private I WON'T WALLOW ;; shrike.


❝ just a little manic ❞
Jun 23, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- She walked slowly like a lion on the prowl, her shoulders shifting with every step she took. She walks with purpose, dull golden eyes set forward as they swivel around to find that familiar black and white form in the forest. She had been told that Shrike took a different patrol than Chilledstar and the others did, so she set out to look for them with the news heavy on her tongue.

It was disappointing that Chilledstar had fallen to such a death of finality. Final lives snuffed out, the news spreading around camp quickly. Her eyes flicked through the soggy mud, paws sinking into the dense, squelching muck. She was at home in this environment, the mud coming up to her mid-thigh as she paced around for a moment. Then, in the corner of her eye, she spots Shriketalon hunting. She waits for them to finish their kill, before she steps forward with a neutral expression on her face. She wouldn't convey her emotions towards this news just yet- wanted to examine Shriketalon's reaction to it. She would react accordingly to the response, as she always did.

"Shrike," She calls out with a firm voice, her eyes meeting theirs with a certain numbness inside of her that she couldn't quite understand. Chilledstar dying certainly disappointed her, but why didn't she feel saddened? She had served loyally under Chilledstar, following their every order with a fierce devotion. But the idea of them being struck down in such a way made her feel.. disappointed. She hadn't watched Chilledstar and Shriketalon interact enough to get a good look at how they got along, so she wasn't exactly sure how they'd take the news.

"Chilledstar is dead. Dog attack." She states bluntly, not wanting to make them anxious by her neutral yet serious expression. She takes a step forward in case they need to lean against her, willing to support all of their weight against her if need be. Even if they didn't, she'd be there to support them anyways. "I'm sorry for your loss." Her words escape her before she thinks about it, though her eyes don't make direct contact with Shrike's. No, she didn't want to see the pain in Shrike's eyes- she was hesitant that it would make her feel some sort of glee if she saw it. The suffering of others, sometimes it confused her why she enjoyed it. But this feeling.. She couldn't understand. Was it because she didn't want to see them sad, or because she was avoiding enjoying the sight? She wonders..


  • Untitled_Artwork.png
  • HOLLOWMASK she/her, warrior of shadowclan, thirty moons.
    big, bulky body that stands at 10in, with long, wild and spiky fur. gives off eerie vibes despite oftentimes seen smiling.
    no close friends // dislikes nobody // no mate, no children.
    will kill / will not show mercy / will rarely flee
    [DANGER!!] this character is cunning, manipulative, sadistic, and controlling yet hiding under a friendly guise. please proceed with caution when interacting with her. ic opinions/actions are ic only.
    attempts at healing is permitted, peaceful powerplay is permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @icaria ↛ @icariarests on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Despite the flare of annoyance they felt at the time when Chilledstar had given them advice on how to effectively hunt better in this territory it had benefited Shriketalon in the long run. Whenever they hunted since then they stowed away that advice like a mantra in their mind. Hunt downwind, use the shadows more, keep quiet, it had been working wonders for them. Especially when they started treating each prey caught like it would be the last they'd ever catch, they had been told about ShadowClan's troubles with food in the cooler seasons so they thought it would be good to act like that was the case all the time. A frog rests just out of reach in the mud, crouching low they let out a silent exhale before snapping forward. Claws piercing through the amphibians back to prevent it from escaping, sharp fangs latch onto its neck to bring a swift death.

Something moves from the corner of their eye and they turn to look at her at the same time she speaks. She still uses their name that they went by before being given a full warrior name, that's how they're able to tell its Hollowmask before they're even greeted by a familiar chimera pelt of cinnamon and chocolate. At least these days she was speaking to them and not just staring, that's deemed as pretty good progress to them. “Hollowmask, hey!” There's a fondness to their tone as they address their friend, that easy going grin fades when they register the firm voice and serious look. “What's up?” They set the frog aside and trudge through the mud to approach the she-cat.

The blunt delivery was for the best, they do nothing but stare at her for what feels like much too long. Shriketalon wants to laugh, to assume that it was some kind of joke because why wouldn't it be? Of course Chilledstar’s dead- they seem to have a habit of it but that's fine, they come back from it. It's what had cemented StarClan being an actual proper thing to them, their sibling just seems to shrug it off. Yet she steps closer after delivering the news, apologising for their loss. Their loss? She wouldn't be apologising if they were coming back, would she?

The weight of the realisation is heavy, they seek out the comfort that she seems willing to give by leaning against her. If the mud didn't suction their paws to the earth they were certain that they'd topple over. “You're not joking are you? They're really dead?” They're caught in two places, the desire to see their sibling in this state to confirm it and the desire to live without knowing. The image of Chilledstar’s lifeless body from when they returned with Ripplestream was already seared into the recesses of their mind. They don't know if they could handle seeing whatever damage a dog attack had done to them.

A sob lodges itself in their throat, they cough awkwardly to try and suppress itself and yet the grief bubbles to the surface anyways. “Were they alone? Please tell me they weren't alone” they manage to choke out a plea, desperate for placating and honeyed words. Even if it was a lie they'd happily take it, they were certain that they wouldn't have been since to their memory they were part of a patrol but they'd rather hear it from someone. They rest their head beside her neck, avoiding looking at her directly at this moment. Black pelt trembling as they allow themself the time to process this information, otherwise silent air punctured by choked back tears.