private If something goes wrong, bite through it | traps


The patrol sets out at dawn, after late-night rain has scrubbed the sky clean of color and drawn small riverbeds in the wet dirt. The downpour washed away Iciclefang’s tracks, so that they only have her recollection to guide them as they make off for the theater of their latest tragedy — and the last place Ashpaw was seen alive.

Snakeblink’s mood isn’t any brighter than the weather. He feels washed out himself, like freezing cold water rushed through him in the night and wore out all the edges of himself until only the fatigue remained. He doesn’t even have it in himself to be annoyed at the mud caking his paws and sticking his fur flat against his sides. He keeps moving on muscle memory alone, and his voice sounds wooden when he opens his mouth. The sound of rain drumming against the warriors’ den in the night extinguished the last spark of hope he held in his chest: if there were any sign of Ashpaw left, it’s gone now.

He knows they’ve reached their destination when he catches sight of the first trap: its dark, gleaming jaws are closed tightly around the mangled leg of an unlucky rabbit, caught far from its home. It’s all too easy to imagine a cat in its place — perhaps even a small, flame-colored apprentice. He flicks his tail to signal the patrol to a stop.

”This is the place,” he whispers, wary of attracting the attention of any remaining twoleg. ”Let’s take a look around and see if we can find anything. Try to disarm any live trap you find — but be careful. We don’t need any more… losses.”

On that grim note, he slinks off, circling the dead rabbit and keeping his nose to the wet grass as he tries to make out any hint of Ashpaw’s scent, be it from her passage or the blood she shed here.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: Patrol tag: @LIGHTNINGSTONE @WASPRATTLE. @GILLSIGHT @rosewater This patrol is open to others, but only warriors!
    You’re welcome to search, but this patrol will not find any trace of Ashpaw ): She’s gone for now.
    There are 3 active traps to disarm, and 1 sprung trap with a rabbit caught in it. It will take two cats to pry the trap open and get the prey.
    You can make an optional roll to disarm each trap
    1 the trap snaps shut and the noise alerts a nearby twoleg, forcing the patrol to leave early before they are caught
    2-3 nothing happens, or you can’t figure out how to disarm it; try again
    4-5 you set off the trap, disarming it for now
    6 you break the trap!

    Once again, you do NOT have to roll to disarm a trap if you don’t feel like it. Go crazy and have fun!

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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Ashpaw is gone, Ashpaw is gone, Ashpaw is gone.

It's all that his mind can muster for the rest of the night - a repetition never-ending, as if its cycle will eventually force the fact to sound real to Gillsight, as if being said again and again will finally make the statement click in the young warrior's mind. Ashpaw is gone, his mind declares for the umpteenth time, and yet Gillsight still mulls over it in disbelief.

A tired gaze stares ahead as he trails behind Snakeblink to the scene of Ashpaw's disappearance, white paws carried with a heavy step to them. Part of him hopes she's made it out, that she's hiding somewhere around here and waiting for someone to come get her, but Gillsight knows that's not true before he even sees the metal slats of a trap glinting under dawn's light. The warrior knows that, had she made her escape, she would have been in RiverClan's camp right now, and that this patrol wouldn't have been deployed.

This is the place, Snakeblink says, and Gillsight finally catches sight of the first trap. Second, really, with what had happened with Ashpaw. The warrior doesn't really get why the twolegs need so many of these things - why they decide to spend their time disturbing the peace of the territory, or why they'd rather take bits and pieces of it away than enjoy their own territory. Did they not have anything better to do?

He listens on to the older warrior's words, a nod of the head following at the urgency of being careful. Gillsight didn't want to end up in one of these things too.

"G-Got it," he answers, before turning to search his own corner of the area.
// So sorry for delay!! Catching up with all my characters!

Lightningstone follows at the lead warrior's heels, curled ears flicked back against his head and head held in its usual low carriage. The loss of Ashpaw is a devastating blow to many in RiverClan. He was never close to the apprentice, but she was still his clanmate and he cared for her all the same. To see the effect it had on Iciclefang and Willowroot...well, he just hopes they can find some trace of her and bring her home to them.

Snakeblink announces their arrival and the silvery tom lifts his narrowed gaze to survey the area. Silently, he nods his head in obedience and stalks along, head swinging back and forth to scan the clearing. For a moment, his hazel eyes rest on Gillsight, the young warrior's nervousness easy to spot. His attention lingers there for just a moment before he pulls it away to scent the air for any trace of the missing apprentice. He pads along before halting, whiskers twitching as his keen sight picks out the glinting steel just before him, hidden in a patch of reeds. A grimace appears on his face. Nasty twoleg junk.

He stands there for a moment in thought, the gears turning in his mind. The tom is quite known for his problem-solving skills; stars, it's why he was even brought here. He can trip this trap. If it clamps shut when an animal darts through it, it's triggered by something. Movement? Like the jaws of a predator? Lightningstone looks around him before spotting a stone nearby, one that is just large enough to fit into his mouth. Perhaps...? He steps forward, takes the rock in his jaws, and moves to stand a mouse-length away from the trap. One, two, three. He tosses it lightly so that it lands in the middle of the open jaws, and SNAP! It clamps shut, causing the slender warrior to flinch away. A sharp exhale leaves him and he looks to the others, eyes wide.