
the view between villages
Nov 7, 2023
𓆝 . ° ✦ Weedpaw is pretty sure he is the only cat his own age that has not yet had a successful catch. He hides it well- often lingering at the back of hunting patrols and self-punishing by being among the last of SkyClan to eat- but Weedpaw knows he is behind the curve. He isn't close with many of his peers. His own fault, too, he guesses. But Weedpaw is secure in his few and tight connections, even if it means they act as an echo chamber of reassurances for his failures. Thought they don't mean it Weedpaw is irritated by the coddling. His own mentor, perhaps, does not coddle him. But his siblings and mother- no matter how well-meaning- do not criticize or seem to hold him to any standard other than being a good cat whatsoever.

Weedpaw does not often tell others when he leaves camp. He doesn't stray far (he swears), and always ensures that he has completed all his tasks and chores before slipping away. Sure, he doesn't always check in with the older warriors and his mentor, but they're usually too busy to notice anyway. And though he is by no means neglected, he is more shadow than cat in the apprentices' den. His peers chatter, gossip, and shirk. He observes, bemused. Weedpaw does yearn to be part of them, but he lacks to drive to join them. Instead choosing to stick to what he knows and wander in solitude.

It's one such day. The autumn sky is dappled with easygoing clouds, and the sun which hangs high overhead beams down through the dancing leaves onto the littered forest floor below. Weedpaw moves with purpose. He is close to the location of that dreaded embarrassment of a day; when he'd basically almost killed himself falling flat on his back trying to awkwardly kill a squirrel. For whatever reason, a fire has been lit under his ass. Weedpaw recalls everything he has ever learned or observed. His steps are quick and full of purpose, yet quiet and calculated.

He scents it and hears it before he actually sees it. A squirrel chatters by the roots of a great oak, unsuspecting of the stalking feline nearby. Weedpaw makes sure he has a clear view and clear path as he crouches. He remembers everything he's been taught, recalling the memories to both his brains and his muscles. Briefly, he thinks 'How embarrassing. The size of a warrior and lacking all of the skill.' The thought is almost enough to shake him, but Weedpaw instead sets his jaw and takes steady aim. He stalks one length closer... two lengths...

The bicolor digs his back paws into moist earth and roots, pouncing forward. By some combination of hard practice and sheer luck, the squirrel barely registers the siege and hardly makes it an inch into its flee before Weedpaw lands hard on it. He dispatches it quickly, feeling the little bones in its neck snap easily and tasting a flash of blood. Weedpaw stands in astonishment over his kill. His kill. A rare smile finds its way onto his face, splitting his mouth wide. "Thank you, StarClan," he mutters half-heartedly, and picks up his kill to carry it home. He laughs incredulously into its fur as he tastes its blood once again.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
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*✿❀○❀✿*There were a plethora of reasons why Bella wouldn't be with her peers receiving their warrior names. She was eternally grateful that her time restrained in her two-legged abode had not hampered her ability to hunt little critters. She had a playful heart, and if hunting was all she needed to know, she might haven been made a warrior early. However, her absent-minded self was simply too far behind in most areas to graduate, and she's fine with it.

Some things simply take time to learn. Everyone grows and flourished at their own pace.

Typically, Weedpaw prefers his space. She doesn't often see him hanging around others. For what reason? She didn't know. Maybe the chit chat and gossip were just not his thing. For Bella, the other apprentice's little departure was not noticed, her head too far up in the clouds. But his return definitely caught her wayward eyes. Bella hummed, there's just something different about him. He seems happy at least, perhaps it had something to do with the plum fluffy squirrel hanging from his mouth. "Whoa nice catch dearie, you sure did snatch a big one" Bella comments with a smile.

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Ghostpaw often stared after the older apprentices, soft eyes wide and adoring as they did everything she would one day do. They sparred, they joked, they hunted, they were brave enough to leave camp without being glued to their mentor's side. That last one she'd noticed particularly in Weedpaw, a quiet tom who kept to himself more often than not. He'd left again today, and Ghostpaw amused herself by pondering what he could be doing. Exploring the Thunderpath? Patrolling the border? Fighting off badgers, which Ghostpaw had never seen but she had heard more than enough stories. Bella saw him first, and the young apprentice's curiousities were answered. He was hunting!

