camp if a god burns is it holy fire ✘ kit intro

“-you will make sure to be polite the warriors of our clan. I could care less if you sass the apprentices but the warriors have earned their respect.” He is not one for long lectures and he can see the three squirming in place already though he has only just barely begun to speak. It is finally time to let them out, introduce them to RiverClan proper and head to the waterside for their first swimming lesson, but Smokethroat is hesitant to just take them off without at least a few reminders of their manners and their place. Kits got into trouble often, it was simply a fact of life, but he hoped his warnings would at least sway their decisions a little bit when it came down to it.
“When we get to the water you are not to go out further than the tall reeds, we’re going to practice in the shallows first.” Kitten paws thumped the ground in place eagerly, tails twitched and bodies trembled; he was losing his audience fast and finally broke into a tired smile.
“Come along then.” His tail flicks a signal and they are off, released from their captivity within the willow tree den and he walks along behind them with long, brisk strides to keep pace with the excitable bunch of them, “Cicadakit, pick up your tail or it's going to get stepped on!”
The name leaves him awkwardly, he was still not used to it and was still debating on whether or not to even have a talk at this point. Smokethroat had held his tongue for the time being but now it felt like too late to bring it up, they already knew their names now and answered to them; changing them now might be confusing and also be an open defiance to Cicadastar’s decision and while he knew his mate would be willing to humor the discussion he was stubborn and an argument was likely; not that arguing was exactly uncommon with them, he just so disliked the clan seeing it.
Stars forbid someone saw him and Cicadastar opposed and decided that their leader was a tyrant based on a disagreement. Difficult as he was to get along with, it was hardly the same thing.
"Don't shove your heads under the water yet!"

Please let at least two reply first! <3
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
————— —————

"Oh-kay, oh-kay, oh-kay, oh-kay," Starlightkit repeats in response to his father's instructions. She likes the shape of the word in her mouth, the soft oh and the sharp and throaty kay. She's supposed to be listening though, isn't she? Smokethroat's instructions are important, because Smokethroat is important, because Smokethroat's his father and Smokethroat's the deputy (both very important positions), so he should be paying attention.

He quiets himself and listens, twitchy impatience coloring his movements before he's released with a come along, bursting near startle-like into movement. She toddles into the camp with unsteady steps, not having shed her youthful posture. Legs straight as sticks, baby-fawn limbs walking in a parody of a march with their head held high.

"Yeah, Cicadakit, pick your tail up," Starlightkit echoes, with a scrutinizing glance to their brother. There are more pressing matters, though. Not the other cats in the camp, he couldn't seem to care less about them. "It's too bright out here," she switches quickly to whining, star-dappled pupils glaring up at the sun with a displeased squint. "Don't like it, needs to get less bright. Unbright? Not bright. Mm... Dark! Darker, it needs to get darker. Please?" he entreats Smokethroat, turning their eyes on him with a pout. He needs to fix the sun, because it's making their eyes hurt. It's a new sensation, and they don't have the word for it yet, but they don't like it at all.

Shoving their head under water sounds interesting, now that Smokethroat mentions it... But no, stay focused, they have a bigger problem to deal with first. Oh, and they're good at listening to instructions, of course. They would never disobey their parents, even if it does sound pretty fun.
————— —————

  • //
  • STARLIGHTKIT named for faith and for the star-like mark on her forehead.
    — he/him, she/her, they/them. 2 moons.
    — riverclan kit. smokethroat x cicadastar
    — twitchy and strange, with boundless curiosity.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 68224970_22aRU29gri8jjcf.png
( 🐝 ) Owl sized eyes focused on her father as he began to tell her and her siblings that they must be polite to the warriors of the clan, her little head almost shaking in "no" as in no sass to the warriors but quickly fixed it with an eager nod that she understood not to be disrespectful towards the older members of the clan. The eldest of the kittens piping out with a semi-loud "Okay!" Much like Starlightkit, Beekit wanted to get outside as soon as possible knowing that there would be a lot to see and discover no longer being in the safety of their den. She had gotten tired of the same ol' moss bed and darkness that surrounded them even if it was comforting at times (and made perfect for quick power naps). As her father continued to explain about how they would not go further than the tall reeds, she did another shake-nod and it was easy to tell that her curiosity and excitement was getting the best of her.

A tired smile and flick of his tail made the kitten bounce to her paws immediately as she follows after Smokethroat and let's Starlightkit go up ahead by a little, her mismatched gaze turning to her brother, Cicadakit, when Smokethroat mentions the second oldest needs to pick up his tail or it risks being stepped on and the youngest parrots her father. Beekit decides that she needn't echo any of them and falls behind enough to lightly bump shoulders with her brother, a toothy grin on her maw. Her walking just a tad wobbly not quite perfect, Beekit had to oftentimes check that she didn't trip over her own paws sometimes but she knows that she'll get better at it and be the best walking kitten around in time. A part of her wishes to clumsily bolt ahead of Smokethroat and the youngest but she decides it is not fun to do so alone.

Large ears twitching before laying flat on her forehead and ducking her head slightly with her snout scrunching up a little "Race? A mischievous twinkle in a fiery and frost-like eyes that seemed to mirror Cicadakit's own, if he didn't wish to bolt over to the shallows perhaps just to Smokethroat. Would it be a crime to do so? Possibly. Her fuzzy tail lifted in the air as she took a few speedy steps forward until she was closer and a little ahead of Starlightkit who seemed to be complaining about the sun, Beekit tilting her head a little and mewing "Papa can't make it darker, Starlightkit!" Sure, her father was deputy but he held no power over the skies let alone the sun or moon. She waddles after the deputy nearly tripping over her own paws but manages to catch herself and fixes her posture.

✦₊ ⊹—— he's not sure he wants to leave the safety of the willow den, the well-known shapes of his family, behind. not sure at all, no, not sure at all—still his father is instructing them and his too-large ears hanging low on his head are twitching attentively as he tries to listen to smokethroat's instructions. cicadakit shifts on legs that are already far too long for the rest of him, listening to starlightkit's repeated affirmations and only nodding his head in a rustle of dark curls in his own reply. words are hard for him, harder than he thinks they should be, choking his throat and filling his head until it's better to say nothing at all, not like starlightkit, who always seems to know what to say. he doesn't like words, doesn't like how there's too many of them until he can't pick anything to say at all, until he can feel them pulsing behind his eyes and making his head throb.

where are we going again? he asks himself, long body standing too-still in ... in some feeling he can't name, too many feelings or too little, but he knows it's related to what they're doing today. his reply is unsatisfactory, outside, one word that makes him slide his tongue along the inside of pearly canines, makes him freeze until his father's words pull him to life, trudging through the sand in a strange lurch, too controlled, too careful, bony joints jutting out as he balances on legs like stilts. his father is stepping fast, his siblings are marching forward, making him take longer strides on stretched limbs to keep up, not minding his tail until smokethroat commands him to 'pick it up or it's going to get stepped on'. he's not sure what he means but he nods again, lifts his bent tail off the ground—why is my tail like that? theirs aren't—keeps going with his head held low, rumpled curls drifting intentionally over his eyes because he can feel the cats around him now, feel them looking at him, and he doesn't know how his face looks.

starlightkit echoes their father, sends him a squinting glance of bright eyes that makes him press his head further down as though he could reach the ground with his overlong muzzle. they start whining, pouting plaintively and asking smokethroat to make it darker. she's right, he thinks, standing still near the shore, if - if it's dark nobody will look at me. beekit's shoulder connects with his gently and she grins in a way he can see past the curtain of fur, soothing him a bit. smokethroat commands them again, not to shove his head under the water and for the third time he nods instead of speaks.

beekit challenges him to a race and finally he says something, mews, "okay," in a short answer that doesn't match his sister's energy. still he pushes forward, but he can't control his legs, and of course beekit beats him. my legs are too big for me, he thinks unhappily, lurches closer to the pebbly shore while starlightkit continues their begging, recalling the rules that he can't go out further than the tall reeds. two-toned eyes fix on the stalks, seeming so far away, peering blank-faced at the small glimmering waves; he thinks in assocations and so the water is like his sibling's eyes, dipping shades of blue, but duller than starlightkit. he thinks his face is blank, though it's rare he knows exactly what his face is doing; to an outside observer his face is settled into a scowl.

finally he presses his oversized paws to the foam-tipped water and it's something new, but he likes it, this new thing. he does not like the bright sun, or the many faces in camp, or the feeling of eyes around (all new things), but he likes this, the pleasant coolness that washes over white paws. with a glance back to smokethroat he steps closer until he's up to his elbows, more of the water that soothes instead of overwhelms him—it's strange; more of things usually makes him ache, makes him hurt where his teeth meet his gums. more cats, more light, more prey; it always makes him sore but this doesn't, this grabs hold of the legs that tremble and the fur that tangles and holds them in a loose grip of the currents.

