Jun 17, 2024
He's on his way out of this . . . gross swamp place with his kill. The whole area reeks of cat, a scent thick and dredged in mud, and Duke grumbles under his breath at the thick, stinking muck splattering his chest and forepaws from his messy kill. Whatever - her - name - is doesn't like it when he tracks dirt into her Twoleg house ( not that it matters, because he's about ready to be done with her ), and the last thing he needs after this exhausting day is some she - cat chewing him out for dumb shit.

Still, he's handily escaping with a fat marsh rabbit in his jaws—this is perfect! It'll keep him fed while he's out of whats - her - face's house and kibble, more than enough for the interim until the next one. Thank whatever's smiling down on him, because he's more than done with her nagging. Fuck yeah! Then, because he guesses nothing can ever go right in his life, he hears a rustle. He turns . . . and it's one of those stupid Clan cats.

" Dammit, " he bites out in a smooth mrrow, putting on his most charming grin. " I don't suppose you'll just let me leave with this, riiight? "

// @shrike !!

" speech "

  • Dead
Reactions: shriketalon

Shrike knows they're not supposed to be out here without Nectarsong yet they march forward anyways. All this worrying over Ripplestream was getting them nowhere and they needed to feel productive right now, they needed to sink their claws into something. Hunting was a good alternative to dwelling after all and they thought they were getting the hang of hunting ShadowClan's particularly slippery prey. The shift in weather has proved to bring fourth a bountiful amount of prey with it, they were quite happy with that fact. Not that they had known ShadowClan as being anything other than bountiful right now, they just needed all the extra chances they could get right now, gives them a chance to dig into tender flesh and provide some kind of distraction.

The rustling of the marshland grass causes their head to perk up from a lizard they had freshly killed, at first they think that it's going to be someone back from camp here to tell them off for being out here by themself. The scent however was not that of a shadowclanner, the scent of beer, cigarette smoke and gasoline assaulted them. The hallmarks of twolegplace, more specifically the hallmark of an outsider, being one who was recently considered as one of these rogues Shrike had a healthy caution but otherwise neutral stance.

Setting the lizard astray they stalked towards the smell, any idea of a decently positive interaction was thrown to the wind when they realised just who was actually here. Unfortunately for them they'd recognise that Maine Coon anywhere, they don't bother hiding a scoff and a roll of their eyes at the sight. This guy again... Hazel eyes finish their dramatic flourish of displeasure to attempt eye contact with copper. Duke, at least that's what they've heard some of the she-cats say back at twolegplace, they've had a fleeting conversation or two but honestly they couldn't comment too much on him other than they found him to be a real pain.

"Don't make me gag, Duke. You're not supposed to be on ShadowClan territory." They squint, any attempt of a charming siren call falling flat against Shrike. There's an annoyed sigh as they look at the marsh rabbit in his jaws, an eye twitches in annoyance, this territory just can't seem to stop inviting others to steal from it huh. "You get one chance to leave the prey here with me. Go crawl in someone's nest and eat their food." Maybe they'd have it in them for a funnier quip but watching a half sibling lose one of their lives and their littermate nearly lose his only life kinda drained their usual humour that he was accustomed to.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

" Do I . . . know you? " He squints at the strange Clanner, tilting a heavy head. Well, they clearly know his name, sooo . . . that narrows it down not at all. He's shared a nest with half of Twolegplace at this point, scrapped with the other half, and exchanged a passing word with many more. The black - and - white face, the hazel eyes . . . oh! He grumbles under his breath, " Oh, Shrike. Didn't know you fell in with the Clans. "

" Man, you suck, " he sighs, tugging the rabbit closer from where he'd dropped it to speak. " Well, I would, but she's kinda driving me crazy, so . . . you know . . . this would really help me out for a few days while I find another place, " the rogue wheedles, nodding to the limp form of the greenleaf - fattened rabbit. Duke meets their hazel gaze steadily with a copper one, grinning. " You can't do an old friend a favor? "

When it becomes clear they're not going to let the rabbit go so easily, Duke attempts to lunge forward and pin the other cat under his crushing weight.

" speech "


Shrike tilts their head, trying to figure out if his lack of recognition was something genuine or something to make them feel small. “We've run into each other a few times, but I'd be surprised if you remember many names” there's an echo of their usual personality there. A smirk and their usual taunting tone there, trying to poke and prod for some kind of a reaction.

They faintly catch the end of his sentence, while it may not have been the whole sentence it was enough to rile them up. “I have family here, that's all you need to know” they sneer, thinking back to their siblings, they hoped that they were both recovering fine. They just couldn't be there right now. Shrike's unable to stop the bark of laughter much to their annoyance I suck? At least I'm not prowling along clan cats land, trying to steal prey. You used to be cool” It's a bitter disappointment. Duke had always been the same but at one point when Shrike was more impressionable they had a smidge of respect for it, anything to get off the thunderpaths along twolegplace they suppose.

“You know I can't.” Their tone is firm and they're pretty sure that Duke knows there's no room for argument over it. They blink and he lunges, catching them off guard as he pins them. They feel the wet marsh against their back and grimaces, snarling up at him they bring their legs up and begin to claw at his underbelly. Attempting to kick him off of them, if successful in their attempts to get him off of them, they'll then roll to regain their footing. Tail lashing before they attempt to scratch down his front left leg, they figured he was too tall to properly try aiming for his face but maybe he would be a little too slow to stop a lower attack.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.