private IF THAT MOCKINGBIRD SINGS [✦] Cottonpaw


Cottonpaw was now often busy that she was apprenticed to Wolfsong. Either watching his kits, foraging for herbs, or in the den sorting and learning of them. Sootstar had gone from interacting (though mostly brief) with her last-born every day to barely seeing each other in passing. Sootstar knows its for the best though, Cottonpaw would be a better medicine cat than tunneler and one day she’d surpass Wolfsong. Cottonpaw would be her first success in raising her kits into powerful places within WindClan.

Today she enters the den to speak with her, Wolfsong was outside with his kits, she just needed a moment of privacy. Not to comfort Cottonpaw on the death of her father either, but to warn her.

”Cottonpaw,” Sootstar says now that she’s descended into the den, her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting with ease. ”We need to talk… I fear you may begin to hear things from the other clans… They’re bitter, you know, of me, of us.” This was known…

”Our power frightens them, I’m afraid I’ve heard word that they’ve began to spin lies to threaten your position as Wolfsong’s apprentice.” Sootstar looks at Cottonpaw, her emerald gaze dire, ”You must promise me… if you are to hear anything wrong from anyone about you, come to me straight away. I’ll fix it.” She leans forward and aims to lick Cottonpaw’s forehead, a rare show of comfort and affection from the blue smoke.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
It's not fair... Fairness dies with the leaves of fall and yet Cottonpaw still can't help but be caught up in the matter of her father's death. Were she any more careful, or perhaps more insistent, would he still live and breathe today? The thought never leaves even as the young molly flits about the den, forcing herself to be busy in spite of it. A presence enters the den and she turns, initially figuring to see her mentor; she feels so little to see her mother instead.

Sootstar must feel lost without her lover, her partner was supposed to last her every single one of her lives, and yet he perished. Cottonpaw never thought to console the woman however - Sootstar never seemed the sort to need a shoulder to lean on. She speaks her daughter's name and the youth listens obediently, tail sweeping low behind her as she turns to greet her superior.

She says nothing - a startling and uncomfortable shift from the usually talkative she-cat - as her mother warns her of the lies that may be spread. For a moment, a mere moment, Cottonpaw thinks of the supposed curse that her father spoke of shortly before his death. It blips quickly into and then out of her mind, simply unwilling to remain as the connection to the brown tabby is still painful.

Sootstar's affection tends to be awarded with praise and pride - and so Cottonpaw feels awkward in the physical affection gifted to her (not to mention, usually she looks up to see Weaselclaw, and she knows that'll never happen again.) She nods, a soft, "Yes, Sootstar," leaving her maw. However her curiosity ticks and she tilts her head to the side slightly, "But - what wrongs are there to be said? I know that I'm not the best, but - I'm the youngest, and the newest. Surely the other Clans aren't bitter about StarClan's pick so early into her training...?" What do they expect of her - to learn another cure for the disease? Even if she is to somehow come across that, she knows it would be a blow to the chest. After all, a new cure cannot bring back the dead.​


Cottonpaw obeys and Sootstar is pleased. She begins to turn to exit the den when Cottonpaw starts to ask questions. Sootstar stops in her tracks and turns her head around, blankly she stares at the pelt of her blue daughter.

She wonders what she would think- if Sootstar told her here and now. Who cares if it was her mother who had left the sign and not StarClan? She was leader of WindClan, it was her right to be able to pick the medicine cat apprentice, her future healer. Yet something tells her Cottonpaw would never understand how this would benefit WindClan, their family, and most importantly the two of them.

”When have the other clans been reasonable with us?” Never. There was always a slight against WindClan when they were just the same as the other clans, fighting to survive just as they were. ”You are of your father’s and I’s blood, unfortunately for many, that is enough for them to be bitter.”

It seems she’s done with this conversation, as she makes her way up and out of the medicine cats den without waiting for Cottonpaw to respond.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Despite her parents, Cottonpaw grows with a softer heart. Weaselclaw (may he rest in peace) and Sootstar were and are battled hardened cats, the world having calloused both their paws and their hearts. Perhaps she would do better to be in line with her parents, just as her siblings do - or perhaps StarClan calls her down a different path simply because her white dipped paws couldn't do much more than mar the pelt of prey. Regardless of what Cottonpaw does and doesn't know - her mother is mostly right. She wouldn't understand.

"Never," the youngest breathes, unknowingly agreeing with her mother's unspoken sentiment. Her tail tip flicks as Sootstar continues, and the truth of the matter is clear; simply because two cats fell for one another, simply because she exists as a result of that love... the other Clans hold disdain for her. It's as if her blood must be no better than the sludge that cakes ShadowClan paws.

Before she can speak more, her mother stands and leaves - and Cottonpaw is obedient in her silence. Her chest is unsteady with uneven breaths and rapid beating. It is not a threat that Sootstar brought her, but a warning, and yet all the same she feels her position in the Clan unsettled once again. She shakes her head and returns to her work, hoping desperately that the other Clans won't attempt to ruin this for her, too.​
  • Crying
Reactions: SOOTSTAR