private I would give all this and heaven too ✶ Edenberry

The world seems a little busier when she emerges from the nursery today, another attempt to appease her daughters mood with a different feather thwarted. She doesn't think Morningkit actually hates her or anything, she hopes so anyways, how much hate can a kit have in her heart anyways? Regardless, she makes it a routine to try and bring a new feather, this time a jaw feather settles between her fangs as she sighs. Maybe she should try and find another owl feather, would she like it if they matched? That's what drifts in her mind as she wanders back towards the warriors den to set the feather back into her nest. What stops her in her tracks is a glimpse of black and white fur, stripped down their back and with ebony dots adorning their ears, oh...

"Edenberry, want to try and help me find a feather impressive enough for a kit?" Golden eye's show hint of dour attitude, treating her friend no different to how they'd been treated before. After all they had exchanged terse words moons ago, she knew about their kits far before the majority of camp. A fact she keeps close to her chest, not dare feeling brave enough to begin the thought of uttering that to another soul. She considers it though, just so the eyes of camp would stay off her dear friend for a moment. Feathery tail brushes against their leg as she gestures to be followed out of camp, she hopes they can see this as an excuse to catch a breath for both of their sakes.

"She wanted my feather, I can't seem to find anything else to appease her" she concludes the backstory of her excuse to be spending time together today. A soft sigh laments her issue, keeping her eyes on the forest floor in the hopes of finding something new to catch her childs attention. "That's enough about me... Are you okay? Is your family okay?" She notes that she hasn't seen Spicepurr around recently, nor either of their kits. The sole representative of this particular daylighter family walks beside her, an ear flicks as wide eyes narrow, trying to show that she's serious in her questioning. Though she doubts that there would be any lying from them, not between the pair of them anyways.

"I hope you're happy Edenberry, I really mean it. I'm so happy that you get to be with them again" while they still look upset there is an improvement. Wherever they notice it a not she can spot a glimmer of purpose in what used to be aimless emerald eyes, bridges are burnt and friends are scorned but she's convinced from those ashes there will be a new iteration of her friend. She's had time to marinate in the fact that her friend is a code breaker, it seemed like most of the clan was at this point. It's strange, she thought she would be more upset about that fact, maybe before she became a parent herself she would have been.

  • ooc. @edenberry ?!
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 22 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
The effort to slink along the camp walls to avoid being spotted is usually successful enough to spare them the daggers of tens of sets of eyes at any given moment. They really only bother to show up at this point to help in hunting patrols- it is for the purpose of feeding hungry bellies alone since the sense of community feels more alike a large group of wardens now. They still value the queens, their tiny children stubbornly growing in such bad weather, their elders who have shared fables and histories beyond anyone's living memory.

When a voice calls their name they practically jump from within their skin, turning sharply on their heels to face their summoner with rapt attention as if appearing dutiful and attentive might spare them some sort of trouble. But it's just a swath of orange fur, bright eyes... a singular face that doesn't glare at them. At least, not anymore... not with all the time she's been given to know this secret and keep it.

"Owlheart," they breathe her name like it's a gasp of fresh air, practically leaping to her side at the offer to go do something else, be somewhere else. "Oh, which kit is it? I swear Brightkit tried to start a fight with me when I brought Oddgleam a mouse the other morning; you've got some bossy little ones." It is easier now to chatter about them- joyous, celebratory... an exploration of growth. They are a size now that Edenberry had not gotten to experience their own kin at and sorely relish what they can live through their friend's litter.

They happily take her escort out of camp, listening with satellite ears and toothy grin. They are apprised of the situation with a loving sort of exasperation; the exhaustion of a mother trying desperately to appease their kits while still keeping them safe. They could at least relate to that bit, a unanimously understood function of parenting. "Maybe it's just because it's yours," they suggest, though it doesn't really solve that Owlheart ought to be able to keep her own things. "Raindrop gave the twins their own feathers- I never had to worry about them wanting for mine," it is a melancholy visitation of a moment of hesitation. A request to follow that had gone denied... and in the stead of their loved ones, a single jay feather left to serve as their reminder.

But now the three were reunited... like the bird itself had insisted upon what self of it yet remained to come together and be as whole as possible. Still.. still a piece was missing. Their heart squeezes uncomfortably, a painful but brief sensation as the tabby she-cat turns towards them expectantly.

"Oh yeah, for sure," they muse, air light with sarcasm, "It was really cool and exciting that Cherryblossom had to be there for that... and call me a foxheart and just let every lead warrior in on why we split... Really... really promising stuff for me." They smile with no small amount of mirth but do not begrudge Owlheart for asking... after a small huff, they're more willing to be honest rather than deflect with insincerity and half-hearted humor.

"I'll be fine... Mizzlepaw and Berrypaw are just getting bored and I can't say I blame them. Once you've tasted the forest it's hard to never see it again I think. And Spicepurr.... she's just... she's just taking all the time she can get with them... making up for what was lost I think." They try to maintain a gentler smile, a more relaxed one that suggested they could be happy with those answers. That they didn't find a weird isolation no matter where they spent their days or nights.

"I still have so many questions for them but.. I don't want to overwhelm them."

They blink, wide-eyed with surprise as the molly purrs her hopes and well wishes- it is probably the first time they've been reminded that their lacking foresight several seasons ago didn't mean they deserved a life of misery and dishonor. "Thank you... Really. I missed them more than I think I allowed myself to really consider... I hope they're happy. That'd be enough for me, I think..."

  • eeb-banner-2.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 21 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #ffffcc