camp I won't give up on us [ birthing ] even if the skies get rough

Pacing paws padded back and forth inside the nursery. She hadn't felt right for most of the morning…the kits were coming sometime today, hopefully they would wait until their father returned from his patrol. Flycatcher had left for the dawn patrol, and shortly after he left, she began feeling off. It was nearly sunhigh by now, so surely he would be back soon. Roeflame and Moonwhisper were keeping the kits entertained, so she mostly had the den to herself. She had asked them to make sure Sparrowkit was with them. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her in pain once the kits began to come. None of the kits needed to see that, and besides, it was a beautiful day outside. They would have more fun chasing butterflies than being cooped up in here with her. If she felt normal, she would be outside sunning herself too.

One more trip in a circle, and pain finally struck. "Ow, ow…oh Starclan." Her voice was strained, and she hunched her back as the pain shot through her like lightning. Claws dug into the moss beneath her paws, and she finally settled down into her nest. Gentlestorm was already beside her, her friend had been with her the entire time. There was no denying it now, the kits were coming…and they were definitely not going to wait for Flycatcher. After a few moments, the pain subsided and she could breathe again. "Somebody needs to get Flycatcher…I need him, please." Gentlestorm padded to the dens entrance, where she could see figures of her clanmates waiting outside. She watched as someone left, presumably to go fetch her mate.

Her body trembled, a mixture of both fear and pain. She had lost track of how long it had been since someone had left to fetch her mate. He had been here during their last kitting, as had Little Wolf and Sunfreckle. She could hear voices outside in the camp, but she couldn't make out their words. Her mind was too fuzzy, too weak to think about anything other than what was going on inside her. Another flash of pain roared through her, and she clamped down on the stick. The first kit had come. A small bundle of blues and reds, a perfect mixture of both of her parents. Her tail was solid red, and her legs as white as snow. The more she was cleaned, the fluffier she became.

Another round of pain, and soon there was another kitten. A slightly larger tom-kit came into the world next. His fur was red, and marked much like her own. He had white dipped paws, and a white tail tip. They're perfect. She thought, as she gazed at the two newborns lovingly. "Is he back…yet?" she asked out loud, looking up at the Medicine Cat with pain filled eyes. Everything was going fine so far, but what if the last one was stillborn, like Lilykit and Butterflykit? Her heart wouldn't be able to handle another loss. She needed her mate here, to help her be strong. He had been with her through everything, since she had first joined the clan.

The Medicine Cat barely had enough time to shake his head before another burst of pain rushed through her, and she clamped down on the stick. Shards of splinters exploded from the piece of wood, but it held up as another kit was brought into Thunderclan. A she-kit this time. Her fur was a riddled combination of her parents. Clouds of blue, with bursts of fire to part the clouds. One leg was flame, one was rain. Her head was half Flamewhisker, and half Flycatcher, parted by a cloud of white snow. There was no question who their parents were.

There were louder voices out in the clearing now, but she still couldn't make out what they were saying. She leaned down to lick the kits that were suckling at her belly…Gentlestorm had predicted three, so they must all be here now, right? She had thought so, but only for a few moments. Her face wrinkled in pain once more, and she felt as though she were going to pass out. One last push, and the surprise kitten was born. A large figure of black, speckled with embers of red. Her tail was solid black. The only white was splashed on her chest and under her muzzle. Once she was finished being cleaned, Flamewhisker scooted her closer against her belly.

Green eyes looked up to Gentlestorm, meeting his gaze. "They're perfect…" her words were hardly more than a whisper, and she lowered her hues to look down at their tiny bodies once more. "They're so perfect…." They had all made it…there were four, healthy kits at her side. Starclan hadn't claimed any of them like they had before. "Is Flycatcher back yet? We need to name them."

