camp IF ONLY YOU COULD READ THEM ༊ cruel prank


[ 08.02.24 ]
Mar 26, 2024

࿔*:・゚༄ This heat has been taking Ploverhop out. They're relieved just to be able to lie down at the end of the day, and have taken to napping in camp just to ease the lethargy that's seeped into their bones. Sure, it riles up the more outspokenly xenophobic to see them lazing about so openly, but they've long learned to brave that. Whatever anyone says, rest makes them a better warrior.

They're glad to come back to their nest at the end of the day, but it seems that someone is determined to keep them from squeaking. Sharp pinpricks of pain poke into their pelt, and Ploverhop winces. "Agh - !" they yelp, shooting up from where they had been trying to lay. A squint reveals the culprit: nettles, woven into the moss of their nest. They mouth twists into a sour sort of smile. "Okay, hah hah, very funny," they say loudly, looking around the den.

There's no doubt it's from one of the many cats who have been making jabs at them lately. "Hey, uh - did anyone see someone sneaking over to my nest? An apprentice, maybe? Or some reaalllly petty warrior?" Their gaze lingers on @darkthistle for a moment, narrowing. Him or one of his foxhearted friends seem like the most likely culprits. Still, they keep looking for anyone else who seems particularly guilty or amused... It seems like more and more cats are coming after former kittypets, these days.

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  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    a large, black-striped lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    bright and bouncy with a penchant for mischief. rarely seen without a smile.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
His least favorite part of fatherhood so far is that it's completely stolen Nightbird from him. He misses her pelt against his, misses the warmth of her small body tucked into their shared nest, misses her scent, both sweet and musky like the forest they stalk through. Raccoonstripe flexes his claws, sinking them into the too-big space her absence has left, and is only startled out of his nighttime reverie when Ploverhop leaps from his nest with a cry. The tabby narrows his eyes, inspecting the culprit from where he lies. Nettles, neatly and expertly woven into the soft moss.

"Hey, uh - did anyone see someone sneaking over to my nest? An apprentice, maybe? Or some really petty warrior?" Raccoonstripe frowns. "I should hope the warriors in this Clan have better things to do than prank their Clanmates with nettles," he growls. He sees Ploverhop's eyes flick to Darkthistle, and Raccoonstripe fixes him with an open stare, too. "Anyone who thinks this is an appropriate thing to do to a Clanmate can answer to me!"

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  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 43 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


-ˋˏ ೋ- A squeak rang loud in the evening air, the noise bright amongst the clamour of the clearing. Dark ear at an angle, Poppyfoot cut across the paths of several cats, uncaring, to arrive at the source. His eyes immediately rounded at the sight of Ploverhop, plainly ruffled beside a nest laden with nettles. Derision crinkled the warrior’s brow, but the sight of Raccoonstripe pitched their developing smirk down into a facsimile of pity. The sabotage was immature, no doubt, but it was childish in a way he hadn’t seen in a while. Obvious, funny. Was the intent to send a message or just muddy the waters? Regardless, it’d be a pain to tug out of the nest. He was glad it wasn’t his problem.

Poppyfoot tipped their head to get a better look at the would-be rest spot. "You didn’t notice before you lay down?” He spoke quietly, intonation warped with incredulity. So quick to put aside their duties. The warrior blinked up at Raccoonstripe’s rumbled remark, before complacently nodding along. A waste of time on all fronts.
-ˏ— ღೋˊˎ-

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  • poppykit / poppypaw; POPPYFOOT — he/they
    — thunderclan warrior
    — 14 moons / ages every 15th
    — nonchalant, self-satisfied, sociable, spiteful, holds grudges, loyal to a select few
    ↳ penned by detectlife

    Poppyfoot is small but lanky, their pelt a dense mahogany. White scrawls up one of his front paws and chest, merging with the irregular markings on his face. Ash-green eyes peer at those who pass with scrutiny.
    ↳ chocolate tom with low white​

greenleaf is difficult on her thick, long fur. it’s easier for leafhusk to be more active in the mornings, and when dusk begins to settle on the forest floor. by the time her daily chores are done with, she is exhausted, unfortunately. tired, weary paws step in the warrior’s den, a yawn parting from her jaws— but snaps shut from ploverhop’s yelp.

her attention, now awake and alert, turns to the commotion. she stares at the warrior’s nest, taking a few seconds to fully see the nettles carefully weaved in. now that is dedication… the deliberate prank makes her stomach churn slightly. no, there’s nothing hidden behind this. "can't you see how hidden the nettles are in their nest? anyone could've missed that." she shoots a glance towards poppyfoot.

she won’t blindly accuse a clanmate, like her co-lead, but she will remember how quick the lilac glanced in darkthistle’s direction. "you can take my nest tonight, ploverhop, if you’re comfortable." she suggests, with the assumption they’d prefer to hang around familiarity in past lives after this prank.​


༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — The heat from greenleaf is truly unbearable and he dislikes how the smothering warmth seeps into his plush coat, a small part of him wishes to hide away constantly from the sun but he knows that he wouldn't be able to do such a thing. He'd carry out his duties like the rest of the warriors around him and the red tabby relaxes comfortably into his nest though his molten gaze snaps open within a heartbeat at Ploverhop's sudden yelp. His gaze focused on his denmate then it shifts over to their nest noting the nettles that had been woven within his nest, his ears flick back knowing that if anyone had pulled that type of prank with him... He wouldn't be in the most pleasant mood but Ploverhop seems to be taking it relatively well by not snapping at the first warrior that they glanced over to.

Burningpatch regards Darkthistle with his own molten gaze but he isn't quick to accuse the inky furred tom and instead turns his attention away as he huffs "Childish and a waste of time." That time that they had used to prepare such a prank could've been put to better use and not stir any trouble within the warriors den especially with those tired from their chores of the day. Leafhusk provides a solution to the younger warrior's problem and the large tom gives a small nod only to offer "I'll help in getting you new bedding later." Unless, the cat who had done this fesses up then Burningpatch could drag them by the tail to help. The auburn patched tom relaxes slightly though he watches Darkthistle and Poppyfoot from the corner of his eye wondering if it had been the dark warrior being petty towards their denmate.


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • Ei1xAQ3.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby with high white & amber eyes
    burningpatch is a traditional, loyal warrior that will follow the warrior code through and through but if there's an opportunity to help his own clan benefit, he won't be afraid to break a rule/get his paws dirty. he isn't a social butterfly and normally have a lot of tolerance for those around him, he's very blunt and often has no filter. all of his opinions are IC
    73 moons old; ages the 13th every month
    asexual aromantic; currently interested in .....
    currently mentoring... n/a
    hard to befriend ; won't start fights but will end them
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed