His good mood had abated him the moment he breached camp's exit.

Greeting him at ThunderClan's border is an uncomfortable mixture of emotion. Guilt, packaged in his mate's strained smile, the sun still glinting mockingly from pearly whites. It's followed him here, too; parted the clouds as if to guide Dawnglare's way to His former mistake and back. Though SkyClan had become his home, he inadvertently owed his presence to their neighbors clad in oak. Blazestar had tripped like a fool, over to their borders. Fallen and tumbled so hard and so far that he could not even manage to land in the right Clan. And oh— the fool had carried on anyhow. Carried on and carried on and carried on, until Dawnglare could glimpse a full grown cat as his apprentice, rather than the tumbling, bright eyed kit he had once been. Carried on to kits, and kit's kits...

Dawnglare has never concerned himself with Blazestar's ThunderClan kin. No, since Morningpaw, he had dared not to. But the thought rushes to him now, and it is not one full of warmth and good - givings. Is this what you want? drawls sickeningly on in his mind. To his side, Fireflypaw— the perfect mix of mother and father, offered SkyClan a salve he, somehow, could not match. If he could not help SkyClan anymore, he would help ThunderClan instead. He would make his friend happy, on his Golden throne of Stars. He hopes that he is peering closesly, upon the three of them. Sunhigh's glare may brush the others' backs like a sweet solace, but upon his, it burns rather viscously.

ThunderClan ought to guard its borders for the same reasons SkyClan did— and for this reason, he would sit and play their game, tail curled a whisper away from the line that marked their border. Here, he sits, and he waits.

// OOC: HELLO... Excuse the slight timeline wobbliness - this is backwritten to a little bit before the eclipse! Dawn is here with @Orangestar and @Fireflypaw :)
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Fireflypaw walks on paws of charcoal, head held high and milky hues staring wide into the distance. He is here to drop off his mentor, their orange-furred leader close to him. Dawnglare sits upon the border, and Fireflypaw feels the lingering anxiety bubble up inside of him once more. Would they judge Dawnglare for being a kittypet once? Would they shame him, instead of clear a path of success for him? Fi blinks nervously, scooting in closer to Orangestar's side instinctively. He looked odd, with his massive form standing hulking against the smaller leader's side.

Being at the ThunderClan border always reminded him of bad things. Family that didn't like him, ThunderClanners who hated his father. Blazestar had been an excellent leader, he had blazed a path in his own right. He deserved to be seen as a hero, because that's how Fireflypaw saw him.

"Any moment now.." He mutters softly, tail sweeping across the ground behind him. It's one of those rare moments where he's happy he's blind, so he can't see the warped expressions of disgust and hatred in the eyes of ones he once called family. He stays quiet then, waiting for someone to pick Dawnglare up and escort him.​
Orangestar still isn't particularly thrilled by the notion that Dawnglare would be leaving them for a time. Even if it's for a noble cause, it would leave SkyClan short by their most experienced healer. And he wouldn't be naming Fireflypaw before he left. Her tail twitches. It's still strange to Orangestar that Dawnglare had been so adamant about assisting Gentlestorm in the remainder of his training. The tom is a worthy medicine cat, if she remembers his personality correctly from the journey, and they have been friendly with ThunderClan in the past, but still ...

Actually, Orangestar realises with a jolt back to reality, no ThunderClanners have come to greet them yet. Odd. Usually there are one or two poking around at the borders. She spares a glance to Springpaw, wordlessly wondering if her apprentice has realised the same thing.

"Hello! Anyone there?" She calls into the dense undergrowth, only a little impatient. Her tail flicks again, the main sign of her readiness to return home. She can only hope that Howlingstar or Nightbird is within earshot. Maybe Gentlestorm himself, if they're lucky.

  • // apprentice tag @Springpaw
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ it was a strange occurrence to see a leader, medicine cat and protege sitting on the border. if it were some random patrol, nightbird would not have strayed so easily from her hunt, but orangestar called out across the border. something must be amiss amongst the pines.

the lead warrior glanced around for her patrol mates, flicking her gaze to they stood. unease prickled her spine. this was no battle patrol, but the potential of a tragedy that beckoned fireflypaw, dawnglare, and orangestar to thunderclan's border was almost worse to imagine. nightbird pushed through the undergrowth, brow furrowed amidst her confusion.

"orangestar," she greets the molly, gaze sliding across the cats by her side quickly. "is something wrong?" her question hung tentatively. perhaps it was all of the misfortunes that recently plagued thunderclan clouding her mind. if she recalled correctly, skyclan's medicine cat had been providing aide for gentlestorm's training since berryheart's demise.

maybe, by some lucky stroke of starclan's claws, they came with good news. regardless, she had no apprentice to send to camp in search of howlingstar or gentlestorm to receive what ever it may be. nightbird glances to her patrol, finding someone else to fetch them. "find howlingstar, gentlestorm as well if you can. quickly," she mutters, waving them on with her tail.
  • ooc ↛ sending someone for @HOWLINGSTAR & @GENTLESTORM
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — It doesn't take long for the warrior to retrieve him telling about how the leader and medicine cats of Skyclan are at their border, he can't help but frown. Regardless, he hurriedly steps outside of his den already making his way towards the entrance of camp and slips through with both of his ears perked forward. He wonders if something has gone wrong in Skyclan to warrant these visitors yet when the sight of the black smoke comes into his sight, Gentlestorm slows his steps slightly and bumps his shoulder against Nightbird in a silent greeting. He clears his throat only to part his jaws to speak with a warm smile present on his maw especially since he got to see Orangestar once more since he hasn't been to any of the gatherings as of late "Hello, its pleasant to see you all. I hope the trip here was kind." His dark honeyed gaze turning to Dawnglare briefly and straightens his posture, the large tom flicking an ear back awaiting an answer. He briefly thinks about everything that Dawnglare has taught him thus far and wonders how much longer until he finishes his training.