OOC Note:
This thread is now open, but it takes place before the patrol returns to the camp with Flycatcher

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𓍊𓋼 Falconheart does not arrive when his mother first calls for help, and instead takes his place pacing back and forth outside of the nursery until he’s informed that the actual birth part is over. Only then does he duck his way into the den, bicolored eyes settling on the fiery form of his mother. She looks… exhausted. But she calls for Flycatcher, who is out on a patrol. He hasn’t returned yet, which the young warrior thinks is out of the ordinary, since he’s seemed eager to return in time for the birth of his kits. But until his father returns to camp, Falconheart will stand at the side of his mother and his new siblings. They’re all so… so little. Were he and Stormfeather actually ever so small? It’s hard to recall, now, the memories of good kithood. "I’m sure he’ll be back soon. He was just out on a patrol."

His attention is quickly pulled from where his father may be, and instead he glances down to the kits now tucked against his mother’s belly. "They’re adorable," he breathes, his mouth falling open as he smiles warmly down at the bundles of fur. His younger siblings—they’re the most precious things, right now. He’d been uncertain, before, whether he’d be a good older brother, whether he’d be able to watch over them. But now… there’s no question about it, is there? They don’t even have names yet, and already he knows that he would do anything for them.
This kitten comes in to the world as the second-born son. This kitten comes in to the world quiet at first, content to just sit there against his mothers belly when it was just him and his minutes-older sister. A paw reaches out and rests on her shoulder as he begins to squirm for no reason at all, little nose wrinkling as his jaws part in a shrill mew!

It wasn't just him and his sister for long, because soon enough, two other little bodies join them in the land of the living. A paw mushes against his face, something is pressed against his side, and the kitten seemingly decides he's had enough.

With a mewl of protest, he inches up and kneads his mothers side with tiny paws as if to say: Mama, Mama, make them stop! It seems this little one doesn't like sharing for the time being... But eventually does the little tom-kit quiet, settling once more in to his mothers side against his siblings. Life is good, and any grievances the world shared were lost on deaf ears as he settles in to being a brother, a new being.

  • 79762332_waKUGwrTYPLtfQm.png
    ❝ i count on love cause love is unconditional within reason! ❞
    sunkit, named after sunfreckle
    amab ,, he/him ,, newborn
    kitten of thunderclan ,, flamewhisker xx flycatcher ,, siblings
    fluffy red tabby with heterochromia & low white
    "speech, ee5d6c" ,, thoughts
    smells like oak & the faint scent of the nursery, floral & loving
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

She was previously surrounded by a womb swaddled in familiar darkness, a world void of the countless experiences she was suddenly thrust into. Rather abruptly the girl was nudged and licked, her mother creating dark wispy curls with every rasp of her tongue. Wobbling to and fro on unsteady limbs a gentle mew escapes her maw as if searching for answers to questions she could not fathom. Without haste the last born is placed ever so carefully amongst her older siblings, where she wiggles and writhes until she settles into a comfortable position. Blissfully unaware of the much larger world spanning far beyond the queen's nest of safety she bobs her head up and around before laying it upon her brother's cream colored back. Feeling the beginnings of sleep beckoning her to rest her jaws part in a wide toothless display as Falconheart's coos fall upon deaf ears.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / newborn / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

It wasn't any of Softpaw's business to stay longer than necessary in the nursery since Flamewhisker's kits were born, but she had wanted to duck inside and congratulate the queen on her new litter. After all, Flamewhisker was ThunderClan's deputy, and Softpaw had no doubt in her mind that her and Flycatcher's kits would grow up to emulate their parents' dedication to the Clan.

It was odd that Flycatcher wasn't back from his patrol yet since he'd been sent for, but things happened - perhaps another Clan's patrol was holding them up at the border.

"Congratulations, Flamewhisker." Softpaw murmured, quiet so as not to rile the newborns up.


⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Just like all the kittings before, Sparrowkit had been taken outside of the nursery as soon as the signs showed. Despite all his complaints, he followed Roeflame and Moonwhisper around, and soon his mind was distracted by the little games they played.

