camp ICH HEIßE... πŸŽͺ Ekat




Kurt had never given much thought to his name - it was just something he had always carried with him, given to him by his housefolk when he'd been born. If he had to say anything about it, he supposed that he liked it well enough - it rolled off his tongue easily and prettily, and it was an enjoyable sound to hear in return. He'd heard dozens of other names in all the time he'd traveled, but he was still finding himself adjusting to the idea of the names that these wild cats in SkyClan - and, presumably, the rest of the Clans - gave themselves. Owlheart, Orangestar, Drowsynose... all fascinating, strange names.

It was getting to be evening, getting to be that time when Kurt would return to his circus and shows and all manner of things that he would bring back as tall tales to tell the more curious of SkyClanners, but for now, Kurt found himself sharing tongues with a Clanmate named Ekat - nothing like the names of some of the others, but he hadn't taken it upon himself to ask, having decided to not judge, for now, whether it would be an appropriate topic. However, as coincidences are wont to be, Kurt's ears perked up at the mewling of some nearby apprentices, and he paused to listen in to their conversation. They were going on about warrior names, and Kurt chuckled at the topic that seemed to be in everyone's minds tonight.

"FrΓ€ulein, if you don't mind my asking, why do you not have a name like the others here?" Kurt asked smoothly, drawing a paw over his ear. "Most of them, they have two parts to their names. Have you not received yours yet?" Yellow eyes blinked curiously. He knew that daylight warriors shadowed proper warriors, and earned their so-called 'warrior' names when they graduated from shadowing. Perhaps Ekat was similar to him in that regard.
  • ! @Ekat for the random partner plotting prompt concerning: names
  • KURT ✩ daylight warrior of skyclan, twenty-eight moons
    speaks with a German accent
    β†’ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    β†’ penned by Archivist β†’ .archivist on discord.

She startles when the tomcat beside her speaks up, addressing her with a word she's heard him use a few times but doesn't know the meaning of herself. Ekat can only assume it's a nickname of some sort, although she isn't sure what she's done to earn it β€” and she's not about to ask when she hardly knows him. She'd startled, too, when Kurt had plopped himself beside her and began to groom his similarly midnight-shaded pelt as though they were already well-acquainted, but she'd remained where she was. Sometimes, Ekat's nervous, self-imposed isolation kept her within the realm of the loner tendencies she'd once lived by, including relaxing beside Clanmates and sharing tongues. She still needed to get accustomed to it.

"I joined SkyClan about four moons ago with my father, Zemo," she begins, glancing at the tomcat for a moment before turning away from his curious gaze. When she thinks about it, it's truly hard to believe so much time has passed, but it has. Ekat was named a full warrior in that time, as Kurt eventually will too, if he remains with them and completes his shadowing. "I had my warrior ceremony, but I decided to keep my loner name because he did." Had her father decided to take on a Clan name, Ekat would have, too. Sometimes she wonders what Orangestar might've named her, but she's content with the one she has. She's content with following in her father's pawsteps, as well, wherever they might lead. She looks at her own paws for a moment, shuffling them as she thinks. "Do you plan to take on a warrior name?"

Kurt listens intently as Ekat explains the amount of time she'd been with SkyClan, and her reasoning for not taking on a name similar to those of the other Clan cats. He understands that, the feeling of wanting to remain close with one's kin, and he wouldn't have any right to be against her reasoning anyway.

"Four moons? That is almost a lifetime, or the blink of an eye, when you think about it." Kurt comments - time was a tricky thing, a thing that could drag on forever or pass faster than one could think of the concept. "Ekat..." He repeats thoughtfully, looking up at the sky. "Does it have a meaning?" He asks, and then considers the she-cat's question.

Do you plan to take on a warrior name? The thought had crossed Kurt's mind before, almost whenever he thought about how strange the names were around here, but he'd never really decided one way or the other. He supposed there was plenty of time to decide, what with his shadowing to look forward to, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to plan ahead.

"I think I will," Kurt finally says, nodding to himself. "I find their names fascinating. I think I would like to experience being named by Orangestar myself. It will be like... a rite of passage, if you will."

The tomcat goes on to ask her another question, and Ekat would normally feel tense down to her every muscle from being spoken to for a longer period of time. Conversations are difficult for the anxious she-cat, who worries about stumbling over her words or not presenting herself as intelligently or empathetically as she'd like to. Navigating even the most mundane conversations can feel like crossing a rushing current with only a few slippery stones as pawholds for Ekat, even if they tend to not be so awful as she anticipates when all is said and done. Still, she feels oddly relaxed speaking to the tomcat beside her, perhaps because he seems so polite.

It leaves her more at ease than usual, wrapping her tail around her paws as she responds, "It's short for Ekatrina. I'm actually not sure if it means anything..." Her full name feels foreign on her tongue, too elegant to suit the quiet and anxious warrior. Perhaps if Orangestar had given her a new name, it would've been befitting of Ekat's personality. The one she gives to Kurt will surely be interesting, since the tomcat himself is unique, Ekat thinks. "That does sound nice," Ekat agrees, and can imagine how rewarding it would be to receive a new name alongside becoming a full warrior. She still feels as though she never deserved the title in the first place, and in that regard β€” perhaps it makes sense that she's still the same timid Ekat as the cat that stood at the border four moons ago.​

"Why would you need a two-parter name? I think your names are fine enough, in my opinion. Though, there's nothing wrong with a little change. Sometimes, it's just what you need." Trill of a birdsong voice sounded behind Ekat and Kurt, as though treble tone chirred with the upbeat symphony of the crickets, as out-of-place as the kittypet was within Skyclan. Although the cream sepia had just arrived to the clan, she made little haste in socializing with the curious characters outside of the Twolegplace. Besides, this was the best place to get the juiciest gossip, straight from the fruit of the grapevine. Sfogliatella sat down with a wispy tail curling around satin paws, like she held a wardence warbling in morning's cry, a sore thumb in the face of the rather glum and dreary clanmates. Cloud-gentle smile crossed her maw, whiskers twitching as she listened to quieter kin. Many of the cats she had met were quite confidential, keeping secrets close to their heart. "Mi chiamo Sfogliatella, though I've had many, many names before. Francesca, Mrs. Kitty-Kitty-Soft-Fur, and so much more. Each Twoleg's different. And I'm sure Orangestar has some great names from whichever Twoleg cares for her." Change came violent and erupting, at times, though the molly simply liked to think of it as a lyric rising and lilting in volume. It came and it went, much to anyone's remonstrance. There was little one could do but embrace what would wash over them, whether rain or soot.