    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Springpaw stands next to her mentor with her fluffy black tail waving in the air and stares out into ThunderClan's side of the border. She is not exactly the biggest fan of other clans, strangers scared her and she had heard that sometimes the others could be mean, especially to SkyClan cats. Especially to their daylight warriors. But Springpaw likes their daylight warriors! They were good cats who's only fault in the other clans eyes were loving their twolegs. Love wasn't a bad thing though! Springpaw thinks its admirable, really, their level of loyalty to both their clan and their housefolk. She also isn't certain how she feels about their medicine cat being sent away. Fireflypaw was a good cat and a good medicine cat she's sure, but he was still an apprentice! Didn't they need Dawngalre? And wasn't he scared? If he was, he didn't show it.

It wasn't her place to voice her concerns, so she opts to stand in silence, though she does spare a glance in Orangestar's direction only to catch the others eye. What's taking them so long? she thinks, and it seems her leader and mentor shares the sentiment by the imaptient look on her orange and white face.

Finally, a face appears out of the undergrowth and then another. ThunderClan's medicine cat, Springpaw recognizes him from gatherings. He looked like a nice cat, but still... She takes a step backwards, just to be safe, though she does dip her head in a polite greeting if he were to look her way. Just like her ma taught her.
  • WopM9br.jpeg

  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
They are all antsy, sitting with twitching tails at the very edge of SkyClan's land. Relatively, it does not take them long to find a patrol, though it is plenty of time for Dawnglare to decide to change his mind. It's a lucky thing for them, that was something he's hardly ever done for the seasons he's been alive. At the very least, once ThunderClan shows their faces, they are relatively quick to fetch who they need. Glacial eyes narrow upon Gentlestorm, as unassuming as he had been the first few times Dawnglare had met him. Dawnglare fails to see whatever it was Berryheart did, but then— that applied to nearly every Medicine Cat Apprentice he has laid his eyes on. In lieu of a greeting, he sniffs. Though Howlingstar still did not stand between them, perhaps it was not to soon to explain himself... The tom clears his throat.

" Yes. Hello... Hi, " words come out stilted, as if they took some great deal of effort to recall, and subsequently say. " ThunderClan, I am here for your benefit. " He dips his head, allowing a moment for this information to ruminate. " Though I am assisting... Gentlestorm the best that I can, I believe it would benefit him— you all most, if I were able to spend more time with him, " Even though, other than for educational purposes, the idea was not so thrilling... " Fireflypaw is knowledgeable enough to care for SkyClan on his own, for some time. If Howlingstar would have me, I believe... "

His gaze would pass over the ThunderClanner's present, searching for any ringing bells or questioning glances. Gauging reactions— yes, that was it. " I could spare some of my time. "
Howlingstar is not far behind her medicine cat, but she does not arrive with him. He had left camp before she even had a chance to hear the news, and she hurries out of the bramble entrance with concern clouding her gaze. "Antlerpaw, come on." Where she goes, her apprentice goes. That's how she will learn best. But she can't help but think...what in StarClan's name could cause Orangestar, Dawnglare, and Fireflypaw to all stand expectantly at their territory's edge? Her first thought is trouble. Had StarClan send their neighbors a sign of some sort? A prophecy? Why else would a medicine cat be there?

Maybe they just need herbs, She thinks hopefully as she nears the border. She picks up voices, and recognizes Dawnglare's slow, reluctant voice. She pauses just before entering the scene, her ears pricked and listening, eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Dawnglare...wants to come to stay in ThunderClan to finish Gentlestorm's training?

"And Orangestar is okay with this?" She asks as she steps out of the undergrowth and into view. Curiosity lights up rounded green eyes as she greets the SkyClan cats with a dip of her head. She pads to the border's edge to stand directly in front of the orange and white she-cat, her ears pressed forward in shock. She looks to Fireflypaw briefly, but this is not the time to lovingly greet her grandson. Her gaze travels over Dawnglare - she still recalls the night she'd first met him, here at this very border the night her grandchildren were born. At the SkyClan leader's side stands a young apprentice, nervous and apprehensive. And finally, her attention slides fully back to Orangestar. She hesitates a moment longer, considering her options. Gentlestorm is a capable medicine cat. This, he has proven. But his training is incomplete. That alone leaves her clan vulnerable. Perhaps if this were coming from any other clan, she might be a tad more suspicious. But SkyClan...SkyClan, she trusts. "I don't want to take you medicine cat from you. But if you approve this...stars, I'd be a fool to say no to this help. My clan needs a fully trained medicine cat," She explains, her tail-tip twitching back and forth behind her.

// apprentice tag @antlerpaw!
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"Nothing is wrong." Orangestar confirms. Though her expression doesn't change, her whiskers twitch in a friendly manner towards Nightbird; her prayers, answered to some extent. With Flamewhisker still in the nursery if memory serves, she is grateful for the presence of their neighbour's most inviting lead warrior. Gentlestorm arrives and she blinks at the medicine cat in a friendly manner. She hasn't seen him in a while; he seems weary. The presence of this informal apprentice, however, seems enough for Dawnglare to begin his spiel.

"Fireflypaw's only remaining milestone is their name." It's not an outright agreement, but Orangestar answers Howlingstar's concern with a nod. Orangestar had not been thrilled about the idea in the first place. ThunderClan will owe us a monumental favour. It goes unspoken, but the glance shared between leaders makes Orangestar think that Howlingstar understands this fact. "We are willing to allow Gentlestorm a moon of Dawnglare's training, if he does not outgrow it earlier."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin