shelter idle hands are the devils playground [open - failed escape]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Quill was running out of patience.

It had been three days since Daisyflight was ripped away from her family and taken into another room never to be seen again- though the chimera had a horrifying suspicion that the trash bag they'd carried out afterward was a sinister clue as to where she had gone. And he'd never hated the twolegs more. Daisyflight was one of the last cats Twitch had left to turn to as far as close adult figured went, and the fact that she was gone left him feeling like he was suffocating. It'd been a long time since Quill had been made to feel small and useless, but he was feeling it now as he watched the looming threat draw ever closer to the things he cared about. And it wasn't that he didn't trust Skyclan to come, because he did. Thistleback was a tenacious bastard that wouldn't break a promise, and the appearence of the patrol a few days prior was proof enough that they'd be back.

But would they be back in time?

Before it had been a simple waiting game. Deal with the bordom and close quarter, eat the shitty food, and act mean enough to keep the twolegs from wanting to take you home. Easy. Maybe it wasn't fun, but it had been doable. Now though? A unknown factor had been introduced. Quillstrike had no idea why they'd suddenly taken Daisyflight away. She sure as hell hadn't gone to a family and she hadn't even been there as long as most of them. She wasn't even the most aggressive or skittish cat in there! That was the biggest injustice of it all in his eyes. Out of all the cats locked up there, her disappearing had made the least sense and been the most unfair. She hadn't even done anything to deserve it.

"Heartless fucking twolegs." he growled as one of them pushed open the door to the room they were all housed in.

Quill had grown familiar with it by now, had been watching. He knew the routine, knew the schedule, and he slunk to the back of his cage with bristle fur and hateful eyes as the shelter worker began going from cage to cage, changing out water bowls and topping up food dishes.

As it finally came to his cage, it paused a moment, regarding Quill with curiosity. He understood why. Normally Quillstrike was right up at the bars living up to his names, growling and lashing out at the cage door in warning to try and keep them away. It was unusual for him to be at the back, to be so still and quiet. The lips on their grotesque, flat-muzzled face turned up in a sick caricature of a smile, muttering words he didn't understand, "Finally getting used to us, huh? See, we aren't so bad." as they flashed their blunted teeth.

He stayed still. Stayed quiet.

Stayed hateful.

The door swung open slowly, hesitant, as the person pushed the dish of food into the cage, wary eyes flicking from the food to Quill. When all went well, they grabbed the water dish and made to repeat the process, pulling the door open and reaching in to place the bowl down- and that's when he struck. He had promised Twitchbolt he would never fight like he had that day with the apprentice- like he would kill if he got the chance- but he had to forgo that promise now. Skyclan had to know that they were on a time limit, that Daisyflight was gone, that they were going to lose more fucking cats if they didn't get their asses into gear.

He had to try.

The water went flying in a violent spray as he shot forward with a murderous yowl, knocking it back at the twolegs face as he latched onto the meat of their arm. He felt nothing short of pure justice as his fangs buried themselves into flesh and the creature screamed in pain, instinctively yanking their arm from the cage and dragging a clawing Quillstrike right out with it.

The twoleg was able to shake him off after a moment, but the way they cradled their bloody arm and backed toward the door had a part of him tempted to keep going, to just fight and fucking hurt them until they ripped Quillstrike apart with their meaty paws or dragged him off to join Daisyflight. It would have been easy to let that bloodlust win out after the confinement and the loss, but that would ultimately be a selfish way to end his life when it could go toward something else.

For the first time in almost a month, he glanced up at the cages to lock eyes with Twitchbolt.

His heart ached.

The door swung open again, snapping his attention back as a second twoleg rushed in, attracted by the noise. More sounds and pointing, and Quill backed away, toward the window.

He couldn't be selfish. He had to get away. Had to bring the rest of Skyclan back tonight to get the others out. Get them out. It was an almost manic mantra that echoed in his mind as he turned and bolted for a table sitting beneath one of the windows, leaping atop it in a desperate attempt to get out in a similar way to how Momo had gotten in- but his paws had hardly touched the tabletop before something was thrown over him.

He spat and clawed at the thick fabric of the blanket as hands grabbed at him, lifting him up and carrying him back toward his prison. No, no, FUCK! He'd been so close. He'd been right there.

When the door of his cage closed on him again, locking him away from the closest thing he'd had to freedom in weeks, he sent it rattling with a heavy lunge, knowing he wouldn't be able to use that trick again. They'd be watching him now.

OOC- a failed escape attempt! Feel free to have witnessed things, but please note that nobody is escaping in this thread and it was more for development than anything :) obligatory mention for @TWITCHBOLT but feel free to post before!

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


.°☀ I'll believe it all

A small frame remained nestled up against the side of the cage, watching through the metal door that showed the rest of the room plus the twolegs that came in and out. They seemed to care about the cats inside which was surprising as twolegs where heartless monsters. They where nothing more than a pest now. Bananasplash had her head rested on her paws as she idly watched the twolegs move to the cage beside her, and her ears perked forward curiously. Then there was a loud yowl and a dark figure flew through the open gate, and she found herself getting to her paws.


He was alive! Thank the Stars above and all that was holy! Bananasplash opened her mouth to call to him, watching him as he looked up at the cages and she brightened in hope he'd spot her-

He doesn't.

No instead those dual colored eyes moved to a cage over from Quillstrikes' own.

Towards another cat that she couldn't see from where she stood, and she could feel her heart sink in her chest. Feel a little crack appear across it like a worn porcelain doll that had been dropped one too many times. No, no- it had to be some kind of sick joke. Bananasplash finds she is sick to her stomach and backs away from the cage door, moving into the back of it once more and off to the side. Watching as they bring back Quillstrike and lock the door once more.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

The revitalised hope within him upon the SkyClan patrol coming by, even if it had resulted in another cat getting captured, had been short lived. Daisyflight was gone. Swept up in the arms of a gawkish beast and taken to a land unseen, never to return. It had not been the same as seeing a cat get adopted by a Twoleg; and he had faith she would have escaped quite easily if that had happened. No, there hd been something sickeningly final about her abduction, and the piteous whispers gave away that more veteran cats of the Shelter knew that something awful had happened.

He had been despondent since. Anything he had eaten was only to stave off the pain of hunger. Since he had slumped against his cage in despair, the bicoloured tom had barely moved. For once, hearing the sound of Quillstrike's voice was no comfort. Hearing his yowl was even less relieving.

From the gaps in the bars, he saw him. Somehow, somehow, he'd managed to make a break for it- in the split second of an open door, Quillstrike had leapt. And- amber-sapphire eyes looked up to him, met his- pinpointed him in the crowd- and though he wanted to, Twitchbolt could not return the fiery determination that smouldered in his friend's stare. His heart felt like it might spew out of his mouth at the sight of him. Seeing each other again was not meant to be painful- he had wanted it to be victorious, but his chest ached like it might set itself on fire.

He looked pathetic. Worse than ever, sunken and cadaverous and knotted, and the panic on his face twisted him into such an ugly effigy that the worst part of him wished Quillstrike had looked at anyone else. But- but he was glad to have seen him, above all.

His eyes snapped shut as another beast lunged for his friend, and a distraught cry fled from his maw. They'd pick him up and take him somewhere else, and- then what would Twitchbolt be left with?

The cage beside his slammed shut, and he heard movement within it. "Quill, you're- alright," You fucking idiot, you could have died- it whirled in his head, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Not when he was so ungodly relieved that he had made it that far and was still alright. Not when he felt nothing except gratefulness that somehow, somehow, they were still together.
penned by pin ✧