pafp I Won't Leave You Alone || Prodding


What can I say? I'm a mischievous scamp :3
Feb 1, 2024
It was very important to know what made another cat tick whilst feigning innocence. Minkpaw's mother had told her that. 'No one likes a nuisance,' her mother would say with an annoyingly targeted look at Minkpaw. 'So if you're going to be one, don't make it so obvious.' The lynx point molly liked to think she was perfectly not obvious, thank you, but honestly it depended on the day. She'd said the wrong thing to the wrong cat in the wrong tone before, and worked tick duty for it. It's not my fault everyone takes things so seriously, she often huffed to herself. Still, it was enough to make the girl think twice before engaging with her fellows. Most times.

Starlightpaw was a cat Minkpaw tended to be cautious around. A child of two RiverClan leaders, she could get far more than tick duty for picking on them. But he was so fascinating, what with the dead parent and the supposedly cursed name and the insecurity over it. They'd changed their name recently, actually, which was what prompted Minkpaw to finally try speaking to him.
"Good morning, Cricketpaw," she chirped, trotting up to her fellow. "Congratulations on the new name, I think it suits you well." She paused, face bright and welcoming as she contemplated her next words. They weren't really friends, Cricketpaw was more of a loner besides the few they chose to socialize with. They couldn't possibly appreciate her making pointless small talk if it wasn't at least a little entertaining.

"I bet it feels pretty good, huh?" she asked, flashing crystal hues as her head tilted right. "You know, not having to walk around feeling like StarClan's shaking their heads at you. I thought Starlight suited you still, but who knows why the stars feel the way they do, right?" Minkpaw waited, wondering if she'd missed her mark. She had been hoping to genuinely joke with Cricketpaw, disregarding the fact that she did not know her well enough to predict how the other would take her words.

// @Cricketpaw !​