I WON'T SAY THAT I DESIRE WINGS \ meeting 5.11.23

The skies are thick with iron-gray stormclouds. Thunder rumbles somewhere in the distance, low and menacing. The atmosphere is thick with uncertainty, with tension, with the weight of loss -- but Blazestar ascends the Highbranch. "All cats, old and new, gather around the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" He foregoes his traditional call. All cats old enough to pad close, to open their ears and listen, should hear what he has to say this time.

And not all who approach are SkyClanners. Some of them are thin, with ragged fur and distrustful stares. Some still have the tang of fear overpowering their scent, and their gazes are shifty.

Blazestar's eyes drift to Howlpaw, and he draws strength from her presence. She's home. His daughter is alive, and she's home with him -- I have not lost you, too. He blinks at her, the warmth of his love, the enormity of his relief, glazing his eyes. A thin, warm rain begins to drizzle across them all, dampening pelts not accustomed to ceaseless water.

Blazestar does not flinch. It's cleansing, rinsing the filth of the shelter from the pelts of the cats who have been freed. Rinsing fear and despair from the hearts of his Clan.

"We are one Clan again." He fixes each warrior and apprentice who had returned to SkyClan with a long sapphire look full of feeling. The emotions rising inside of him nearly choke his words off -- how had he come to care for each and every cat in this Clan as if they were his own blood? The sight of them rubbing against their loved ones, sniffing out nests long abandoned -- he's shaken by a renewed faith in StarClan. "SkyClan and StarClan both honor the bravery of the cats who risked their own lives to bring our lost cats home."

He finds Johnny's painted pelt in the crowd, and he dips his head to him. The gesture contains all of the gratitude he can express. "Johnny, you led this patrol with the courage of a thousand warriors. No cat will forget your heroism." He finds the other cats who'd traversed the Twolegplace toward the shelter in the crowd. "Tallulahwing, Momowhisker, Wyrm, Shrimpy Boy. SkyClan owes much to you. Kits will tell stories about how you brought half the Clan home." He swings his tail through the air; raindrops scatter. "Daylight warriors will always be honored in this Clan as skilled and capable warriors! As long as I lead SkyClan, you will have places here!" Kittypet slander be damned! No forestborn cat could have done what they had done.

He looks to Thistleback, Pigeonsong, and Spiderpaw, and dips his head to them as well. "We honor you as well. You played a crucial role in making sure the daylight warriors could carry out their plan, and you have all of SkyClan's thanks." He had put his trust in the right cats. His gaze lingers on Thistleback -- he had known from the start he could trust his lead warrior to bring this patrol home. He could not imagine having lost him, as well as--

Blazestar's spirit dulls, just a little. He tries to find Howlpaw in the crowd again. For a moment -- though it must be a trick of the rain, the light -- he sees a silvery shape beside her, patch-pelted and glib-tongued -- but when he tries to catch sight of her again, she's gone.

"Some of our cats, as you know, have not returned." His whiskers tremble. There will be time to mourn Daisyflight later. "Two were not seen at the shelter. Sheepcurl and Grizzlyridge are nowhere to be found still. It's not safe to send any more patrols to the shelter, now that the Twolegs know what we're capable of." He has to hope his friends will find their way back on their own. May StarClan light their paths. "And Daisyflight... we will hold a vigil for her. She deserves that, body or not."

Solemn now, Blazestar steadies himself with a deep breath. He tastes rain on his tongue. He tastes raw grief he will carry with him for moons.

"The Twolegs may still be looking for us in the forest. We must be diligent. No cat is to leave the camp alone, not until I say otherwise. No apprentice is to leave without a warrior." His hope is that the Twolegs will grow bored of capturing cats who flee, but he cannot account for their strange behaviors.

And, finally, he circles back around to those who are not SkyClan. Those led to this place from imprisonment, wary and frightened and bristling still. Blazestar has pondered what to do about the flood of unfamiliar cats in his camp, and he has decided -- "All of you here who are not Clan cats... some of you may have homes to return to. Some of you may need to get your strength up first. We open our camp and our territory to you. If you do not have a home to go back to..." He pauses, then intones, "You are invited to join SkyClan. This will be no easy feat. Becoming a Clan cat is more than just adapting to living in the wild."

He finds Thistleback in the crowd again, the plump-bellied Orangeblossom, Silversmoke. Even Dawnglare and his son. "My council will teach you what it means to be a SkyClan warrior. If we reach the end of this moon and I deem you ready, you may assimilate into our Clan as any joiner would."

