if i don't speak | shadowclan patrol | then we can't fight

"Oh, I love the scent of the pine needles-don't you two?" Though she highly doubted Frostbite and Smogmaw had much of an interest in nice smells given they were rather unkempt and not prone to grooming as often as she was, nor did they seem to invested in decorating their nests like she did! Perhaps, she was the oddity in ShadowClan with her colorful coat and love of pretty and nice things that caught the eye. If it sparkled and gleamed she was quite interested in it and while she did love her clan ThunderClan seemed to have much more open space for flowers to bloom and sunlight to catch the ground and reveal its many glittery rocks and baubles. "Come along, Brookpaw! Heatherpaw! Shimmerpaw! This is our border with ThunderClan and we had a bit of a tizzy with them recently so we must be careful to not cause more of a fuss!" A bit of a tizzy was sorely understating the actual issue that had caused such a rift within the clans, but frankly she considered the entire affair a favor to WindClan and ThunderClan-after all why would you want violent medicine cats? She thought of dear Bonejaw and how sensible and quiet she was, she seemed often times morose but at the very least she was cordial to her clan and did her duty well. Unlike the ruffians this clan and the moorland had. Attacking another healer during a peaceful meeting, horrifying really. If she had been there to see Bonejaw return or gone on any of the patrols she imagined she would be a little angrier all things considered but anger was not a feeling Halfshade often bottled up inside herself. "Heatherpaw, this is a good lesson-can you tell if any patrols or nearby? You can try giving a good whiff too, Brookpaw!" Brookpaw was not HER apprentice, but he had seemed so sad sitting in camp while everyone else went about their patrols and hunting parties that she had scooped him up to bring along; whoever his mentor was needed to hop to it and give the poor lad something to do!

Patrol tags - @Frostbite @SMOGMAW @brookpaw.
Apprentice tags- @. Heatherpaw . & @Shimmerpaw

Joy, the thunderclan border. Sorry, he had to correct himself. Joy, the thunderpath. He hated this thing. He didn't see what happened to Briarstar, but the mere thought of what happens when an animal is caught under one of those monsters..... It sickened him.

That and it smelled bad.

"Pine needles do smell nice." He said. " Reminds me of home, actually." He added, after he thought about it. He couldn't wait to see the land covered in snow. He missed it dearly.

He hoped this patrol would run smoothly. He hadn't forgotten the day Pitchstar marched over here and crossed the border in a fit of rage. He hoped it wouldn't happen again.

He wished he could have the positivity and optimism Halfshade had. Nothing seemed to phase her, really. She was a Molly who had her shit together.

He figured it was time to get to work, he started rubbing his face on a nearby pine tree.

"Hopefully we'll miss thunderclans patrol and this will be easy." He said. He was not a social guy.


"No," returns Smogmaw, shuffling alongside Halfshade and Frostbite with an apprentice of his own.

It isn't very often the mackerel tabby finds himself beyond camp's immediate vicinity, save for his occasional ventures out to Carrionplace. When the clan's primary food source is frogs and other swamp creatures, one needn't travel far from a literal mud pit to feed everybody. To escape from the marshy lowlands and roam through more unfamiliar regions of the territory elicits a minute amount of relief, like a breath of fresh air. But all in all, the tom is just as cynical as ever, wearing a joyless expression which is well-acquainted with his features.

There's a haughtiness to his gait, however. This is the first outing with his newly-appointed underling, Shimmerpaw - the young lad who Smogmaw had threatened to eat when the two first met. First impressions are important in his eyes, and today served as another opportunity to leave a lasting taste in the apprentice's mouth. "Hey," he calls, pivoting his head back to glimpse his trainee, "see that divide in the forest up ahead? That's the thunderpath; monsters run along it really quickly, and they will kill you. Only idiots walk across it." Idiots, such as ThunderClan kits and former ShadowClan leaders.

The silvery warrior scoffs at his white counterpart's remark. "Just wait 'n see," he mews as he comes to a halt nearby. There is little to no movement in the other clan's nick of the woods, but Smogmaw doubts the scent of their swampy hides is easy to miss. "I'll give my share of tonight's fresh-kill to whoever starts a fight with them," he declares, before facing his own apprentice a second time, "not you, though."

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It was his first true outing beyond the camp in an unbelievable while, something he was grateful for. Lounging around the camp all day with nothing but idle chores was going to bore him into an early grave. Surely, the older warriors could forgive the restless skip in his step as he followed the patrol, stopping every so often to sniff at a new thing here and there only to dash to rejoin the group. He was panting from his most recent catch-up efforts by the time the patrol reached the Thunderpath, though the grin on his face was stretched wide. While most dramatics went right over the apprentice's head, he nodded sagely at Halfshade's warning. Right, no fighting. He could manage that.