The kitten is aware of Falconheart's pacing around the nursery, and feels as if he could pace right alongside him. As distracted as he is by the other two queens, his eyes keep trailing back towards Flamewhisker's son - until finally, he watched the warrior go in. "Wait!" he exclaimed, stopping short of the game they were playing. He turns towards Roeflame, Moonwhisper and the other kits with so much energy that he could've spun himself over. "I have to see them! I gotta!" And with that, the kitten streaks towards the nursery, grinning from ear to ear.

His smile never wanes, even as he steps inside, but he makes sure to calm himself. He knows from previous kittings that he must be quiet; they are fragile and sleepy upon being brought into this world. So, contradicting the bouncing energy he had on the way to the den, Sparrowkit lowers himself to his belly as he nears the nest, creeping up alongside Falconheart. "Hello, little babies," he whispered. They were oh-so little, so cute - and they looked just like their parents. "My name is Sparrowkit. We're gonna share a nest! And we're gonna play every day when you're big, I promise." He looks up to Flamewhisker for approval. They would be like little siblings to him, the siblings he never had - and he couldn't be more excited for that fact.

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, thunderclan kitten, 5 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

First born and full of life, the little bundle of blue and red fur lets loose a fierce little mewl as she is welcomed into the cool spring air. Her voice, while brand new and incapable of truly expressing her thoughts, carries an obvious note of disdain as she is brought forth into the real world. Quickly she is nudged into a rounded belly of soft, comforting fur, that smells of love and home. She struggles briefly against the other small bodies that crowd around her, but it doesn’t take long for her to find her place in her mother’s embrace. She quiets against the instant familiarity of a voice she’s heard many times over the past weeks, though it’s closer now, less muffled. A tiny pink nose nuzzles sleepily into the warmth, the strange voices above quickly fade away and within moments her breathing has slowed to the soft rhythm of peaceful sleep.

  • SQUIRRELKIT she / her, kitten of thunderclan, 00 moons
    lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes. round and fluffy. good at climbing.
    single, too young for relationships / / flamewhisker x flycatcher // mentored by no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

oh, i'm sorry

Lynxroar slipped into the nursery rather comfortably. The former queen was used to it, by now, as she had had two litters. ''Congratulations, Flamewhisker!'' The thick-furred she-cat purred, glancing down at Squirrelkit, Sunkit, Scarletkit, (quick a / n: Lynxroar knows they don't have names yet. I just put that in there because I feel better about addressing them by name in my posts! /gen) and the last little kit. She sat back on her hackles, placing her tail tip gently on the ThunderClan Deputy's shoulder. ''They're beautiful. I'm sure that they'll grow to make great ThunderClan warriors. Besides,'' The warrior flashed a warm look at Flamewhisker. ''They have something to look forward to. Their mother is ThunderClan's Deputy, after all.''

Longing flashed in Lynxroar's eyes, and it was clear that she was remembering the days that both of her litters had been kits. ''They grow up too quickly..'' The whisper escaped the warrior's maw, her gaze clouded. Lynxroar glanced at the gap that was signified as the nursery's entrance, a twitch of her ear tip the only sign that she had noticed her younger three kits - Tigerpaw, Lionpaw, and Pumapaw - staring in through green, blue, and amber eyes. The warrior gave a whisk of her tail, and the three apprentices were gone at their mother's command. The thick-furred she-cat turned her attention back to the four kits suckling at Flamewhisker's belly. No, this wasn't Flamewhisker's first litter, but the kits were as beautiful and as handsome as their parents. ''You're lucky to have them, Flamewhisker. I'm sure that Flycatcher will be so proud of you when he returns from patrol.'' Lynxroar gave the Deputy a look from proud, dark blue eyes.