Blazestar is sure it will be difficult for many of them, impossible for some. Still, he has faith in what remains of his council to show them what Clan life entails.

"If you are not a SkyClan cat, you will hunt with our warriors and apprentices. You will be shown the borders, taught our ways of life, and come to know StarClan as we do." He blinks stormwater from his eyes. He expects there to be questions -- he will wait patiently, ignoring the water streaming from his fur.


The rolling thunder in the distance sent an uncomfortable prickle through their fur, wary gray eyes cast upward and reflecting a gloomy gray sky. Sparrowpaw had never been too particularly fond of thunderstorms, but hearing the one that approached now, they couldn't help but think of the deafening rumble of the sticks the twolegs had wielded against them not very long ago. Thundersticks, the name they had been given, and an apt name it was.

Before they could dwell too long on it, only briefly contemplating retreating to their den to hide and wait it out, Blazestar clambered atop the Highbranch and called out. Countless heads turned, colorful pelts moved to gather. The tabby apprentice found themself somewhere in the middle of it all, hovering uncertainly and firing glances upward at the sky.

They were one Clan again, the ragdoll began, thanks to the bravery of the cats that had set out into Twolegplace. Despite their lingering anxieties, Sparrowpaw felt a twinge of guilt at the doubt they had felt. They had succeeded, they had made it back despite it all. Even if... some of them remained missing, as Blazestar soon said. They could feel the drops of rain hitting their pelt as they lowered their head.

Although they flinched at another rumble of thunder, the apprentice looked up to listen to his further speech. All of the new cats that had been rescued from Twolegplace were welcome to stay, as they once had been. While it baffled them at the suggestion that some would want to go back, they nodded absently while the rest were offered sanctuary in SkyClan camp. Just as Sparrowpaw had and was, they would learn how to live in the pine forest.


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Joining the clan for real... it wasn't exactly what he thought his life would turn into, but it's looking to be the option he wants to settle for. He wasn't exactly the nicest cat when he was younger, so he's not used to so much company. He wanted to make up for how he used to be, however, and if he can do that by aiding the clan, he would in a heartbeat. Besides, he already felt attached, helping out with the kits when they all fled. He wanted to watch them grow up, and his heart flutters at the thought.

The clouds almost calm him, in a way. He's happy to see any kind of weather, getting so used to the white and whatever random decor that the twolegs put on the walls of the shelter. Getting rained on is never enjoyable, but he almost thought he might never see these kinds of sights again. He makes it a point to enjoy the crisp air made from the oncoming storm.

His thoughts then drift to his name. He wasn't really attached to it, since it was just what they gave him in the shelter. He didn't get addressed much in the first place beforehand, just letting other cats call him whatever they felt like, but maybe it was time to change that. If he was honest, he found the way clan cats did their name really cool. If he worked hard enough, he's sure he can get a name like that too. What kind of name would he be given He lets that thought linger as he waits for the cats to disperse.
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It did not take a psychic to notice the erratic uncertainty of Twitchbolt's emotions. Overwhelming, of course, was his gladness to be home- his gratitude, the way his wide eyes had lingered on every corner of camp as if studying it for some sign of mirage. But his paws were rooted on earth again- he could not let his ever-thrashing doubts fool him into thinking this was some cruel dream. Blazestar was before him- real, entirely. Clearer than he had been remembering. Even his nightmares were not this vivid.

Flocking to the call, as dutifully as if he had never left, Twitchbolt curled his kinked tail around his mismatched paws, the ghost of a smile slightly threaded upon his ever-trembling maw. His small, frazzled form swelled with a deep inhalation, pine weaving through him. He really was home.

The rain relaxed him further- it was no secret that weather others thought ill of was a great love of the bicolour warrior's. The sky was welcoming him... felt like it was weeping tears of joy for the return of the cats who had belonged here. And maybe- maybe, it was weeping for the losses too. His vision rove the rescue patrol as Blazestar named each of them, gratitude sparking verdant within his eyes. How could he ever repay them?

An eyelid seized at the mention of Daisyflight, but to hear of a vigil was comforting- to know they would honour her, even without a body to bow over, was the very least she deserved. And the other rescues, not part of SkyClan before but invited to be a part now... he hoped they would understand, given time, why he and the others had been so restless to return. SkyClan would never turn them away like the snapping teeth of moor-cats would.
penned by pin ✧
Fireflypaw softly nudges his sister's side as he passes her, a comforting smile on his face. Above them is the voice of their father, and though he cannot see Blazestar, he can hear the confidence returning to his voice now that his child is home. Howlpaw being home returns his missing part to him, a piece of his heart that had been worn down and ragged. Family was everything to him, and now his family was complete once again.

