. The rogue was not yet dead, but certainly dazed.

Both fighters stilled. The rogue still fought feebly to escape, but she held them easily now. Each of her breaths came slow and heavy as adrenaline still pumped through her veins. Drops from her bloodstained maw dripped down into the rogue's fur.

The fight was over, anyone could see that. Her foe was beaten and bloodied and too weak to fight back.

But Houndheart was not a woman of half-measures.

Her grip abruptly tightened on the cat beneath her. Realizing her intention, the rogue redoubled their struggles, putting what little remained of their energy into one last escape attempt. It was no use. She leaned toward the rogue's throat, opening her jaws to put an end to this foxheart.

the weight is off him faster than he can register. blood drips into his mouth but he can't even fully focus on that, eyes settled on the nearly deadly scene in front of him. houndheart... his breath catches in his throat as his paws begin to tremble, watching every single move, even in the flashes of fur that are hard to follow. the hyperfocus only comes from a place of fear. he's scared right now, and he isn't sure who he's more scared of. the rogue that only wanted to beat him up and steal his prey, or the warrior who so easily wished to kill the rogue for doing so. it's pretty equal right now.

"h-h...houndheart, w-wait– d-don't-!"

he stutters out, flinching in case her gaze is casted to him. he doesn't know. he doesn't want to look anymore. he's scared. he's scared. where was crowy? or lulu? or his mama?

( ) "h-h...houndheart, w-wait– d-don't-!"

Her head snapped up, her fangs pulling away from the rogue's throat, and whipped around so she could fix her one good eye one Drowsypaw. It's gaze was unsteady and unfocused. Seeing him flinch back, she scanned the area to find the danger he was trying to warn her of. The sound of her heavy breathing hung in the air as she searched. What had scared him, she wondered. There was nothing left to be afraid of. The only ones around were the apprentice, the rogue, and her.


Her eye fell to the blood coating her paws, and the dazed and beaten rogue underneath her. Drowsypaw would not have seen anything like this, would he? Of course not, he grow up sheltered and safe in Skyclan. It seemed so obvious now, but for some reason that had never occurred to her. The meaning of his words finally clicked in her mind. He just did not want to watch another cat die.

For a moment, she considered simply asking him to look away if he could not bear to look. With another glance at Drowsypaw, she found that she didn't have the heart for the words. A low huff left her. Then she slowly pulled herself off of the rogue, though she could not resist the temptation to rip each of her claws out of them roughly as she detangled herself.

Warily, she watched the rogue get unsteadily to their paws. They looked at her with fear and uncertainty. "Go!" Houndheart barked, baring her teeth. The rogue didn't hesitate, turning and hobbling away as fast as they could manage. As the rogue vanished into the trees, she felt a twinge of regret. With them alive, the clan she had sworn to protect would be less safe.

Then she turned to face Drowsypaw.

Houndheart took an unsteady breath, trying to calm herself despite the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Her heart pounded in her chest from the trill of the fight. "Hey, kid." The gentleness of her tone contrasted sharply against her massive, bloodied frame. She took a step toward him. "Let's just-" She hesitated, uncertain. "Let's just get you back to camp, huh? I think that's enough hunting for one day. What do you say?"