camp IDLE TOWN [ trapped ]

( ) the afterimage of ice permeates her dreams, the frosty chill of winter hunting her even in heavy slumber. she stands in an open clearing, vision misted with memory. this dream has no rhyme or reason, it simply greets her as an old friend, letting her recollect times long past even as light snow dusts her coal hued pelt, as winter claws up with icy fingers, this hazy, sleepy clearing is something stationary amongst the chaos of clan life. she's settling in, unbothered by the permeating chill, but the snow begins to thicken, falling faster and harder, until her fur is soaked. a soft hiss echoes from her throat, tail puffed up as verdant eyes widen in betrayal. it's when a particularly solid clump of snow blinds her that she opens her eyes. for a moment, she's sure she's in a new dream, for the snow remains, but as the cold begins to melt in the warmth of the nursery, annoyance overtakes confusion. laying in the large nest, her kittens nestled close to her stomach, the lead warrior has just been assaulted with a thick falling of snow. moving a paw to wipe her face, she glances up, lip curling when she sees the broken section of branches.

it's clear that overnight, the snow has thickened considerably- surely being the cause of this broken section of space. with a soft huff, willowroot extracts herself carefully from her slumbering children and turns to quietly slip from the den. if no warrior is able to fix this, then it's up to her, she's certain. the warriors and apprentices have enough to do. ducking under the curtain of hanging reeds that protect the queens from the worst of the wind, she finds herself face first in a wall of snow. hissing out loud now, the queen extracts herself, shaking and praying under her breath that no one has awoken with her noise. taking a better look at the situation, she feels her heart sink. there is no air, no glimpse of storm strewn sky. they are well and truly trapped under the blanket of snow. backing away from the entrance, she slips across the den, weaving between empty nests until she reaches boneripple. her only companion in the den, the two mollies have gotten along fairly well. nudging the pitch hued femme with a soft paw, willow bends down. "boneripple, i apologize for waking you, but i need you to come see something." should the femme pull herself awake, the queen gestures to the outside, ears flattening against her head.

@BONERIPPLE @Skunk-kit @Sablekit @Hazekit @ANTLERKIT @POOLKIT @reedkit @Petalkit . any queens or kits are allowed to reply to this thread, as well as anyone who would realistically stay with the queens (mates, friends, apprentices, etc)


Ashpaw loves Willowroot so much.

She loves Willowroot's little babies, too — they're so tiny, so small and excited about the world. Ever since the training incident with Pebbleskip and Koipaw, Ashpaw has not been doing many apprentice things. Pebbleskip doesn't come and drag her out into the forest to train for hours. She just stays in camp, helps with the kittens, does chores... it's been nice, actually. She thinks Smokethroat talked to Cicadastar or something.

Anyway, sneaking into the nursery to sleep near Willowroot has gone from an occasional occurrence to an endearing habit to... well, it isn't even sneaking anymore, Ashpaw's in here as often as she's anywhere else. When the queen stirs, Ashpaw lifts her head, having fallen asleep close by — warm and safe among the family cuddle pile. She giggles as one of the kittens awakens with a big yawn. "Morning, kiddo," she whispers.

Willowroot calls out to Boneripple, nudges the other queen awake. Ashpaw tilts her head. "Willowroot, what's wro..."

She follows her mentor's gaze, and her own ears flatten in fear and surprise. "Is that — snow?"

The girl is incredulous — bewildered. She may not quite be a kitten anymore, but this is her first leaf-bare, and she... she didn't know that snow could do that. "It's so high. It's everything."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery
  • Like
Reactions: ANTLERPAW

It has taken her a moment to get used to being a Queen, used to being a mother. Much of her nerves has come from the fact that she never got to know what being a mother means save for watching her sister and a couple of ex-clanmates. Now she has to trail by fire, throwing herself into the ordeal and she can say that she is loving every moment she has with her kits. Her wonderful kits. She only hopes that they will thrive here, becoming strong Riverclanners and never have to worry about those that live in Shadowclan. She has never uttered the clan to them since they because moving and talking. She won't and she knows neither will Wolverinefang. That clan, broken and vile is nothing more than a distant memory of a past she will not revisit. Her heart and loyalty is set in Riverclan now, the place she should have joined moons ago when Cica asked her to.