When Blazestar begins his announcements, welcoming the new strays and kittypets into their ranks, Fireflypaw gives one last nudge to Howlpaw's cheek before he begins his walk to the large tree to seat himself at the base. His chest puffed out with pride for his clanmates, sightless eyes peer across them and then settle upon the crying sky. His ears lay back against his head as he lets the downpour soak his face, relieved in Her purification. ​
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It has been a considerably long time since Howlpaw has sat in on a meeting. There have been many announcements and events that had occurred since she had been gone and if she was being honest, she was still trying to wrap her head around all of them. When her father calls for this meeting, she's there quick as a flash, keen to listen, and keen to support. As Blazestar seems to draw strength from her, so too does Howlpaw draw strength from him. When she feels his warm, loving gaze upon she sits up a little taller and lifts her head up higher.

As expected, Blazestar speaks at length of his gratitude to the daylight warriors and the brave rescue attempt they did. It's bittersweet news though, for despite the joy of being reunited, there's bitterness in knowing some of their clan are still lost. It is known by now that Daisyflight is dead but nothing is known of Grizzlyridge or Sheepcurl, and Howlpaw hopes both make it back safely one day. After speaking of a vigil for Daisyflight, Blazestar gives a brief warning for the clan to remain vigilant before offering the shelter cats positions in the clan. It's an exciting prospect to be sure, and though Howlpaw isn't certain how many will agree to join fully, she hopes that some will stay with them.
  • Crying
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The clan owes much to you. To him! Clumped together with nothing short of legends, such as "Shrimpy Boy" and "Momowhisker". His smile is nothing short of awkward at the congradulation he garners. He should be happy he made it out alive; excited, at this newfound 'power' as freer of the shelter! (Or something stupid like that); but he's still shuddering from a threat that shouldn't seem looming. Glances over his shoulder, wonderin' if he'll see one of those horrifying little dogs running at him with foam around its lips.

He shouldnt be worried, not when he has twolegs of his own, complete with free, effortless, seemingly infinite amounts of food. He doesn't know how to deal with any twolegs but his own, though. An unpredictable cat could spit at you and call you names. An unpredictable twoleg...

He needs to clear his head, if he's honest. Did clan cats really do shit like this all the time? Blankly, Wyrm nods, before he's padding to leave for the day. The escapees who had came behind him could have fun with their lessons, and what not. He was about to take the longest nap of his entire young life.

[ out!! ]​


The shelter raid left Johnny reeling with mixed feelings. On one paw he was undeniably proud with the work the patrol had done. Not only had they come away with an overall win, but they'd managed to change dozens of extra lives by breaking out more than just their own cats. It was a victory in almost every sense of the word, and he would be a liar if he said he didn't stand a bit straighter under his leaders words of praise.

He was glad to have done good for Skyclan, yes, but it was impossible not to feel the weight of the cats he hadn't been able to bring back. Figfeathers reaction upon learning of her mothers death still rung in his ears from time to time, and he wished there was something he could have done to change things for her and her family. It made the victory bittersweet when he knew there were cats standing among them who were still missing their friends and family.

He listened dutifully, ears tipped toward the leader even when the rain began to drizzle down, soaking into his fur. Water had never bothered Johnny, and in a way it almost felt nice, cleansing after the night they'd just had. He was relieved to hear that Blazestar would allow the shelter cats to stay if they wanted to, but it meant there'd be more work that needed doing. These cats would need nests and food, some might even require herbs to calm the trauma of what they'd just been through.

Johnny probably wouldn't be going home today.

He felt bad, and his paws itched to return and show his twolegs he was alive and well after having not seen them since the day prior, but he knew they would be gone already anyways, off to do whatever it was twolegs did during the days. No point in him lazing about at home when there was still a butt-ton of work to be done.

Orangeblossom, seated below Highbranch in her usual spot (a show of solidarity, of her place within the Clan, even if Thistleback sits beside her as her temporary replacement), startles as an early droplet of rain hits her square on the nose. Recovering from her flinch the deputy sees others across the camp do so as well, dragged out into the incoming inclement weather to hear Blazestar's welcome. He calls the names of the cats who had brought their Clanmates home, along with many a new face, and she dips her own head to them in turn respectfully. Johnny, especially, deserved this praise. As did Tallulahwing and Momowhisker.

