private i'd fall anywhere with you // dustpaw

periwinklepaw | 06 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
The events of the past few days - no, the past few moons - is all to much. Stumbling blindly from the medicine den now that the healing is done for the day, the weary boy seeks out the only person he can think of who is not involved in the drama. Clear gaze is watery with still unshed tears as he spots Dustpaw, limber figure trembling with exhaustion and anxiety as he throws himself bodily forwards through the snow to join him. Words fail him, instead sniffles and sobs and whines live his lips without his permission, and he knows he looks exactly as pathetic as he feels - as weak as his clanmates accuse him of being. And yet - he cannot stop them, cannot help it. It's all become to much and he feels something inside of him break as he stands besides the bigger boy. "w-whyyy..." it's a high pitched thing, long and sharp and drawn out as fangs drawn blood from his tongue. why does this keep happening? why does everyone leave him?

// @Dustpaw | Duststorm