i wonder where // granite

siltpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Siltpaw has seen the looks flickerfire has been giving her - the looks they've all been giving her. It had started out as pity - for the death of a child, of a sibling. Then it had grown into something more when they were left alone, with no-one but eachother, for very different reasons this time. And she hates it, as much as she can hate something in her dull heart. A quiet sigh is pulled from her chest as she stares out of the apprentices den - her nest still doesn't feel like hers, she misses her siblings comfort dearly. Hesitantly, she plods over in the silence of the den, gaze seeking out the tom she knows nearly as well as herself. ".... can't sleep," she admits softly, gaze averted. "... can i join you?" she doesn't want to be alone. it's the thing she fears most - more than being insignificant, or a failure, or small spaces; she's utterly terrified of being all alone.

// @GRANITEPAW i have no idea what i just wrote but i figure they could talk about feelings together lmao