If it makes you happy (intro)


eternal dream
Oct 9, 2022
{ } "Oh yes, those dead ass looking flowers look great in your fur! You know, if tacky is what you're going for." Cloverfield smiles brightly at the scowling npc warrior. Gosh, so dramatic. It's just the truth, someone had to say it. If she's going to brag, it should be about something worth all the fuss. Not that gives a rats behind what some plain jane is sporting anyways (it could be dead frogs for all she cares) but pushing that button did the desired effect: it got her to go away and be stupid somewhere else.

After the other shecat stomps off, Clover rolls her shoulders in a shrug and pushes a paw through her own golden fur. Now that that loud annoyance is muted, she can focus on her newest hobby. She's gone through many since her apprenticeship; flower weaving, bones collecting, hole digging which turned to trap digging which turned to 'oh no, please stop trying to kill the old cats with pranks that could break their backs!' Pansies.

Now it's makeovers and her claws flex with desire for a new victim client. An assortment of accessories lie at her feet from feathers to flowers (nice, fresh ones) or berries to strips of colorful fabric recovered from the ditch of the thunder path. Who knows what else is in that jumble as she waves a dainty paw for attention in a bubbly manner, even with her eyes flicking like a lizard's. "Who wants a makeover? Don't be shy! Courtesy of yours truly.," A guarantee of quality. Offer only available to not annoying cats.

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A snort of laughter would come from Leafshades' nose as Cloverfield insulted a clanmate in regards to the flowers in their fur. Was it mean? Of course, however, Leafshade held the idea that flowers in one's fur were pointless and a waste of time.

He moves to walk away, only to freeze when he hears' the molly call for volunteers for makeovers. Leafshade could not think of anything he would love less. His paws would move to carry him swiftly away when an NPC spots him and, thinking there would be nothing more hilarious, meows out loudly to the molly, "Hey Cloverfield! Leafshade is in BAD need of a makeover."

The point tom would hiss in annoyance at the NPC, but soon he was being dragged over to his clanmate in a move of mutiny and he was presented to Cloverfield with flattened ears and narrowed eyes. "You're both losing your ears after this."


"I'm sure it won't be that bad." Sunnyday chortled as he wandered over slowly with a sense of caution, more so concerned that he'd be turned into a victim himself if he wasn't careful. No, he'd rather leave poor Leafshade to suffer for the sake of everyone's amusement. The old tom sat himself down on his haunches and offered up a low purr to convey his sense of anticipation of what was to come. If only he could enjoy a meal whilst he watched, but alas he was still under punishment. "Anything you do will be an improvement, I bet."

Who wants a makeover? Don't be shy! Courtesy of yours truly.

The call for something called a makeover catches Firefly's attention all the way from the nursery, tail flicking curiously behind him. With a paw, he nudges each of his siblings awake before he makes his way out of the safety of the dark nursery. His sensitive little eyes shut, and he blindly makes his way over to Sunnyday to seat himself next to the golden tom. He was big, and Fireflykit liked big cats- more shade, you know?

"I want one! I want one!" He chirps out in excitement, smiling big for the molly.


She is sleeping soundly when her brother prods her awake. She yawns loudly and looks around for the culprit, finding Fireflykit exiting the nursery. Curious where he was going, and a little bit annoyed he disturbed her rest, Howlkit pads out after him. Upon stepping outside, she learns that Cloverfield was giving out makeovers and immediately her interest is caught. "Oooh I want one too!" She called out, running to join Fireflykit. Howlkit sits patiently by her brother but she's practically bouncing on the spot with excitement at the makeover.

Where his siblings went, Burnkit would inevitably follow. Fireflykit slips out of the den first followed by Howlkit who is then, in turn, followed by him. A shadow. He watches with yellow eyes as his sister leaves and he wants to know where she is going, where Fireflykit is going.

He watches with intense yellow eyes and listens. A makeover? Immediately the kits face scrunches in distaste. “That just sounds like a bath with extra steps” he says, making his distaste for the idea known immediately. “Count me out” Howlkit and Fireflykit could get all the ‘makeovers’ they wanted. It just meant extra badger rides for him from whatever poor warrior he would talk into it.


What, like how RiverClan wove flowers into ThunderClan's pelts for the gathering? Finchcatcher assumes it's similar, based on what Cloverfield brings with her following her call for these... makeovers. The ginger and white tom isn't quite sure he wants one, but, hey, it's an opportunity to better settle himself within ThunderClan, now that the thought of blue smoked fur no longer looms over his every move.

The scarred warrior pushes away the thought, padding over to the growing crowd.

"I'll take one," he says, before raising his burn-scarred forepaw, as if to inspect his scars, "Think of it as a challenge." Because, surely no makeover would be able to make up for the scars his fur holds, right?

The woman is still nervous here and she feels like she has been walking on eggshells. Though it's only been a couple of days she needs to let Emberstar know she does plan to stay. But for now she has been trying to get a feel for this place and how things work. It's so different than what she knows and as she hears a call from across camp the pale woman lifts her head and turns in that direction. Her near blind eyes narrow slightly as she focuses on the silhouettes that are all around a lone figure. With a small smile upon her maw she gets up the courage to make her way over, picking up on the small conversation. "Makeover?" Her head tilts in wonder and she moves forward a little bit more.

The voices of excited kits makes her chuckle slightly as she reaches forward with a paw, easily brushing her paw against what objects she makes out. "Oh, feathers. I love feathers!" She muses with her ususal hushed voice as she flicks her pinkish blue eyes up to the other. Perhaps she can have a makeover too.
an annoyed noise escaped crescentkit when she was prodded awake, head lifting up from mottled paws to blink a few times before noticing her siblings exiting the nursery one by one like ants in a line. pushing herself up to all fours, the huffy kitten was the last to leave the comforts of the nursery and marched over to where the rest were. "there better be a good reason my beauty rest was so rudely—!" the complaint would trail off the moment she saw the array of colorful items sitting at clover's paws.

ears would perk a little higher in interest, eyes shimmering in immediate delight when word of makeovers flitted over the group. hm, maybe she'll forgive her brother for waking her up this time. i mean, how could anyone pass up an opprotunity to get prettied up aside from burnkit who clearly denied it but no one cares about that.

the tortie child would tottle passed everyone to stand infront of clover. "i want the nicest flower you have!"
[ penned by cobi ]