Plumy tail curls around pale paws as Blazestar continues, announcing their losses; Grizzlyridge, Daisyflight ... something in the back of her mind tenses at the thought of the older molly, a flickering lament over the fact that the stubborn calico would never hear her kits' warrior names. Selfishly, Orangeblossom had hoped to indulge in her experience as a mother, too; experience now lost to the grasping claws of the twolegs and their shelter.

None speak up yet, awkward and tense silence palpable in the wake of their leader's words when Blazestar ends his spiel, so Orangeblossom stands with a small grunt of effort. Takes a breath as she faces the crowd. As eyes turn to her, she pulls herself straighter, and a flicker of understanding comes to her - she'd teased Blazestar for trying to be as tall as possible during his first Gathering as SkyClan leader, but she's likely doing the same now to be seen above ear-tips and shoulders.

"If you have any questions, you may ask them now - or, if you think of them later, find one of us and we'll answer it for you."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

Fanta cannot say that these past couple of days hadn't been a whirlwind, hadn't been confusing. A meeting is called, cats are summoned and they all creep forward to look up at the flame pointed tom perched above them. Blazestar he is called and she is learning that all the leaders have that same name. -star. Strange is the way they do things here but still, it holds her intrigue. She had made the decision to stay when the shelter patrol had brought her back, or at least stay during the day. At night she could return to her twolegs like the other kittypets did. Her spine tingles at the thought of how excited she is to have a paw in the same world Figfeather had told her so many stories about.

The rain drums into her fur, cold and wet, but Fanta doesn't mind. It's steadying almost, soothing. Let the stench of that awful place wash away from my fur. She thinks to herself. May she or any other cat never find themselves there again. Perhaps this StarClan of theirs would protect them from further harm. From further losses. The news of cats going missing, likely never to return is saddening. Especially since Fanta knows that the she cat she had watched be carried into that dreaded back room was her friends mother. Uncomfortably, she kneads the ground until they move past that grim topic and onto one that interested her more. Training. Her slightly folded ears perk up at that. She had only caught one thing in her life but she has done it once, surely she can do it again. Even though she is certain Blazestar isn't looking in her direction anyways, she nods her head, determined. She would be one of the hardest workers here! Of that, she was determined.



OOC- retro to quill and nanas announcement

Quill still felt like he was waiting for things to go south, if he was honest. He'd spent so fucking long in that cage that it had almost become the normal; staring out though bars, the air filled with the endless chatter and cries of other captives, those close metal walls blinding him from the rest of the world. Even when he'd slept he'd dreamed of it, watched as the twolegs carried off his clanmates one by one to that door that Daisyflight had disapeared behind.

Now that he was free and back in the pine forest, he should have felt nothing but elation and relief, but instead the chimera was tense as he took his place beside Twitchbolt. A part of his brain was just waiting for it all to turn out to be some sick dream he'd conjured up in his sleep, or for twolegs to come crashing into camp to take them all back.

Almost subconsiously his eyes began searching for the cats he considered priorities; Twitchbolt at his side, Thistle at the front- where was Banansplash and Butterflytuft, though? And Deersong?

The slow but steady patter of rain around them snapped him from his thoughts, and he sallowed back the sickly feeling of his skin crawling, shifting a bit closer to Twitch. Quillstrike hated the rain. Hated water in general. It always brought back shitty memories and made his skin itch uncomfortably, but he reminded himself he wasn't a kid anymore. So he ignored it, letting it slowly soak him through as he stood listening to his leader.

At the end, when Ora opened the floor to the clan for questions, the chimera spoke. "It's not a question, but those of us who can patrol and hunt from the trees should remember to take advantage of that since all the twoleg traps have been on the ground so far."

Quill wouldn't pretend to know what kind of tricks those bastards had up their sleeves, but going off what they had to work with, the branches of the pines seemed like the safest place to work.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


There's too many at this meeting. Too many, of which are new faces. Rescues from the shelter - a mission that everyone else has the freedom to celebrate. Greeneyes should be celebrating too, should be glad that his brother and sister are home, but even they are hardly celebrating.

We are one clan again, Blazestar claims. It's only a lie, though, from the young warrior's perspective. Because, even if all these newcomers stand before them, even if Butterflytuft and Snowpaw are back - and Twitchbolt and Quillstrike, and Howlpaw too, among the rest of those who SkyClan had lost - there are still cats missing from the crowd.

