border Icy Veins || Shadowclan Patrol

Leading his patrol through the marsh and to the Thunderclan border this afternoon, Frostbite's steps are as quiet as he is. He expects everyone to know how to behave, but when they get close, he'll remind them for good measure. The ground is cold and laden with snow and thin ice, and his paws were numb not even halfway to the border. The air bit into him even with his thick coat, and his face stung from the chill. The sky was clouded and hiding the sun, making sure no warmth reached the land below. Every step was a challenge to keep quiet as the thin coating of ice on the otherwise soggy ground threatens to crinkle and crack beneath him. When they finally reach the border, he peers into the oak forest and surrounding area. Who would meet them today? Not that he really cared, but he was mostly looking out for rogues.

"Lets get to work, you know the drill. I know we all know how to behave at the border, be nice, don't cause problems, all that." He says, rubbing against a tree to leave his mark on it.

(( @FORESTSHADE @CHITTERTONGUE @Sweetpaw @POPPYPAW @orchidpaw @BASILPAW patwol time))​
" Hey, ShadowClannn, " the warrior drawls as she trots toward the Thunderpath. She's been here so many times now, at the Thunderpath with a standoff between her patrol and ShadowClan's, that she's now made it her goal to get any semblance of an amicable chat from them. It's always, loud thunderclanners. Good day? Well it's a very bad day on our side of the border! Bah humbug!, etcetera, etcetera. This snow - white cat was quite pristinely different from the rest of them, perhaps their personality would be pristinely different, too. Frostbite, was it?

It's her first patrol since she's been freed from cobwebs clutches. And— hey. Wasn't ShadowClan's patrol small? Smaller than usual? Wolfwind narrows her sole eye toward the ragtag true, trying not to shiver when Leaf - bare's breeze grazes against sensitive skin.

Then she tilts her head and oh, the rest of them appear. She doesn't really like that. She doesn't like that at all, actually. Ack. The patrol would be met with another series of blinks.

Well— well, whatever. Wolfwind smiles, a small thing. Then it sharpens into something she has time for. " Any news for your pals in ThunderClan? " Wolfwind's pretty sure ShadowClan doesn't have friends in ThunderClan, but, ah, let's call it a test!

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Forestshade saunters along at Frostbite’s heels, her two apprentices in tow. Her ears flick lazily about, finding nothing too interesting to listen to nearby, before she begins to rub her thick pelt against tree trunks and the like. The same old instructions are given to her and she suppresses any sassy comeback - yes, she knows how border patrols work! But Frostbite is nice, so she doesn’t feel like biting his head off today. A grunt is what she settles for before a playful voice calls across the thunderpath.

“It’s still freezing!” The patched she-cat offers back, her tone not unfriendly yet no grin is found on her face. Irritatingly neutral. “How about in ThunderClan? I could use a good story.” Her fluffy tail lashes against a stone, smacking her scent all over it before she continues on and listens for the other to respond across the path.
make peace with your broken pieces .
A story, mhm? Whitelion had a great stash of stories beneath his fur, which he had shared briefly before Oakfang’s passing. Losing his closest friend left a rather peculiar hole in his chest, where ivy twisted and grew into unpleasant thorns to poke and prod at the tender muscle left an Oakfang-sized hole in his chest, one that even his mate couldn’t fix. With time, yes, but that is talk of the future, one where Whitelion had learned to soothe the burns with timeless balm, but today was today, and that is not so unforgiving.

He chuckled, breath coming in quick puffs that curled like dying smoke around his muzzle, lonely hue crinkling in mirth as he rubbed his scent against ThunderClan’s border, plumed tail weaving in the air hypnotically. “I have many stories, perhaps you’ll like something more uplifting.” He called from across the thunderpath, glancing toward the ShadowClan patrol with a curious flicker.
thought speech

Be nice they said. Okay! Basilpaw grinned widely as he sprinted past his own clanmates to stop by the edge of the thunderpath so he could excitedly greet his favorite clan in this forest beside his own of course!. " HELLO AGAIN THUNDERCLAN FRIENDS, DO YOU ALL REMEMBER ME? IT'S YOUR PAL BASILPAW IN CASE YOU FORGOT!!." He yelled to make sure his words would reach each one of them. Last time they had been so nice to him even congratulate him for becoming an apprentice!. He had liked that. " OH I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR A STORY?, PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME TELL ME!!." He started to bounce up and down at the border as he was dangerously close to the black road that had claimed many cats lives in the past.

