camp icons of self-indulgence ✧ patrols


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  • Nervousness trickles down her spine like a gentle rain... it is not enough a burden to drench her coat, weigh her down, hinder her movements, but it is uncomfortably prickly and cold. There are two additional faces amongst the meadow of faces that are her clan-mates... a bountiful harvest ripe for plucking and yet the new blooms are so fragile she fears they might break under a harsh enough wind. A tattered ear flicks in quiet conflict, each one a fearful thought barely swatted away.

    "Patrols," she calls, a caterwaul loud enough to summon the bustling crowds that have all gone about celebrating the clan's newfound growth and strength. Her eyes think to search the entrance of the medicine cat's den, waiting for a pair of soft green eyes to nudge her that he needed some help gathering herbs or collecting cobwebs- no such gaze will find her and the reminder stings. If anything, it will be Moonpaw's golden globes... or maybe Shellkit's rheumy stare that begs to be included. Was she jealous of her brothers?

    A frustration simmers in her belly that tells Lichentail to be angry with her- a fragile lily-bodied girl never should've left camp to begin with... shouldn't have taken matters into her own paws like she knew better than her elders- "Doing things... a little differently," she starts, dragging her gaze to the central-most area and shoving that gurgling fury down. "You don't... need my lead warriors... to babysit you," she continues, knowing her explanation to be lacking enough to be understood without the context they'd soon have. Her team deserved a break from the constant drag of leading patrols... especially when they had plenty of competent warriors to lighten the load instead.

    "Troutsnout, you'll be taking... Coyotecreek, Tigersplash, and Quickjaw... Head for the pines." She hoped it was a pleasant surprise, the sudden responsibility, and not a curse like it had seemed to be for Pikesplash the first time. "Fogshore... have Brookstorm, Dewcloud.... and Willowroot... go with you to the moors." Her throat runs dry, crackling where the dusty air of spring rubs it to splintering.

    "Sablemist," she searches for the gentle shadow, the counterpart to blazing sunshine, and smiles, "ThunderClan- with Silverbreath, Otterbite, and Feathergaze." She'd proven herself a smart enough girl... Lichentail wouldn't need to worry about her starting a war with their greedy neighbors (probably). "Salmonshade- I'll be following... your lead. We'll be... bringing Claythorn and Hazewish," her eyes catch on the blue tom that sits beside his mentor dutifully, "And Riverpaw... of course."

    The next patrols are... less conventional, adapted more-so on recent trends and to bolster some of her fears as only bouts of paranoia. She didn't want to take any chances just because the weather was nice. "Twolegs have been making... noise... stretching their legs on... our territory. Lakemoon, I'd ask... you take Gillsight and Asphodelpaw.. to make sure they aren't... causing trouble," she thinks of near-invisible wires hoisting Smokestar off the ground and can't help but shudder; hopefully that would not repeat this season. "Foxtail-- the river's plenty warm... to teach the apprentices our tricks. When Brookstorm," she casts the ashy molly a pointed glance, "Gets back... from her patrol. She will assist you. Take any apprentice who'll listen."

    She waves a paw towards the elder's den, swathed in the gentle grip of willow branches and elevated only slightly from the rest of the dens- "They're sure... to go crazy... if we don't move those old bones. Snakeblink, please take... some apprentices after... battle lessons... and show our elders... the territory. I'm sure they'll... trade you stories, as thanks. Anyone that argues... can pick their ticks... instead."

    "After... Otterbite and Claythorn... have finished their vigil, Bronzeshine, please have... Sunsetfury... and Nightfish join you as camp guards. If the... queens need help, please... spare them a paw. And that... just leaves," she turns to face a stone-faced night sky, pinching her brows in a show of uncertainty to be offering him any orders at all, "You.... Please let Houndstride and... Hawkcloud know... if Moonpaw needs more than... just your help." A broken tail twitches at its tip in nervous anticipation, knowing she'd made some intentional choices to keep his youngest kin safest above all else... He'd have to forgive her hesitation. And hopefully wouldn't question why Brookstorm had her paws full especially. "That's everything... dismissed."