Daisyflight, his mother, will never stand beneath Highbranch for another meeting again. Sheepcurl, his mentor, may also have the same fate.

Blazestar knows this, and still claims SkyClan is one. Complete.

The world brings rain forth, a pine forest drizzle that washes his coat for the umpteenth time, yet washes their newcomers for the first, as Blazestar opens the clan to them. And, it's not fair, how the Mother marks these cats with SkyClan's rain, while StarClan takes his own mother away. It's not fair, that they get to be here in place of Daisyflight - as if the world above thinks this is a fair trade.

He is silent, allowing the rain to soak into his fur as Blazestar continues to speak, as Orangeblossom encourages questions. Maybe, if he's lucky, this rain will wash away his curse, and rid himself of losing another. Quillstrike speaks - a suggestion, rather than a question. A means of avoiding the traps, by using the trees to his advantage. Greeneyes can only nod his head in agreement to this. Though his own climbing skills still need work, he'll do anything to avoid this from happening again - anything, to make sure the twolegs don't take more from SkyClan.
As unfortunate it was that Cheddar was not yet able to return home, they were beginning to like the community SkyClan harbored. Despite so many of them strangers to one another, they still cared for the safety and wellbeing of their fellow catkind. Cheddar trusted Blazestar and his subordinates had his and the others best interests in mind. If it truly was too unsafe to go home just yet, that it was still more likely he would be captured again instead of making it back home, he would dutifully listen. After all, Cheddar had openly proclaimed he owed Blazestar his gratitude. He would do his best not to betray that promise.

The rain was like a blessing to their new chapter. Washing away the pains and fears that had drudged up from everyone's time within the shelter. Cleaning away the poor taste of confinement as they opened up to the world of the Clan.

Cheddar decidedly sat next to Johnny, the cat that open released him from that cage. Allowed him the chance of freedom just because of his kindness to do so. "I never did get to thanketh thee." They murmur, so not to disturb the focus of Blazestar and Orangeblossom's words. "Thy bravery gifted me freedom. If't be true there is any way i can repay thee, doth not hesitate to asketh."


"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." The tabby replied earnestly, unwavering in the honesty of that statement. He would happily stand on the front lines for Skyclan again, no doubt in his mind.

He wasn't expecting anyone to approach him after that, but that's exactly what ended up happening. Surprise momentarily settled on his features as one of the shelter cats thanked him, but amber eyes were quick to soften, and he quickly shook his head. "No need to thank me. I'm just glad I was able to get to as many of you as I did. Would have weighed on me for moons if I'd had to leave any of ya behind."

Luck had certainly been on their side, because there was no promise that they'd have been able to go back for a second breakout attempt- not if the twolegs wisened up to their tactics and took precautions to keep them out.

"Sorry, there's been so many cats coming through I'm not sure if I got your name. I'm Johnny, though. Usually you'll only see me around during the days since I'm a daylight warrior, but last night I obviouslyn decided to make an exception." he explained with a chuckle.

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Angry at all the things I can't change
It was nothing short of a miracle what Johnny did to rescue all of those cats. He wasn't exactly sure how the koi splashed tom did it, but he deserved every ounce of Blazestar's praise. Of that much he was certain. It would just take him some time to get used to the sheer number of new faces and be lenient towards their inevitable blunders along the way. The loss of Daisyflight along with several others causes a frown to materialize across his lips. They should have been able to come home just like the others.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

After moons of weatherless residency in prison-barred confines, the rain feels foreign against Snapple's fur. But, it's refreshing - a welcome back into the nature his form once roamed within.

This place is far bigger than his old home - his birthplace, the colony he'd been born into. Although it's one of the first things he noticed about this place, the child realizes its perhaps even bigger than he imagined, as they're called to gather. So many faces - how did this place keep track of them all? And how do they manage to still welcome in those freed from the shelter?

There's an invitation placed before them. Snapple too, can become part of SkyClan. Their question of now what? only feels like it's grown larger with those words, uncertainty growing.

He should... He should go back to Mother, right? To his colony - they should know that he's okay, that they don't have to look for him any longer.

But home is so far away, and the rain feels fresh on his pelt - the ground between his paws new. Home is so far away, and he's already walked this far to get to SkyClan. His legs were still so tired from the journey here!

Get your strength up first, the leader above mentions. Yes, yes. Maybe he'll do that first.