"Woah, that's so cool!" The squeak of excitement burst from Ghostpaw as she bounded over, forgetting her nerves. "Squirrels are so fast, and they always go right for the trees, I can't believe you caught one!" Ghostpaw had yet to gain the confidence to even try hunting, let alone hunting a squirrel. She was terrified of ruining hunts when everyone around her seemed so much more capable.​

While she normally prides herself on noticing many if not all of her clanmates she had to admit that Weedpaw does blend in really well to the shadows of camp. Quiet enough to blend into the crowd, she can relate to that having spent a majority of her apprentice months blending in and not making a big splash so to say. Embarassingly she hadn't noticed he had left camp until he made his return, seemingly in high spirits with a squirrel between his jaws. Bella aids her in noticing the apprentice, sounding the alarm for attention so to say. A smile pulls at her maw upon his arrival, the joy he carries from this catch seemingly infectious. She assumed that either this was his first catch or one of his first, unless there was a thrill in the hunt all the time for him.

Ghostpaw approaches first, bounding in enough excitement to draw a crowd in. "That's impressive, Weedpaw" she observes upon her own approach. It seemed like an effecient kill, less mess then she remembers making on her first successful hunt. Ghostpaw mentions how fast squirrels are and the fact that they go for the trees, Owlheart hums in acknowledgement with a curious flick of her tail. "Did you hunt from the trees or did you catch it while it was on the ground?" She's careful to sound like she favours either method, not wanting to ruin this moment for the apprentice after all. It can take a while to confidently hunt from the trees for some apprentices, so she was curious to see just how far along Weedpaw was with his confidence.

"Maybe you can teach me a thing or two on a hunting patrol" she thought maybe bolstering the toms confidence would be nice. Of course she could just be feeding his ego too but that was none of her concern.


Weedpaw blended in well, yes, but not well enough to avoid being noticed by his aunt.

She knew he was behind, especially compared to Daisypaw, who had impressed Figfeather with his climbing abilities. It had been moons since he had brought his first piece of prey home. Figfeather couldn't remember Weedpaw ever doing it. It was a milestone he should have been celebrating months ago, not now as he neared the end of his training.

His mother and littermates might shower him with praise, and his clanmates might too, but Figfeather believed Weedpaw needed a proper push. One that his kin nor clan-mates present weren't willing to give him.

She couldn't help but give Owlheart an astonished look at her proposition. The apprentice was in no position to be teaching a warrior anything about hunting. Weedpaw had a lot to prove before he could give other apprentices tips, let alone warriors.

”It’s about time, isn’t it, Weedpaw?” she meowed to him, a bit more harshly than she intended. She hoped at least some acknowledgment from a clan-mate that he was behind would light a fire under his belly ”…Good catch… It’s a nice squirrel… But your clan expects to see more like this from you from now on.”
Fluffypaw isn't far from her Clanmates, and her eyes are round with pleasure as Weedpaw turns to face them all with a freshly-killed squirrel dangling from his jaws. His first catch! The cream-colored tortoiseshell purrs and approaches him with sisterly cameraderie. "Wow! You did so good, Weedpaw!" Owlheart and Bella's praise must feel good, too, coming from warriors — and then there's Figfeather, their aunt and one of SkyClan's lead warriors.

But Figfeather regards Weedpaw with a cool amber gaze. "It's about time, isn't it, Weedpaw?" Fluffypaw flinches on her brother's behalf. After all, Daisypaw had caught his first bit of fresh-kill moons ago, and now Weedpaw has his first catch, but Fluffypaw... well...

I still haven't caught anything, either. Eleven moons, nearly a warrior grown, and she's never felt the velvet squirm of prey under her claws, never felt the bit of blood surge into her mouth from a killing bite.

Shame colors the flesh under her mottled fur. She looks away from Weedpaw, embarrassed. "I'll, um... see you back at camp," she offers, her voice falsely cheerful. With that, she turns and makes her way briskly away from the present SkyClanners.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 11 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.