"am i doing it?" he murmurs, fire and ice eyes turning towards smokethroat curiously; he's not sure if he should go further or not but he wants more, craves more of the cool water that moves his legs for him and unclenches his jaw. he stands still, not quite far enough out to swim, mews quietly, "i didn't put my head under, promise."


  • ooc: long ass post oops
  • disclaimer: it's important to note that cicadakit is not always in a stable state of mind. his view of the world may not always be accurate to objective reality, which may include seeing things that are not genuinely there, reading motivations or thoughts from actions that are not actually implied, and making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. this is not an attempt at metagaming, powerplaying, or mischaracterization, and is not legitimately true or correct to reality or what your characters actually think or believe.

    it will always be noted in the post if he is seeing something that isn't actually there. all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
  • Tse77Co.png
    — cicadakit
    — he/him ; kit of riverclan ; 2 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited:
Each little paw step indicates a change- the single speck of dust that their tiny toes disturb are their first great impacts of their lifetimes. They are new, special, something that cannot be replicated and will not be denied. They are finally here...

Time moves on.

Seeing the dark, shadow-like fur of their deputy was worth paying attention to. He had been reserved, removed, delicate in the maintenance of his privacy. She did not envy him when he had made this discovery and continued not to; his was a position that held a burdensome weight... But, at the very least, they were kind of cute little things. More a bittersweet suffering than a torture it seemed...

"It is unforgivably warm as well," the dusk-colored molly meows, stepping mercifully between Starlightkit and the sun's infernal gaze. A self-made source of shade, if only to ease some of her complaining.

Offering a tilt of their head in greeting to Smokethroat, the point was relieved to see him so attentive to the water-side safety of his newfound brood. "It is a great relief to see kits playing in the shallows again," a quiet musing as she thinks on the faces of the current apprentices who still struggle to keep afloat. These ones will not have that issue, so long as the river doesn't dry up completely.​
She was so excited to see Smokethroat's kits out when she returned from hunting, she thought her heart might burst. They were perfect, precious little things and she wanted to get to know them. It almost made her want kits of her own. The thought of little orange fluffs running around fills her heart with joy. One day, perhaps. The memory of hearing Smokethroat cry out when delivering them haunts the back of her mind and makes her hesitant. She's never heard him like that before, and it puts into perspective just how much kitting hurts. She's not sure she's ready for that.

Anyways. She has more important things to do right now.

She dropped her fish off into the pile and excitedly bounced over to the kits, dropping into a crouch to be more at their level.

" Hello, little ones! I'm so glad to meet you!!" She can barely contain her excitement and adoration. Look at them. LOOK AT THEM.

"My name is Redpath!" She introduces herself before she forgets to.​

It felt like moons since RiverClan had smiled in the face of a new litter of kits. He didn't remember the first time he'd been near the river, paddling in the shallows near the nursery; it had taken him so long to discover his love and talent for swimming that he was sure he probably skittered around it, avoiding touching the lapping water or the river ripples.

Sieving the shoreline for stones was today more rewarding than the simple materialistic satisfaction of finding something pretty- it meant he got to witness this, Cicadastar and Smokethroat's kits inaugurating into RiverClan culture for the first time. A brilliant grin crossed his features, and he picked up his pace, flocking to the side of the onlooking warriors. A bright aquamarine eye flicked to each one. The gangly one with his too-large paws already in the river, already integrating... those odd eyes, that was Cicadakit! He reminded Fernpaw of himself, especially in said paw department... he hoped Cicadakit didn't have to wait as long as he had to grow into them.

The other odd-eyed kit, holding a snow-freckled likeness to Smokethroat- that was Beekit. She grinned, toddling after her father- they were all eager to be in the water! Fitting for the children of RiverClan's founder, definitely... and the other kitten, a starry mark on her forehead, marching righteously... well, there was one name left. When Fernpaw had heard, he'd not really been able to hide his shock in the gossiping whispers within the apprentice-den, almost bursting out; it was an odd name, definitely. It felt... too blessed a name to give to a cat who had never spoken to StarClan, had never received their blessing. He'd always thought a name star-derived had to be earned... but it was a lovely name. Starlightkit. Fernpaw had put extra effort into learning their names- it felt almost odd now, to see them.