He stopped a distance away from the dark stone path splitting the forest, blinking at the foliage across its length. Heeding Halfshade's instruction, his mouth parted to scent the air, though it was difficult to really pinpoint anything specific. Something faintly like those apprentices from the gathering was nearby, but he couldn't tell if that was just the border itself. "Maybe. But I dunno," Brookpaw finally answered, before mirroring Frostbite's example soon enough and rubbing his cheek on the nearest bark.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Hunting was hard. It was especially hard when the forest floor was utterly littered with leaves, and when the foliage grew sparse with the incoming freeze of Leaf-bare. As annoying as it was, it wasn't much of an excuse. He and the rest of the Clan still had to eat, which meant they would just have to hunt that much harder.

From across the Thunderpath, a squirrel burst into view in a flurry of leaves, scrabbling up a tree with a streak of golden fur not far behind. Lightpaw flung himself up the trunk, eyes wild with the thrill of the hunt and claws hooking at that bushy tail to drag it down and into his waiting jaws. The only thing was that he went down with it, less than gracefully hitting the earth and scrambling back to his paws to shake himself off. He caught it. He caught it!

The ThunderClan apprentice had to take a moment to catch his breath, setting down his prey to admire it. Well, he had to admit he wished it were bigger, but it wasn't small.

It was then that he seemed to realize where he was, head jerking up to stare at the expanse of black stone before him and, subsequently, the ShadowClan patrol beyond it. He had run off to chase the squirrel. For the moment, he was on his lonesome. Stooping down to collect his catch, Lightpaw straightened up, staring down the collection of warriors and apprentices as if to challenge them to say anything.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
( ) Another day, another patrol. Her muscles were bursting with fresh energy as her patrol emerged from the undergrowth. The past two weeks had been torture. Next time she unintentionally fell from a tree...she'd be more careful. If she had to spend any more time in the medicine den, she would rip her whiskers out! Rustling to her left caused her to jerk her head, just in time to see Lightpaw fall from a branch with a squirrel. Her eyes widened, but he seemed to nail the landing. Within moments he was on his paws again, more focused on his catch then anything. Flamewhisker let out a sigh of relief, before she caught scent of fresh Shadowclan.

Instinctively the fur on her shoulders began to rise, and she lifted her gaze towards the Thunderpath. Along the other side was six cats. From what she could tell it was a simple border patrol...but she trusted them about as much as she would trust a rat. The red tabby forced her fur to flatten, but it was obvious she was not happy. At least it appeared their 'all mighty' leader wasn't with them. Maybe she could force herself to be fake nice. "Greetings." she would grunt, before clamping her mouth shut. She didn't trust herself to say much more than that.
The Shadowclan was a particular concern of Emberstar's recently. Cicadastar and Blazestar were both friends, and Sootstar didn't seem malicious toward Thunderclan - for all her other faults - but Pitchstar couldn't be trusted. He had proved that himself. If he ever decided to pull another stunt, she would be ready.

Which was why she just so happened to be on the patrol that kept watch of his border.

"Heya!" Emberstar called across the border brightly, her smile wide. For all her distrust of Pitchstar, that didn't extend to his clanmates. They could be decent enough. Flickerfire was proof of that. "How are things in Shadowclan?"

nightbird had been not too far behind lightpaw. she often felt like she needed another set of eyes to keep up on the young tom. his squirrel catch was impressive. a bit sloppy considering he fell out of a tree, but she wouldn't dwell on that. at least he was doing more than playing in leaves.

the scent of the shadowclan patrol hit her and her ears were alert, silver eyes piercing across the border to watch them. she moved quickly to stand by her apprentice, glancing at him to see the hard stare he gave the other patrol. surely they were terrified of the kid's challenging glare. a small chuckle almost escaped her. "fix your face," she huffed quietly, her amusement present in her tone.

she would remain quiet after that, not interested in greeting the marsh cats. emberstar and flamewhisker seemed to have the formalities handled. she just watched them with an almost bored look, tail twitching ever so slightly.



Slowly, Sam was growing accustomed to living in Shadowclan. Had he fully settled in yet? Probably not. Try as he might to win the marsh cats over, many seemed stubbornly set in their disdain toward him. Much to his chagrin, his mentor seemed to be among them. Try as he might to appease Smogmaw, the tom remained critical and disingenuine toward him at every turn. Still, the cream tabby apprentice did his best to remain optimistic, telling himself this was just the older males way of joking around. Surely that's all it was.

At Halfshades call, Sam- or rather, Shimmerpaw, as he would have to remember to refer to himself as- got to his paws and quickly made his way over. He offered the group a polite nod and smile of greeting as he fell into step alongside his mentor, padding after the group with eager curiosity as the shecat explained what they were going off to do.

So far Shimmerpaw hadn't encountered any cats from the other clans, but from the sound of it there was a good chance that would change after today.

As they reached the border, Smogmaw paused to address him. At once Shimmer turned his attention to the other like the good boy he was, listening as they went on to tell him about the twoleg things - the Thunderpath and the monsters. He couldn't help but frown a little at the comment of 'only ididots cross it'. Shimmer had crossed it to get here, and had crossed several others as well under the careful instructions of his mother, and he had half a mind to tell Smogmaw that the only 'idiots' who got hit by them were the ones who didn't know how to cross in the first place.

He didn't though- of course he didn't. While Shimmer didn't love being taunted or left out, it wasn't in his nature to cause problems at the drop of a dime, not even if he wasn't entirely happy with things. More than whatever frustration he may have been feeling, Shimmer wanted to fit in here. He wanted these cats to like him and want him around, and that included Smogmaw.

"Got it stay off the thunderpath." he reiterated with an obedient nod before his gaze slipped past the road to the land beyond.

Thunderclans territory was nothing like Shadowclans. It was dry, with ground cover even this late in the season, and the trees dropped colorful leaves of gold and red instead of pine needles. It seemed a lot brighter than the marsh, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of cats lived in such a pretty place.

"I'll give my share of tonights fresh-kill to whoever starts a fight with them. Not you though."

Had Shimmerpaw been about to take him up on that offer? Probably not. He was definitely the sort to succumb to peer pressure if it was applied, but to just start an argument or physical altercation with some stranger for no reason? It didn't sit right with him. He would end up feeling guilty about it afterwards and that wasn't something he was interested in. Maybe if the Thunderclanners came over and started being jerks or something, but otherwise Shimmer didn't see the point.

Of course, that didn't take any of the sting out of Smogmaws last three words. Shimmerpaw wasn't even included.

He's just joking. he assured himself silently, because if he wasn't then that meant Shimmer had to face up to a truth he was viciously trying to avoid.

As cats began to appear on the other side of the road, Shimmer would observe them with half-concealed curiosity as he began to follow suite in marking the shadowclan border. He didn't dare call out to the shecat who greeted them, having the distinct feeling his clan wasn't meant to be friendly with theirs.


Outlines of ThunderClan cats emerge one after the other along the other side of the Thunderpath. Raw discontent glistening in his eyes, the warrior's brows constrict as he gazes upon the foreign crowd. One recognisable face protrudes from the rabble, being that of the sanctimonious group's number one - Emberstar. Apart from the fiery dame's inappreciable greeting, the other group's leader is the only one to even bother speaking across the border, which tells Smogmaw that Thunderclan-Shadowclan relations were exactly where they ought to be.

He casts a wayward glance towards Halfshade, as if to request permission to speak from his fair companion. The compulsion to continue this dialogue is a difficult one to swallow, however, and the tom hawks nastily while he formulates a response. "Oh, things are just awful, aren't they?" he mewls in faux distress. Flattened ears and a stiffened tail complete the facade. "Our prey situation is dire—half the clan has starved to death. Some of us have turned to cannibalism, it's terrible. Thankfully, Bonejaw is doing her best to keep us alive." A heavy sigh, in memoriam of the poor apprentice he'd eaten this morning.

What did Smogmaw stand to gain from his insincerity? Not much. But so long as he stood within his clan's territory, there existed no grounds for flattery. When pitting cock and bull stories against genuine communication, the former struck him as more worth while. Though, if anything interesting actually happened in his clan, perhaps the case would be different.

"Any news from ThunderClan's end?" he returns, before diverting his attention elsewhere. Namely towards Shimmerpaw, whom he scrutinised to see if any interest was taken in his mentor's example of diplomatic correspondence. ​


Frostbite humors her, Smogmaw does not, and it causes her to break into a small laugh at the absurdity of their grouchy displays and very different manners of coping with it. Brookpaw seems shy and uncertain so she gives him a pass at his answer or lackthereof and offers a nod to him in understanding. It was always a little stressful being on patrol! Hopefully Betonyfrost is able to help him overcome that in due time, as she now remembered the silver molly was his mentor after not recalling previously. Could you blame her, what a forgetable face that one had! She'd like to stick her claws in it!

The ThunderClanners appear as bright bursts of color along the other side of the thunderpath, a decorative bunch with their bright reds and golds it seemed and not the sort of vibrance you saw often in ShadowClan. If she ever had kits, she hoped one would be red or orange; she loved sunsets.
"Hello~!" Halfshade greets with a cheerful titter, listening as the blue tom is suddenly very talkative and chatty and her ears prick upward in absurd delight at his commentary her teeth showing as she restrained from breaking into a full and proper cackle of a laugh in response; how undiginified!
"Oh yes, this is my second apprentice! We ate the first one for breakfast~" She tilts her head in a gesture to Heatherpaw, her attempts at maintaining a straight face faltering in a quivering maw and she hunched over to burst into a fit of bubbling giggles that she made no attempt to stop.


Frostbite was honestly happy to just dip his head in greeting to his neighbors and be done with it, but then Emberstar appeared so he figured he HAD to say something now. She was too friendly not to.

And then his clanmates started speaking. Smogmaw spoke of the dire state of their clan. He couldn't not play along. It was too funny.

"Alas, poor Bonejaw....Try as she may, she is only one cat and leaf bare is practically upon us...." He said, woefully and dramatically.