If I Had Your Soul, Would It Lift Me || Chilledstar, hunting practice


Stand straight, keep your mind on track
May 14, 2023
Tail straight… Paws steady… Weight balanced… GOTCHA! With a flying leap that somewhat resembled a frightened grasshopper, Emberpaw soared through the air. She landed awkwardly, stumbling a little, but her eyes gleamed with pride as she held up her catch with her claws- a stray leaf. The wind whistled past, ruffling her pelt so it stuck up like she’d run through a thorn bush. Oh… Lizard tails! She cursed silently, as close to a curse as she could bear to think. The wind is suppose to be in my face! She sighed, letting the leaf drop sadly to the ground. Any real prey would’ve run away from me yesterday. She could just see Ribbitleap’s disappointed glare, reminding her again why he didn’t bother taking her out hunting with him regularly. She had yet to catch anything worth eating, and on more than one occasion her mistakes had cost Ribbitleap his own hunt. Half the clan would starve before I ever caught so much as a snail.

Hunting was hard. Much harder than the youth had ever expected it to be. But the clan was counting on her, or they would be soon. Emberpaw had a job to do, an important job. I just gotta keep practising. She started over, going through a mental checklist in her mind. This time she thought of the wind and tried to shuffle so it came toward her, not away. The tabby scrunched up her face, blinking as bits of dirt and pine needles whisked past her nose. She set her eyes on a small twig, and bunching her muscles made another leap.
Hah, got you!] she purred, ignoring the fact that sticks were immobile, and also thankfully blind and deaf, for she had made quite a bit of noise moving into position and not bothered at all to think about cover.