private ICARION CARRION [ assessment ]

() anxiety chews at the stomach of the young man as he follows his mentor dutifully through the territory. his gut feels like it's writhing in discomfort, twisting and turning as his paws carry him toward his destiny. his mother follows himself and foxtail towards the clearing, and pebblepaw doesn't allow himself to look at her. she's not momma right now, she is hazecloud, riverclan's deputy, here to oversee a trial of warriorhood. even as fear chokes him and apprehension pools in his eyes, he does not seek her comfort. beefang's words of advice ring in his head, and he keeps walking.

it isn't that foxtail is a particularly threatening figure, but this is his big day too. his first apprentice to reach his assessment, first to potentially receive their name. pebblepaw refuses to let his mentor down, not after the kindness with which he's been taught with these past six moons. as they reach the sandy clearing where pebblepaw has spent so many of his days finalizing battle moves and practicing with shellpaw, the young man lets out a breath. he thinks of splashdance, who'd whispered words of encouragement only minutes before, of shellpaw who'd helped him practice countless times. "okay, i got this," he mumbles to himself, and forces the knot of anxiety down in his chest.

he positions himself at one end of the clearing, with foxtail on the other, hazecloud sat off to the side. white-capped paws scrape at the sand loosening it as foxtail explains the rules of his assessment. foxtail is defending, pebblepaw attacking. no claws, no blood. then, it begins. pebblepaw charges his mentor, head low as he sprays sand ahead of him, aiming to temporarily blind the man. should he be successful, he will attempt to plow into his mentor, using his strength to knock the ginger and white man to the ground.

  • // (lmk if the powerplay was too much, just had fox tell him to start) @FOXTAIL @hazecloud mwah mwah generally peb passes cause i don't want him to fail gfjkdh but for flavorrrr...
    first post is fighting - peb rolled an 11 + his strength modifier of 2 to get 13. if fox rolls a 13 or below, peb gets him
    i will timeskip in a bit to be hunting, then finally swimming, and roll for those too. " #848DAE"
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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.