[ ooc note: lynxroar's mate - breezepool - and both litters of kits - leopardroar (daughter), rushstorm (son), cougarprowl (daughter), tigerpaw (son), lionpaw (daughter), and pumapaw (son) - are all up for grabs! just hit me up in a conversation and let me know which one you'd like to claim! :D (you don't have to claim any, of course. just letting you all know! :3) ]

——————————————————————————————————— sorry that you love me
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One of her clanmates had let her know that Flamewhisker had gone into labor, and since that moment the leader couldn't rest. She sits up in her nest, obsessively grooming down her fur as a distraction. Her deputy's kits! Excitement tingles in every hair, and when that moment finally arrives for a warrior to stand in her den's entrance with a smile, she's on her paws in a heartbeat.

She takes it easy, of course. She doesn't want to risk reopening a wound or delaying her recovery (Gentlestorm would have her tail!). So, she walks slowly, and perhaps looks more like an elder than she ever has before. But the glow in her eyes is youthful as ever as she makes her way towards the mursery. She pokes her head in, noticing immediately how many cats are inside. It's growing crowded, but she can't leave before she congratulates her friend. "Oh, Flamewhisker," She mews after Falconheart, Softpaw, and Lynxroar have said their congratulations. She gazes upon the four bundles with her face lit up. "They're amazing! Four strong little kits, they'll make their clan proud someday." The kits of her deputy and lead warrior...well, she'll try not to show favoritism, but it might be hard, the same as it had been for Falconheart and Stormfeather!

Meeting Flamewhisker's gaze again, she beams before whisking her tail. "We shouldn't crowd. Let's leave her to rest, now. Congratulations again," She purrs before ducking out of the den.
The thirdborn kitten is introduced to the world screaming, little lungs gasping at fresh air for the very first time as a warm tongue rubs her fur backwards to liven her. Blind and deaf to her surroundings, the squirming little molly knows not of the warm eyes lingering on the still-wet forms of her and her littermates. But she can feel the rumbles of their voices, can scent them for the first time. She knows, immediately, the smell of her mother and the warmth of her siblings as if such a sense had been something she'd had since her very inception. Ember and ash paws turn her uselessly around as she keeps crying out, orientating herself in a world no longer suspended inside her mother as she seeks out what she knows as comfort. A gentle nose nudges her along, alongside her siblings in a frenzied little line as the newborn girl nestles into her mother's stomach. She fusses and whines, but settles into quiet as Flamewhisker rasps her tongue over her again.

Life is bright and new. One day, the kit will be faced with the hardships of warriorhood and stare down dangers she might never dream of as a milk-dependent kitten. One day, the kit will pad curiously after Flamewhisker with her littermates, asking their mother why they don't have a father like the other kits do. She may not learn how to walk by following Flycatcher's paw steps, but star-guided paws will follow her nonetheless. Life is bright and beautiful, and when the little she-kit has opened her eyes and learned to speak, she will conquer it.
  • ref coming soon </3

  • *

    she / her, 00 moon old kit of thunderclan
    a small, high spirited dilute calico with sunbeam yellow eyes
    flycatcher x flamewhisker, littermate to scorchedkit, sunkit, & squirrelkit; little sister to stormfeather & falconheart
    full length biography
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)
Antlerpaw, between her duties, had been amusingly watching Sparrowkit play with other kits and queens about the nursery. Today only solidified that she wanted kits- but later! Much later, in life. Antlerpaw's ears warmed at the thought of that- love, of her own, like Flamewhisker's and Flycatcher's? That'd be lovely. A soft sigh left her, before she snapped back into the present at Sparrowkit's call. Ears pushed forward as cats suddenly bustled about the den- golden eyes widened gently at the soft cry of kits.

She pushed to her paws, scrambling to think of something- anything! Any reason to be in there! Her scarred visage flicked between cats leaving, before Howlingstar began to enter. Antler moved quickly, her shoulder moving to support Howlingstar on her good side as they entered the very crowded den. Golden, wide-saucer like eyes turned upon fresh pink kits, and she inhaled softly. "They're so cute." Antlerpaw whispered, her ears wiggling.

Just as fast as she arrived, she left with Howlingstar. Antlerpaw only wanted a glimpse, after all- she could see the kits grow up in the coming moons regardless of how many cats wanted to see them.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.
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