Well, she certainly hadn’t been expecting one of them to actually take her up on the invitation. And she certainly hadn’t expected an actual story - she just wanted some gossip! She hesitates, brow furrowing a bit in consideration. “Sorry, sitting on this stinking path doesn’t sound very appealing. Maybe next time.” She flippantly waves her tail and begins to continue on her way when the screaming voice of Basilpaw causes her entire pelt to spike out at different angles. Her ears pin to her skull and her jaws clack together in surprise. The warrior whirls around and delivers a swift cuff to the apprentice’s ear, blind eyes still squeezed shut from the shrillness of his yowl. “You scream like that again I’ll bury you in the Carrionplace!” She hisses in annoyance, pulling her paw away to stalk a few paces away from him. Of course, everyone in her clan knows her well enough to know she isn’t nearly serious, but the irritation is palpable. Why are so many ShadowClan apprentices so loud?
It's still freezing! a tortoiseshell calls. Her words goad Wolfwind into shivers. " Tell me about it! " she imagines, at least, ThunderClan's dense forest shielded them better from wind than it would ShadowClan. Poor things. She doesn't miss that miserable place none. Leaf - bare wasn't much of news for anyone, though, and in her opinion, ShadowClan didn't deserve any fun stories in exchange for that uninteresting tidbit. Wolfwind hums thoughtfully, making it obvious she didnt intend to say much of anything in reply.

Something uplifting. What, something motivational? If Whitelion wanted to tell some heroic tales, he could knock himself out for all she cares. Though, the audience of the horrifically loud ShadowClan apprentice on the other side is probably a daunting one. She makes a show of rubbing her ears. One ripped— and now the other would be blown out by the roar of monsters and just as loud shouting of this guy. " I'll never forget, tell you what, " she sniffs, and huffs a laugh when she's treated to the tortoiseshell swiftly cuffing the apprentice's ear. "The foxes will come to your side of the territory, I'm sure! " it's a joke, of course, but one that feels like a stone being ground into the side 'f her skull the moment she says it. Of course, she wouldn't wish that on any cat Not really. Not seriously.
Palepaw trotted along the Thunderpath with the rest of the patrol, her delicate features permanently scrunched in an expression of pure disgust. She truly hated this border and the putrid stench coming from the twoleg monsters. No matter how many moons went by or how many patrols she went on, the smell never got any more bearable. As she glanced back over her shoulder to see where Nightbird had gone, the pale apprentice caught movement from the other side of the gray stone pathway out of the corner of her eye. Shadowclan. They also had a patrol out, it seemed.

The molly tried to ignore the friendly chatter that flowed between her clanmates and their neighbors, keeping her attention locked on the trail ahead of them. She somewhat resented this part of clan life. It was probably rather childish of her, and a bit small-minded, but ever since her father's ill-gotten fate at the claws of rogues, she detested outsiders in whatever form they came in. That included cats from other clans. She wasn't at all in the mood to participate in idle banter with a group of Shadowclanners.

Especially when one of their apprentices suddenly shrieked across the Thunderpath at them, causing Palepaw's whole body to flinch from the grating sound. "Geez," she muttered sharply to herself, "why's everyone always so loud at the border?" It brought back visions of the last patrol she'd met from Riverclan, when Bravepaw and Icepaw had both also screamed at their river-dwelling counterparts. She nearly shuddered from the mere memory of the embarrassment she'd felt then.

[ mentor tag @nightbird ]
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she had learned a certain appreciation for shadowclan in the mountains, their skills at least. they had successfully navigated everyone on the journey to regrouping, through caves where she could not even see her paws touching the ground. still, their personalities were about as tasteful as the carrion they devoured.

screaming across the border, she almost wishes they could go back to a time where it was insults being spat. for the sake of her ears. her apprentice seems to agree, repulsed by the sheer volume emitting from a shadowclan apprentice. nightbird huffs in amused agreement. "it's annoying, they live to be a thorn in our side," she grumbled sarcastically, the list could go on forever. "let wolfwind and whitelion entertain them. between her jokes and his stories, they'll be running off soon."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 29 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Angry
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