"Oh! You'll be swimming like fish soon, with that attitude," Fernpaw purred, sunshine in his voice. When it came to swimming, he could hardly hide his reverence for it.
penned by pin
the dark, stocky form of his deputy slinks from the open maw of their den — and almost immediately, three more pile from either side of him. four dark - coated riverclanners, smallest of them dappled ivory spun into curls thick with kittish fuzz. up early, he stands tall before the river rock, still dripping from morning hunt. sleek, waterlogged waves dry into ashen coils when his gaze meets them, a salt blue gleam against the bursting sunlight, ” ah, my loves! the phantom crows his joyous greeting, strides towards them — and perhaps it would be laughable, the way his limbs bring him to a similar, yet more fluid stride aside his family. his star - kissed youngest leads the way on limbs too long, too stiff for his little body and despite it, her head is high, chin tilted towards the heavens. from behind him comes a voice bubbling with life, bursting at the seams. race? his eldest says as he draws close, and his tongue clicks.

" slow, beekit. " a melodic lilt of his oddly sloping voice, name not quite practiced enough to come from anything other than between gritted teeth. it comes with a touch of exasperation instead, a bubbling of warmth rolling heavy from a smiling maw despite the way his nose threatens to twist against it. ever softened with pet names, padded in love as if it could tamper the kneejerk revulsion within him. he adores his daughter, all delicate fur and non - delicate words ; she is loud, abrasive, just as the daughter of he and his mate should be. both she and starlightkit, bright eyed and eager. the bumbling molly trips and he inclines his storklike neck, aims to nudge her upwards with his snout despite the way she neatly goes to correct herself without him, ” always be careful near the waters edge. “ the leader rumbles, aiming a brief, playfully obnoxious nuzzle into her fur before lifting to full height.

” we owe our lives to this river, it can take them just as easy. even the shallows can be dangerous if you aren’t paying close, close attention. “ his voice trails — his son has ventured past them, and alert, icy eyes lift from the shorter two and out into the murky waters. he wades, dark fur splaying around him, halo of void writhing loose around too - long, too - bony limbs. his reflection shimmers, splays beneath him in sunlit crystal. despite not moving, cicadakit sways only gently ; like him, he looks more natural amidst the waves. long, eel - like. he knows the slip of water between thick, tangled curls. he knows the sudden heaviness in his coat, the lightness on his toes. the phantom glances back down at the two, ” your brother is doing well. respect the waters, and it will respect you. “ a final breath, a grin dancing it’s way along rubberblack maw when he sweeps his tail behind starlightkit and beekit both, ” come on. “

ivory paws bring him closer to the pebbled shore, ” how does it feel, cicadakit? “ the man calls lightly — then, fernpaw compliments them, and the ruff about his chest puffs proudly. like a preening bird, he stands straight, stands close to his children with eyes burning prideful, ” fernpaw is right. riverclan blood flows strong in each of you — this is where you belong. “ beyond the reeds, amidst the waves. this was legacy.

  • i.
    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm!
    no character opinions represent my own.

  • " speech "

Carpkit had NOT gotten a welcoming committee when she was born. No, it was all hushed and closeknit. Well, that was okay. Carpkit didn't need the whole clan to know she existed, just her family. But her interest was piqued at the calls of greeting and exciting forms buzzing (haha) the kits stepping into the light. Carpkit had done the same dance only a few days prior, yet the expedition had been less then riveting. After all, she had seen far more cats then these kits had in their short life so far.

So when the scent that had been drifting from the den finally revealed itself, Carpkit was slipping closer. Quiet, at first. She was STEALTHY, after all, with her dark pelt! Papa had told her that, complimented her on it. She slipped past the cats that were gathering- beside Fernpaw's leg. She had seen the apprentice before, and he had offered to show her his rock collection. She had yet to see it, though.

