pafp IF I WERE A RICH MAN || Bug

"MUDDYPAW!!" Garlicpaw chirped excitedly as she sat with a paw on a rock in camp. She had flipped it to see what lurked under it, and to her surprise, there was a long bug! Long and round and squiggly, she doesn't think she's seen one this big before. "Come look at this bug!!" She called.

Shadowclan was in a delicate state right now, after learning the truth of the deaths of their clanmates and the kitnapping of her little siblings. The explosion that happened shook her to the core, and the following conversation made her realize just how....Fragile, things were. Everybody hurt in some way. It made her sad. And when Garlicpaw is sad, she looks for a distraction. Sure, her distractions are muddy and messy and some would call her little buggy pals gross.... But thats their problem! She thinks bugs are cool. Worms are funny. Snails are little gifts from Starclan. In fact, there is a snail on her pelt right now.

The bug she has found must be special. It is the biggest Long Bug she has ever seen. Is it an elder bug? Is it powerful? She doesn't know... And will probably never know because of the language barrier. She lifts the rock a bit to check if the bug is still there as if it would have gotten away unnoticed. "Wow!!!"

Just utterly amazing. Why's it got all those legs? Do they make it move faster? Truly an astounding creature.

((@Muddypaw garlicpaw found a millipede ))​
————————————————————⊰ 🤎 ⊱———————————————————
He and Garlicpaw shared a similar mindset that there was too much heaviness in the clan and a distraction was well valued, but they also shared an interest in the same kind of joy, the same things to take their minds off the weight of the world. "Whoa, look at that! Why's it got so many paws? What's it need all those for?" Muddypaw ambled over, a testament to his name that he was already filthy pawed and covered in bits of leaf and twig from his earlier running amok, he crouches down near the flipped stone to watch the odd worming creature wriggle about - he'd never seen something like that before, with the way it looked like segments and its skittering about in the same manner as a caterpillar but much less soft and much more hectic.
"Do you think it drinks blood? It looks like it drinks blood." Exactly why he could not tell you, but something about this leg worm made him believe it was diabolical, evil even. It wasn't silly and round like snails or pillbugs, surely it had some kind of wicked vendetta.


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate w/low White & Blue eyes

As soon as the word ‘bug’ was uttered from someone’s lips, Scorchedmoon arrives on the scene. If there was anything he finds pleasure in, it was cool bugs to be found in the marshes of his homeland. They’re just so diverse, and come in so many pretty colors! They also liked to stick around and enjoy his company, which he can’t say many others do. And they’ll listen to him when others won’t…okay, this is just getting sad now. Point is, he loves bugs!

He gets a close look for himself as the apprentices hem and haw. He’s seen millipedes before, but if you hadn’t he understands why you would find them scary or evil looking. As far as he knows though, they’re relatively harmless. Or maybe he’s just gotten lucky so far… “They’re called millipedes! Maybe they use all those paws to get around easier? They are pretty small, and so are their legs. Maybe it needs a lot to actually like, move?” Scorchedmoon offers up as a hypothesis. ”I don’t think they drink blood… they’ve never drank mine. I think. Hopefully.”
*+:。.。 "Can it?" Bonekit would ask, voice a whisper to be stolen by the next whisking breeze. As his apprenticeship neared the boy became a lot less shy about investigating the world outside of his nursery. Today's adventure would bring him to this rag-tag group of observers, squeezing between them to get a look at what they found so fascinating. The bug was certainly long, like a cross between a spider and a worm. It was shiny, too, which made his paws twitch with an indescribable need to touch it. Millipede, Scorchmoon had called it. An interesting name. He wondered suddenly what would happen if they did try to feed the creature some blood - would it eat it? Would it want more? Where would Bonekit even get blood? All very important questions.

    Shadowclan — Kit
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodkit, Shadekit, Snowkit

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

"eugh. surely you could eat it, bonekit, but it would be pretty crunchy. and not very... meaty."

the thought of eating bugs makes them sick. they hardly even liked getting dirty, they took a lot of pride of being one of the cleanest cats within shadowclan. maybe it was because pitchstar hadn't cared enough, and the same sentiment followed for everyone else. at least it was cold enough that there wasn't so much mud to roll in. their body shivers just at the very thought of getting mud between their paws yet again. that only was okay if they were hunting, and even then they liked to clean up as soon as possible.

"i think the jumpy ones are the ones that drink blood. fleas. hopefully it's too cold for those. those things are... ew."

they gently shake their head with a shiver. gross gross gross. they're getting all icked out thinking about it.
Sharpshadow wonders what makes something look like a blood - drinker, especially when there was no clearly discernable mouth on the thing... Was it because of it's many mouths? The color? The product of some unknown variable seen by idiot apprentice's eyes only? " With what mouth? " he asks. Maybe he'd lean closer to see if it even had one, if he cared enough. Which— he absolutely didn't. Cats loved to make things up when they were bored, both young and old. It felt like an entire job in itself, to keep up with and entertain all of them. Sharpshadow's gaze parses over the apprentices, and Scorchedmoon, who was barely more than an apprentice himself.

( How funny was it, that Sharpshadow could think such things now? ) His pelt prickles. Didn't they have better things to do? Whatever, whatever.

A pale - and - yet - not kit comes wandering over— Bonekit, if he remembers correctly, questioning if they could eat it? Chilledstar responds about as appropriately as they could. There are maybe a thousand things Sharpshadow would eat before this thing... a good pawful of them simply much - less - creepy - looking bugs. Maybe that's what made them blood - drinkers. Sharpshadow wrinkles her nose. " We're not that hungry yet, " she grouses. Bonekit wouldn't be, anyways. Perhaps such a thing was untrue, for the rest of them...

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  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw Mentoring Halfpaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 18 moons old as of 12.19.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3