    [please see ->>> next tab for optional prompts & complete patrol list]
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    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
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    skyclan - the river looks especially rapid today... do you advise your neighbors?
    @troutsnout [lead]

    windclan - pollen dusts the bridge in a nice thin layer... try not to sneeze.
    @FOGSHORE [lead]
    @willowroot [& @minkpaw]

    thunderclan - thunderclan's scent drifts across the river and reeks... did they trespass?
    @Sablemist [lead]

    hunting - your group thinks they find a vole's nest but instead finds an angry hissing face instead...
    @salmonshade [& @RIVERPAW] [lead]

    twoleg camp investigation - there's lots of metallic smelling cylinders laying around and some of them smell pretty good! careful not to get your head stuck...
    @LAKEMOON [lead]

    combat - with the waters warming up, it's time to refresh the apprentices on some water-based combat skills
    @FOXTAIL [& @PEBBLEPAW] [lead]

    elder walk - the elders are going to get sore sitting around all spring... take them for a supervised walk at sunset!
    @Snakeblink [& @turtlepaw] [lead]

    nursery/guard - there are so many kits flooding the nursery that the queens need help wrangling a would-be escapee / you notice a pair of eyes lurking in the dark after assuming your shift- do you investigate?
    @BRONZESHINE [lead]

    medicine - there is an abundance of blooms this time of year! be careful you don't pick the wrong thing...
    @SMOKESTAR [& beepaw & cicadapaw] [lead]

    penned by tieirlys
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Regardless of her emotions, Brookstorm is ever so obedient to her superiors and the tasks they have laid out for the day. She settles in with some sick sense of relief that Robinheart should not be put on any more patrols - much of her thinks it so that she does not have to interact with the mottled fem. The smallest bits of her, however, are happy that Robinheart may not risk her own life or the life of their unborn with thus considered frivolous tasks.

Her tail twitches as she looks between warriors, the leads given a break from patrolling for the week. Her name is matched with a pawful of others and sent towards the moorlands - and for the following breath, Brookstorm thought all she had to be upset over was of seeing those temperamental mange pelts again. But for as long as she lingers, it seems Lichentail decides her paws are not full enough. She's paired with Foxtail - the timid tom - to train the apprentices in the river. On top of the patrols and duties she already has.

"Lichentail -" she starts to protest, but then she notices just how crowded the camp gets when patrols are dolled out. She clenches her jaw, simply nodding instead, "Will do," she plays it off, not smoothly whatsoever but enough to pass. ​
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It sure was nice for Lichentail to give the leads a bit of a break... though he couldn't deny that when he overheard that Sablemist would be leading a patrol, he'd been hoping a tiny bit that they might get to do one together. Ah, well- at least she was going to ThunderClan, home to a couple of friendlier faces- a little less precarious than WindClan, despite the rivalry over Sunningrocks. When she was assigned patrol leader, his face lit up like the sun itself- a smile found comfortable place on his face, and he wound up next to her, bumping their shoulders together briefly.

"Hope everything goes well, sweetheart," he purred, trying not to fuss over her too much, but doing quite a bad job of concealing just how excited he was for her. Verdant eye glimmering, he flashed her a grin. "I'll see you when you get back!"
penned by pin
  • Love
Reactions: Sablemist
The call from their deputy attracted the spotted tabby as she came forth, dipping her head in greetings to everyone and settling in a secluded spot that hadn't been occupied. She listens intently to Lichentail's words and finds herself being told to lead the patrol to Skyclan which catches her by surprise. She had been a warrior for only a moon or two now, but had she proved herself well in the deputy's eye to lead a patrol? Was it a mistake? Troutsnout ponders for a moment and hesitates for a moment, wondering if she had a mistake before giving herself a shake and raises to her paws. "Understood, Lichentail. Goodluck everyone." The female would respond as she goes off to wait off to the side to either gather the other warriors or grab them once everyone had dispered.

It's that time again as Lichentail stands at attention, calling out patrols. Salmon flicks her tail for Riverpaw to follow, squinting her eyes as Lichentail names off them. It seems the lead warriors get a break today, and their regular warriors are being chosen to lead. Troutsnout, Fogshore, Sablemist all get to lead one.