Carpkit's form paused, seeing other dark pelts heading for the water. Cicadastar, she knew well. Smokethroat... maybe she had seen him before? Maybe? But the three kits were new. Carpkit gasped, then covered her mouth with a small paw. She didn't gasp out loud! No sirree, not over here. But yet, she couldn't help but break free from the small crowd that was gathering, wiggling with excitement. "Hi guys! I'm Carpkit." But words failed her, and she wasn't sure what else to say, so she just broke into a huge grin watching them experience the water for the first time ever.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

It had been a little while since RiverClan had been blessed with kits. It had been a nervous wait when Smokethroat had retreated to the nursery awaiting the impending birth of his kits, but the relief was felt in the whole clan when three new kits were brought into the world. Like all kits, they had been kept in the nursery for the first weeks of their lives and now they were formally being introduced to the clan. Lilybloom's eye watched as the three of them excitedly ventured out and began to explore their new world.

"Hello, little ones!" Lilybloom cooed as some of the kits dashed about. Their wide-eyed wonder of the camp reminded of her what it was like when her younger siblings ventured out of the nursery for the first time. When they begin to explore the river, she smiles warmly. "They're taking to the water like naturals," She mewed, giving a nod to Smokethroat and Cicadastar. "I think the fish should be wary for when they become apprentices."
( 🐝 ) She eagerly bounced on her paws for a good moment seeing that Cicadakit had agreed to their race and Beekit had been prepared to run as fast as her little legs could carry her until the sound of her other father's voice made her halt. Beekit ducking her head sheepishly considering that she had been caught though the small molly wasn't upset by this, no, she'd simply have to be quieter about initiating races from now on. "Yes da," She chirrups continuing to walk alongside her sibling and fathers though when Beekit nearly tripped and Cicadastar went to assist her, the kittens fur would fluff up a little before a soft fit of giggles left her when her father obnoxiously nuzzled her of which she returned letting out a loud purrs that make her small body vibrate.

The ebony molly listening idly as Cicadastar talks about how they should always be careful around the waters even the shallows could be dangerous, tiny head bobbing up and down to show that she was paying attention though her mismatched gaze betrayed her turning in the direction of Cicadakit who had stepped into the water. Her pupils growing wide as she marveled at the sight briefly only to feel a large tail sweeping behind her and Starlightkit, she doesn't hesitate on pressing onwards as her paws itched to get in the water and find out how it felt. Cicadakit seemed to be enjoying the feeling of the shallow waters around him and Beekit wished to share the feeling.

Owl sized eyes flicking over to Redpath who seemed eager to meet them and introduce herself distracted Beekit from her main mission, two warriors to be exact. She remembers what Smokethroat had told them before leaving the safety of the willow and it would probably be seen as rude if she simply ignored them even if her paws were itching with anticipation. "Be polite to the warriors of our clan! Just like papa said!" She reminds herself before turning to both Lichentail and Redpath offering a toothy grin "Hi! I'm Beekit!" The molly briefly glancing at both of her fathers to see if she had done well and focused on Redpath after squinting at her for a heartbeat and piped out "You have eyes just like me and Cicadakit!"

After greeting the pair of warriors, Beekit continued on her mission and her walk shifted to a stumbling trot. She reached the shallow waters slowly pressing on until she was near Cicadakit, her body beginning to tremble but not from the coolness of the water but rather with how excited she is. It also made her realize how small she seemed to appear next to her more gangly bug named twin and it would be an amusing sight to those around, her large ears perked up wondering if she would ever reach Cicadakit's height. She silently hopes so.

It's a thought that's easily pushed away, her eyes more focused on the way that the shallow waters around her ripple in her wake and how she feels that she belongs. The molly tempted to possibly splash around though tries to resist the urge wanting to respect the waters instead she sits in the shallow waters carefully letting her small body submerge and rested her snowy chin on the surface. Oh, she loves this. Beekit closes her eyes for a heartbeat or two until another voice speaks out Fernpaw who makes a comment that makes her fathers chest puff out in pride and then a smaller, unfamiliar voice that belongs to Carpkit.

"Hello!" Beekit mews in greeting to Lilybloom and Carpkit, her gaze focusing on the other kitten while the adults talked to one another and the molly would stand up from where she sat. Her chest and chin dripping from the water, the molly hums quietly to herself rather content before introducing herself "I'm Beekit," Her signature lopsided grin present as milk teeth poked out from her closed maw, attention shifting to Starlightkit who had yet to join them "C'mon Starlightkit!" She encourages them to pick up the pace despite how the sun was hurting his eyes.