i'd rather sleep ⸸ comfreypaw

"Comfreypaw, look. Look."
He is not generally so eager to approach another clanmate and talk but he is struck by a rare impulse to share his latest knowledge with one he thinks might humor him - at least this once. A single purple flower droops from his maw, petals withered trod upon; this would unfortunately not be a bloom for Starlingheart's stores as he had stepped upon it accidentally in his trek through the marshes and thus ruined whatever healing it might have to offer in the future but she had quite a few as it were and it would make for a nice gift still anyways. Wobbling steps carry him over to the chocolate dappled apprentice, eyes wide as he sets it down near her paws with all the enthusiasm of a kit bringing a dead insect to a watchful queen after they had 'hunted' it.
"Comfrey." A paw taps the ground, he realizes the single statement isn't explaination enough and wriggles in place as he settles into a proper sit, "It's the flower you were named after, I learned it mends things...binds broken bits together." Magpiepaw waves a paw, trying to filter his thoughts and recall exactly what it mended - was this the one that helped an open wound close? No, goldenrod was the one that sped up the healing process of such injuries. Comfrey helped something else though in his excitement to share the new thing he had learned he had forgotten it entirely. The black and white tom leans in, head dipped to whisper secrets, "I have heard your brother is named for the plant that makes you throw up. It is apt, he's disgusting."
Magpiepaw had only ever had a few interactions with the other cat, but it was enough to make his decision to not like him - the simple fact of talking too much was a crime to him.
"ShadowClan does not have yarrow..." It was an observation based on knowing what herbs Starlingheart had and what he'd seen growing on the territory but combined with his previous remark it came across more threatening than intended.
