private i'd leave it all behind if i could follow


periwinklebreeze 18 moons demi-boy he/they windclan moor runner

Eight days.

That's how long he'd been confined to camp. At first, periwinklebreeze had simply been glad to be free of the med den, passing the time by spending time with the kits in the nursery. A pleasant reprieve from all that he has been through, has suffered. But facing sootstar had proved to be too much for him in the end - hearing bluepools words in his defense, the way yewberry had spoken his mother's name.

It's too much for weary mind, and so on the final night of his 'treatment', the boy leaves. He's never been able to sleep that well anyways - what's one more night without? Pale figure races across the moorlands, fur a white blur in the moonlight. It's freeing - the burn of the night air in his lungs as he races across the territory. Freeing. He only stops when he arrives at the very edge of the territory, blinking at the familiar border. The invisible line that he's rarely ever crossed. A heartbeat, and then another - he darts past it - not thinking twice. It'd been nice, the time they'd spent with the barn cats - away from all the responsibilities and pressures. He wants that reprieve again.

He hardly expects to come across a familiar figure when he does, though that doesn't stop bright smile from gracing his features. Littered in wounds as he is, he certainly looks worse than the last time they'd ran into each other, he thinks. " H-hello again, " he chirps out playfully, shoulders and body relaxed.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

D O N ' T L O O K A T M E W I T H T H O S E E Y E S

Eight days.

That's how long Michael had spent away from the clan territories. He'd heard tell of battle, caught whispers from loners and heard clan cats chatter from afar, so he'd decided to get out of dodge. He'd picked himself up and walked for a few days, then immediately walked back. It hadn't been all bad, he'd managed to catch a few things here and there, but he felt the tightness in his chest loosen as he got closer to familiar land.

The black tabby had stopped for the evening; his paws ached and he felt as though his stomach were curling inward. He wasn't the best hunter on the best of days so, needless to say, he was particularly awful when the sun was down. There was more use in finding a dry place to sleep than finding food.

He'd only just started his search when he came across a familiar face, though that's not to say he wasn't still startled by them. Something had changed since Michael had seen them last, a difference that nagged at him the more he stared. " I, uh.. " Michael had taken his cursory step back when he'd seen them approach, heard their friendly greeting. He still didn't really know them, not well anyway, and didn't want to risk not having a head start if the interaction went awry. " Hello.. " He felt as though he'd have noticed if they were this injured before, right? " Are you, uh.. alright?

periwinklebreeze 18 moons demi-boy he/they windclan moor runner

The other seems skittish still - but periwinklebreeze can't exactly blame him. Still - he'd come out here to be free, to escape the looks, to escape his own mind. " I'm w-well enough, " he stammers, and it's not really a lie. He was far worse for wear before, even with new wounds littering his pelt he's never felt so alive. Perhaps that's what drives this recklessness. " Are y-you out here often? I n-never s-saw you at the b-barn-? " he asks curiously, though he doesn't walk any closer, instead sitting down. Perhaps that'd at least put them mor at ease? He's always wondered what life must eb outside the clans, how his mother lived once she'd been exiled. That curiosity doesn't ebb now, only grows stronger as the fear of being exiled under sootstars reign abates.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

D O N ' T L O O K A T M E W I T H T H O S E E Y E S