All of this snow is something else though. It's been going and going and as days pass she wonders when it will end. In her nest she has carefully circled her three children, sharing her warmth with them as she slumbers. Her thick and spiky fur along her spine and limbs give away where she is in the darkness of the nursery. Yet her burning gaze slowly opens as she is prodded gently and asked to wake up, to see something. "Hm...?" Sleepily the shadow lifts her jraf and allows a yawn to pull from her muzzle. Her eyes gradually brighten as she wakes up before she eyes Willowroot, one who she has enjoyed the company of in the space of the den. Gently she moves and she looks toward the exit when she hears Ashpaw. Snow? Her eyes narrow as she carefully leaves her kits to investigate and with a sharp huff she looks at the wall. "I've never seen so much." She pulls her ears back as she surveys it. Not even in all her moons before the clans became present. "I suppose we may have to dig our way out."
In every situation you give me peace
Sable slumbered peacefully between her two siblings. Dreaming of fishing up the largest trout anyone in riverclan has every seen. Little paws twitch and ears flick as she seems to be nearing her goal, only to be startled away by the steady chill seeping into the den. Periwinkle eyes blink open, slowly surveying the nursery before finally resting upon Boneripple and Willowroot. A vast yawn escapes her maw, expanding it wide as she stands to arch her back and stretches her limbs. Quietly she turns about within the nest, being mindful not to step on her brothers in doing so. Tentatively a paw leaves the bed of woven reeds and then another until she is slowly walking to her mother's side. Sablekit brushes her ebony pelt against Boneripple's side both in silent greeting and much needed comfort whilst gazing upon the great wall of powder. Uncertainty settles within her gut like a stone and she glances at the two queens warily. "We won't be stuck in here long, will we?" The ivory lining of her spine bristles at the thought. What if there was no way out?
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

The departure of their mother’s warmth from their side has Hazekit stirring from sleep, but it’s quiet words that wake them up for good. Blinking owlishly, they absentmindedly bump their head against Ashpaw’s chin in greeting, their eyes already distracted in searching for their mother. She finds them murmuring quietly to Boneripple about — oh.

That’s a lot of snow.

Sablekit’s worried question has them tilting their head to the side, considering. Stuck? No, probably not. Someone will come dig them out eventually, right? The how doesn’t really matter to Hazekit — not as much as the fact that there’s snow! So much of it, so near! She pulls herself from the warmth of her cuddling family and takes a moment to stretch sleepiness from her limbs before approaching the newly-made wall.

Glancing back at their parent to check that this is okay — or to check that she’s not paying attention, either one goes — Hazekit paws at the snow, watching as some of it crumbles under their touch. It’s so thick, it boggles the mind that there could still be a camp behind it. Maybe there isn’t, just an endless field of snow. Or maybe something else.

Antlerkit was an active sleeper. Rather than curl up into a small form with no movement other than calm breaths, Antlerkit seemed to never sit still even in slumber. Sprawled out as much as their siblings could allow, Ant would sleep on their back, paws spread apart in the air, with a constant twitching to reflect the activities they partook in during dreams. Despite the appearance, they slept deeply and soundly. And adored sleep. Their dreams were full of long adventures and hunts and fantastical creatures. Being awoken from these was nothing less than incredibly frustrating. To make this greatly known to everyone around, who was probably already bothered by the kicks they let out in their sleep, Ant grunted loudly at the movement of siblings spurring them awake.

They wrap a dark paw around their eyes, trying to push themself back into the world of dreams in which they were discovering beautiful and bountiful lands full of magical bugs that were all the best friends of Antlerkit. There weren't many bugs in the waking world (though they were told they could expect more as the air became warmer) and certainly none of them considered Ant a best friend.

Alas, their attempt at pushing themself back to dreaming was futile as more and more of their siblings awoke and sounded particularly distressed. So, bitter in defeat, Antlerkit pushed themself up as well and opened their eyes to see what everyone was making such a fuss about.

Oh. Oh. This was horrendous. This was the end of the world. Antlerkit was sure of it. They would be trapped in here forever and Antlerkit would never see the sun again and never see all the spectacular bugs they were told to expect come warmer times. This was the worst.

"Get us out, get us out, get us out!" the now fully awake kit yells with an urgency.
[ penned by tuna ]