The sound of barking met Tybalt's ears, and he smelled the creature long before he saw it. A dog, crashing through the undergrowth. Blood was fresh on its massive jaws, and for a brief moment the warrior wondered what poor, unlucky creature had been crushed between them.

A disgusting, slobbering, lumbering beast, the dog loped through the trees, rumbling coming from its throat. Tybalt was no stranger to dogs. They were a common sight in the city, often running astray through the streets and alleyways. He had been taught to avoid them. They were most often an unbeatable enemy on one's own, and unlike other city cats, they weren't usually rivals for territory and food. They were stupid for things like that.

Stupid, but dangerous. Sharp teeth and claws, a bite that would do far worse damage than an opponent of a smaller size. And as this one went stomping towards the camp, there was little chance that it would leave the camps inhabitants unscathed.

He didn't call for help. He had gone so long without having anyone to call, the thought didn't even cross his mind. And unbeatable enemy or not, he would sooner die trying to fight the dog off than flee and let it continue it's rampage.

Tybalt's muscles bunched beneath his pelt, and he sprang at the beast's with unsheathed claws. He managed to sink his claws into the dog's face, quickly pulling his hind legs up to avoid its gnashing teeth. He dragged his claws down, hoping to injure the dog's eyes before he tried to get it to move away from the camp.
( The sound of barking was not something she could miss. It was the sone sound that turned her blood to ice. Her heart began to race, and her paws began to weaken. She could smell it now, and that meant it was getting closer. Her heart pleaded her to run away, find safety and wait until it was gone. Dogs were the one thing she was deathly terrified of. Her mother had fallen victim to them, and now just the sound of barking made her weak. You can't run away... you must help your clanmates, they are your family now.

On shaky limbs, the orange tabby stalked through the undergrowth, slowly getting closer to the smell. She watched for a moment, expecting the dog to jump at her at any second. Moments later, her suspicions were correct. The dog came into sight, and seconds later it was met by Stagstrike's exploded claws.

Her pelt prickled, there was no way she could let him fight this thing by himself. She would explode from the undergrowth, leaping towards the dog with extended claws in an attempt to help aid her clanmate. She aimed for the pooch's shoulder, hoping to grab ahold of it with her teeth and tear it's skin.

He heard the sounds long before the panicked voices informed him of the source. Dog. Dog. Dog. Dog. He'd come across a dog once, a long time ago, it had chased him mercilessly until he'd managed to wedge himself under a hole in a fence to escape it and even then its furious barking had followed him quite the distance as he raced into the forest. It was there he literally ran into Rabbitnose, his first friend and love of his life. The memory of the dog came hurtling back into his mind as the barking and snarling rang out across the camp; he could just barely see movement through the trees accompanied by snarls as his clanmates rushed to defend and he darted from the nursery to the middle of camp to swiftly grab @Spark-kit by his scruff and turn to carry him back into the den to safety; green gaze darting back out for any other kits unaccounted for before he took a stance in the mouth of the den with wide eyes. His body was big, his fur fluffing up defensively to make him look even larger and the red tabby showed his teeth in a hiss of warning should the dog make it into their camp and come anywhere near the nursery.


Sometimes it is hard for her to discern friend from foe. As a kittypet she often came into close contact with dogs and the only reason she knew so is because of the way they smelled and their strange barking tongue. She does not understand them often but she doesn't know that some are nice and helpful. They have helped her plenty of times when she has accidentally wandered too far from her yard. But there are some that hunt cats for sport. She keeps herself away from those as they are almost mindless and savage. Chasing and baying like they are rabid. It's an awful thing and one she hears now. It runs her blood cold and yet she is rushing forth. Long invoru fur floats around her as she nears the scene and her ears pull forward.

She can smell blood, the tang of it strong on her tongue. But the woman smell others there. Hissing and spitting and trying tl deflect the canine. She wants to help and yet she is so inexperienced, not knowing combat and still she is there attempting to fling broken twigs and pieces of pebbles at the canine in the hopes it will leave.

Sparkkit had only just heard the sound when Sunfreckle carried him back inside. What was that noise? What creature made such an angry sound? He peeked his head through Sunfreckle's fur and listened.

No, he didn't like the barking of dogs. It filled him with dread.

"Dad...? What is that sound?" He asked quietly.

nightbird hadn't had many interactions with dogs. she had heard about them and seen them from afar, but that was about the only experience with canines the small molly had. alarms had shot off in her head when she heard a distant barking, not too far from camp. the warrior was on her feet and charging before she even really knew what was happening. soon she arrived to witness two of her clanmates attacking, and one chucking things at the creature. her brow knit slightly in confusion at the odd attack, but she paid little mind to it as she moved around behind the attacker, tail vigorously lashing. with stagstrike and flamewhisker attacking it from the front, there wasn't much room for her. she had to get around, find an opening. maybe an attack from behind would overwhelm the dog enough to get it to flee. when she had reached a spot behind the dog, she sprung at it from the ground, aiming to rake her claws down it's hind leg.
As Flamewhisker tore at its shoulder, the dog staggered and lurched on its feet. It was still flailing wildly, snapping its teeth and shaking its head as it tried to dislodge Tybalt from its face. The tom lost his grip for a moment, but a moment was all it took. Tybalt went flying through the air, landing a few feet away with a hard thump.

Now blinded and confused, the dog let out a screech of pain as Nightbird sank her teeth into one of its hind legs. It aimed a bite at Flamewhisker, trying to yank the red tabby from where she had lodged herself. The dog staggered towards Ariella, who had joined the fight by pelting the beast with rocks and sticks. It seemed more like it was trying to flee the biting cats now than actually making a lunge for the blind molly, but it's snapping teeth came close to the white she-cat.

Hauling himself upwards as his vision was patched dizzy with blurriness, he darted back to the front of the creature. Tybalt shoved himself between the dog and Ariella, who he shoved firmly backwards before sinking his teeth into one of the dog's forelegs. He gained its attention for a moment, and he raked his claws across its flank before darting a short distance away.

"I'm over here, rot-breath! Come get me!"