icarus fell | prompt; reflection

A late leafbare child herself, Robinpaw has never fully known leafbare and all that comes with the change in weather. She was nothing more than a mewling scrap of fur nestled at her mother's belly the last time snow and ice graced the territory. Now she approaches adulthood and finds herself encountering newness that many RiverClanners had already endured and survived. Robinpaw is determined to endure and survive as well.

She finds herself part of a dawn hunting patrol. Frost stretches across the ground as multiple sets of paws grace the icy sheen and leave behind dainty prints, a telltale trail to follow back if need be (though the paths outside of the camp were well known by everyone on patrol). Citrine eyes find themselves skyward at the cry of a bird somewhere in the trees and Robinpaw notices that the final leaf that clung to a low branch gave up the ghost. A gentle breeze whisks the leaf free and it floats and flutters like a wayward moth before losing altitude and nestling right in front of the tortie molly. "I suppose it truly is leafbare now," Robinpaw murmurs, primarily to herself, as she paws at the leaf gently. There were no leaves left for the trees to shed - no more leaves to filter in sunlight or cast shade on days much warmer than today. However for some reason Robinpaw finds herself feeling somber for the little leaf. Or maybe she is somber for another reason?

The elders had told many tales about leafbare and the struggles that came with the season. Scarce prey and frigid nights. Empty bellies and chilled bodies. It brings a certain level of concern to the forefront of the apprentice's mind, though not enough to make her panic. If RiverClan could survive the rogue invasion and lack of prey moons before then certainly they could survive leafbare. It would not be easy - though nothing in life ever seemed easy. But Robinpaw believed in her clanmates and she believed in herself. She could tell herself that this was yet another trial to push through to prove herself. No kittypet would willingly endure leafbare; a warm home and constant food were siren calls to the weaker willed cats. Robinpaw would not allow herself to be lumped together with the likes of them. She escaped her twolegs for a reason and there was no way the tortoiseshell would ever go back. She would sooner freeze and starve than be a kittypet again. It was not the lifestyle for her. Hopefully the other RiverClanners could see that and find some level of admiration in Robinpaw's fortitude and ambition to become like everyone else. Hopefully she could prove herself to be an asset this leafbare and get through the season with much success. Robinpaw hopes that for all her clanmates; for if they all work together as a united group then anything was possible - right?

A voice calls her name and Robinpaw realizes she has fallen behind the group in all her reflection over the little fallen leaf at her paws. "Sorry! I'm coming," she apologizes quickly, stepping over the leaf and padding hastily to catch up with the patrol. There would be more time to think and reflect later - for now it was time to hunt and provide for her clanmates.

Ferngill liked to keep a stray eye on Robinpaw- not because he was suspicious of her in any manner, but because he found himself worrying for her a little bit. Word travelled quickly, and the word was that sometimes apprentices would pick on Robinpaw- as far as Ferngill was concerned, she was a Riverclanner through and through. If Cicadastar had deemed it so, the ginger tom found no reason to question her. Thus, he notices when she dropped behind a little- when he glanced over his shoulder, the fire-splashed apprentice was looking down at the ground.

He called for her- and when she hurriedly apologised, he shook his head, assuring her it was alright.

"Something on your mind?" he asked the moment she managed to catch up. There was no nosiness in his town- just a simple layer of caring, emotions shining as plainly as ever. "You know, sometimes it helps to talk. Means nothing can distract you when you're hunting." He kept his voice low, trying not to draw too much attention. Wasn't it best to be gently encouraging?
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There is a certain respect held for Ferngill by the robin colored molly due to his concern over her wellbeing (granted she respects all the warriors, but there’s something special about how he has always treated her). She manages a small smile as she catches up with the patrol, though it falters ever so slightly with his question. Ferngill makes a good point about talking about what’s on her mind to help clear it for hunting. But it doesn’t make it feel any less daunting explaining how she feels.

”Oh, uh, I was just thinking about leafbare and um… how hard it is on everyone,” she murmurs sheepishly albeit honestly, ducking her gaze to the ground as she pads alongside the others. ”I want to do my best for RiverClan this leafbare though. I-I am afraid if… if I don’t then others may wish me a kittypet again, and that is the last thing I would ever want.” Robinpaw grimaces ever so slightly as she keeps her head down, though she keeps an ear open for what Ferngill or the rest of the patrol may have to say.
Another cat assigned to the hunting patrol this morning is Hawkcloud, and the ginger she-cat keeps her mouth parted to taste the air for the scent of prey — her eyes and ears sharp as well. However, as the young apprentice considers, prey is scarce and Hawkcloud has yet to find any creatures besides their dawn patrol amongst the bare, cold undergrowth surrounding them. Instead, she picks up on the conversation between Robinpaw and Ferngill, and glances over at the apprentice with a warm smile.

"You're doing great, Robinpaw, don't worry!" the she-cat tells her kindly, hoping that her words might be enough to reassure the sweet tortoiseshell. Hawkcloud doesn't think it matters that the apprentice had once been a kittypet, and anyone that thought otherwise must not have met Robinpaw. She was incredibly hardworking — practically a warrior already, though she could stand to learn a bit more confidence. Hawkcloud hopes that the young she-cat can find it eventually. "You belong with us."
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She was never much of an early riser but being @ROOKFANG's apprentice would make rising at the crack of dawn a given. Sluggishly, she trailed behind Ferngill green gaze watery from several yawns to pass and pads chilled by the frosty earth. It was time's like these Bumblepaw appreciated her long and wispy ebony coat that insulated her body. Keeping her exceptionally comfortable despite the frigid temperatures around them. At first her mind didn't quite catch up to the other's conversation but Robinpaw's sheepish meow causes the molly to visibly pause. More than awake now she eyes the fellow paw' with a tenderness she usually only granted Maplepaw and her family.

Being clanborn she could never fully grasp the depths of what a non-clanborn cat experienced but she understood the hatred towards them even less. Everyone was just trying to survive and pursue happiness or at least that's what Bumblepaw believed. Catching back up with the pace set she added her own comment with a warmth mirroring Hawkcloud's. "I've never had any doubt you're one of us." Bright green's blink slow and sweet as she settles in on the tortoiseshell's free side. Aiming to lightly bat their shoulder with her feathery tail in a silent gesture of comradery.

For all his shortcomings, Ferngill had always been pretty alright at reading people. Robinpaw's nerves slowed his steps, and he allowed her to take the conversation at her own pace. I want to do my best for RiverClan. Well, that was a pretty normal reaction, as far as he was concerned. Regular for any apprentice. But Robinpaw, she... she had made a mistake, it was undeniable. Clearly though, she was aware of it- I'm afraid if I don't, then others may wish me a kittypet again.

More than anything, he was glad his advice was heeded- glad that she'd felt comfortable speaking. And forward flocked Bumblepaw and Hawcloud, spouting words of encouragement that he hoped would soothe her restlessness. Because boy if he knew what it was like to feel useless.

"You're a true Riverclanner, mistakes and all." he added, teeth glinting in his sunny grin. She'd nothing to doubt- Cicadastar had forgiven her, and she'd been young, and... everyone made mistakes when they were young. The scar spanning his left eye was proof of that concept.
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