Salmonshade, Lichentail starts. She sucks in a sharp breath. Please, don't be nursery duty. Instead, she is chosen to lead a hunting patrol and the warrior cannot help herself as her tail curls around her paws, she bashfully licks down a few stray hairs from her mane. Her patrol is full of... hopefully sensible cats, so this should go well.

"Stick close by me. I'll show you how to track a scent, and i'll demonstrate a hunters crouch..." she hums lightly, tail flicking as she scans the gathering crowd of cats for Hazewish and newly named Claythorn. She already has Riverpaw besides her, and Lichentail is handing out the rest of the patrols... She hopes she can take to the river, because land hunting had never been her forte... Leaf-bare makes it a necessity, and yet... Embarrassment burns her cheeks. She'll make a fool of herself in front of her apprentice, shes sure of it.

She turns her head back down to Riverpaw, her voice even and cool when she speaks; she makes sure no trace of doubt or anxiety rises in her tone. "We'll leave out as soon as our patrol gathers." she promises him.

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

Heeding Lichentail's call the ebony shadow is quick to lift her head from her previous grooming session. No lead warriors on patrol this time? She agreed that it would be a nice break for the higher ups, but it was certainly different from what she was used to. As the deputy fired off names her eyes blinked with surprise as her own name was called to lead a patrol to thunderclan. This was her first patrol to lead and her heart thrummed with both excitement and mild worry. But then the sun comes to chase away her concerns, bumping her shoulder tenderly with a warm smile upon his face. She returns the gesture with a thunderous rumble of her own, touching her nose to his ear. "Thank you, I wish you could come with me. But I'll come find you when I get back." She promised with a smile. Looking over her shoulder to locate those of her group she gave a light wave of her tail to gather them.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
ꕀꕀ Taking the elders on a walk doesn’t sound like the most fun way to spend his day, but the dusty tortoiseshell supposes that it’s better than sitting idly around camp and waiting for something interesting to happen. He likes the elders, anyway—the oldest cats in the clan can be rather grouchy, but they’ve almost always got intriguing stories to tell about their youth, or the formation of the clans. He’s heard all about how the five clans were made before, from his parents, but the tale is one that the apprentice will forever jump at the chance to hear again.

He seeks out Snakeblink in the group of gathered cats, yellow eyes round and expectant. "Just let me know when we’re leaving," he offers to the lead warrior, his fluffy tail flicking behind him.

It’s good to see Lichentail adjust so quickly to their new situation, voice hoarse but steady as they give out marching orders — so good, in fact, that Snakeblink doesn’t register his own assignment immediately, and by the time he does it’s too late to protest. Not that he could have, really, it’s just—

Elders are inveterate gossips, which he enjoys tremendously, and their chatter is a great source of information; their staying in camp all day means they have a near-perfect understanding of anything going on within the reed walls while Snakeblink is out and about. But they are also, crucially, gossips about anyone, and their heckling and needling about his health, love life, and shameless attempts at fishing for what he knows (and tries to keep secret, after many an uncomfortable lesson on the subject of secrecy) never fail to raise Snakeblink’s hackles. And age has given many of them sharp tongues, which they have no qualms lashing him with: elders, in short, scare him a good bit.

But they are his clanmates, whose wisdom and knowledge is dearly prized, and who would he be to refuse such a simple task?

”I shall bring back any good story I hear,” he says in response to Lichentail’s assignment, and resists the urge to sigh.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw approaches to hear where she'll be assigned to and listens carefully, she'd be attending the combat training and potentially helping out Moonpaw with gathering herbs. Her snout wrinkles at the thought of it but she can't be too upset about it since she'll be helping out her friend though the sound of Ferngill calling after Sablemist and the little nickname of sweetheart is enough to make Beepaw's pelt prickle in the slightest. It seems that her older friend had finally settled down since she can faintly recall them making their nests together and well, now they definitely weren't hiding their love. It's cute... In a rotting teeth sort of way, she supposes.

She shakes herself out and she's truly happy for them but she'd never be so lovestruck enough to act that way or so she hopes. With a flick of her feathery tail, she heads out to get ready for training.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed