IDIOTEQUE \ stormkit


Jul 5, 2024

  • FireIC_Big.png
    STORM, for his dark, thundercloud fur. KIT, denoting his rank.
    — afab transgender, undecided sexuality
    — he / him pronouns ; will not accept others
    — four moons, ages on the 8th
    ↳ penned by @waluigipinball
    ─ stormkit is not an objectively ugly tom, but he is odd looking. his mother's slender frame superimposed upon his father's height gives him an odd, spidery frame- spiny, strange and thin from kithood to adulthood. from whittled, twiggy limbs hangs scraggly clumps of ebony fur, tufted in unruly quills that never seem to lie neatly all across his bony body. he grooms himself hastily and only works out the worst knots, giving him a tousled, wild appearance. his tail is long and whip-thin, and tends to move very expressively, whacking into anyone who stands near. an ember against his monochrome body are eyes of umber, unmistakeably his father's- though set with an unfocusd sheen that speaks of their sightlessness.

    └── •✧• ──┘

    very expressive, in voice and demeanour- often boldly thrusts himself into the centre of attention
    surprising how quickly his footsteps can go from stomping with purpose to feather-light, techniques mirroring his mood swings.
    blind from birth, but will learn to use his whiskers very well to avoid collisions with clanmates.
    ( + ) loyal, confident, intelligent, studious
    ( / ) ambitious, bold, pessimistic, curious, competitive
    ( - ) fickle, vengeful, shallow, impatient
    part of stormkit will always want to be a good thunderclan warrior, aware of his strong, star-touched heritage... however this part of him will be forever at war with his rampant fickleness. he gets irritated easily but does not hold grudges- he falls for cats quickly, but can get over them in the blink of an eye. this is poor for maintaining friendships a lot of the time- he tends to pick a favourite cat to rope into experiments one day, and will blow them off entirely the next. every cat in the clan exists at his whims, and he feels no particular closeness by any effort of his own.

    internal pessimism leads stormkit to bear a bravado-exhibiting exterior, appearing confident and bold to his peers out of a want to make life a positive, useful and ultimately survivable thing.

    a bit of a nagging know-it-all- stormkit often takes on a leadership role in games, insisting there is a 'best' way to do things and will often preach that peers should listen to him regarding decision-making capabilities.

    he is capable of being studious and hardworking, but often personal and social endeavours steer him away from dedicating as much time as he should to training.
    does not let blindness hold him back, and is perhaps worryingly reckless sometimes. however, stormkit will become extremely frustrated with the fact he will likely never be as good of a fighter as some of his peers, and will get into fights at borders in an attempt to prove something.
    a naturally talented hunter ... but also a little bit over indulgent with the more delicious food. and picky as a result, unfortunately...
    intelligent and curious, stormkit tends to experiment- usually about what sort of noise something will make.
    will later inherit his father's heartbreaker tendencies.​
  • RACCOONSTRIPE x NIGHTBIRD ; sibling to lightningkit, twilightkit, tigerkit and bayingkit
    mentored by ?
    mate to none | parent to none
    ──── admires raccoonstripe, nightbird, howlingstar
    ──── close with ??
    ──── friends with, for now: ??
    ──── likes at the moment ??
    ──── dislikes at the moment ??
    ──── vengeance sworn upon ??
  • strength ●○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●○○○○○○○○○
    agility ●○○○○○○○○
    hunting ●○○○○○○○○○
    stealth ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●○○○○○○○○○
    single ; interested in no-one yet
    extremely fickle and difficult to truly befriend, will like and dislike for arbitrary reasons
    — will not start fights / will flee / will always show mercy
    excels at ??
    poor ??
    — in adulthood, will have a smooth, bold voice that exudes confidence even when it's not there.
    — smells of a warm, huddled nursery
    — speech is "#CE4257"
  • IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description


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