──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── It seems that a lifetime has already passed since he announced Celandinepaw's new role, and yet he remains keenly aware of how little time he has had with her for a proper mentorship. He would rectify that, and perhaps she will feel more comfortable when he does— especially given Bluefrost's reaction to the news. Understandable it may be, Wolfsong has no desire for Cottonsprig's disappearance to be the foundation of Celandinepaw's path, even if Wolfsong chose her because of said absence. She should not begin learning while carrying such a burden, one that she did not create or contribute to whatsoever. He should speak with Bluefrost later, when there are not so many mouths needing watered and brows cooled.

It is during a brief lull, the medicine cat quiet save for the occasional kitten's cough, that Wolfsong pulls her aside to the secluded corner. "You must be overwhelmed," he says quietly. "But it will become easier with time and effort. Now, I wish to teach you something that is not simply...fever and hacking breaths." He walks to the herbs and shakes away the memory of the first time he did this with Cottonsprig. "Some warriors are familiar with the basics of wound care. Are you?"

  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.

    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."

    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.

    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.

    ★★★☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

Celandinepaw felt naught of the joy that she envisioned such a lofty role would grant her with open palms. It existed as a leaden weight upon her shoulders, like the saddle of a beast of burden that encumbered even the beating of the heart within her ribcage, sinking into the cracks of her bones and dragging her to the cold earth. Perhaps it was herself that was the largest hindrance of the pestilence - if she had just been more competent of an apprentice and a Clan cat, if she had been any other person... Then her clanmates would not be as sick, not be so close to death's door, and not allow despair to swallow them up. She was hardly a fitting figure of strength, and the spotted tabby had been sure that everyone around her knew so.

There had been a minute break in the midst of the chaos, a moment afforded by nothing more than mere happenstance (or her and Wolfsong's diligence). Celandinepaw had grown to realize that such moments were more precious than breaths itself, immutably valuable in times of strife. Wolfsong pulled her aside, to a corner where their conversation would likely be drowned out by the imprompty symphonies of coughs and wheezes. "You must be overwhelmed. The more experienced medicine cat stated to her, as though he had not been the one to decide to cark her with the incubus of the worry that ate at her, like a demon that nestled within the cavities of her body and gnawed from the inside out. You think? Lashing tongue had been tempted to show itself, the impulses of a bruised ego burgeoning harshly against the walls of her taut composure. She decided against it, pushing away such terrible thoughts for just a minute. "U-Uh, no. I'm sorry... I never learned." Ears folded to the sides of her skull at the admittance, as though the peppy spirit of before had been a mere draught, digested by the swamp of her anxieties that had so overtaken the fibers of her being. The discomfit of being asked what she should reasonably know in such a position, alongside the oppressive miasma of the badger sett, made her want to do nothing more than to curl within her and seek shelter in her core.

  • OOC:
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 12 Moons
    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.