camp if there's no cops around, anything is legal ! | story



it's been an interesting couple of days for thunderclan, word travelled fast through out the camp about how shadowclan had stormed over to their borders with a furious demand for justice for their medicine cat who had been attacked which was briefly followed after the banishment of their own leaving someone new to take her place. it left a unpleasant taste upon his tongue but he trusted emberstar to make the best decisions for the clan.

on a much more happier note, little wolf had recently become a mother to five beautiful scamps with the father being the leader of an enitrely different clan but both thunderclan and skyclan were on good terms with one another so no issues had really arose from it. on certain days the kits would be running around in camp here and on others they'd be venturing off with their mother to visit blazestar and all of them.

lucky for him they were spending some time here and what better way to bond with all the youngsters of the clan than with a story?

heronbelly hobbled out of the elder's den, eyes squinted trying to see who exactly was out and about. eh, surely people will come scampering over here when he yells. "first, where are all the youngsters, i got a story to tell! second, someone bring me something to eat i'm starving!!" yeah, that'll work.

[ penned by cobi ]

Hobbling out of the fallen tree that made up ThunderClan's elders den, a tom older than even Trufflepelt squinted at the daylight. The cinnamon-pelted tom did not often think of his age, though that daunting feeling he may die or retire before fulfilling his star-sent destiny came creeping whenever he spotted a fleck of grey upon the face of another. Time's passing, hue's changing, was all a cruel reminder that he could fail the mission his entire life had been leading up to, dropping dead before he could manage it. It would be cruel if Trufflepelt were not so sure of the Stars' intentions- they would lead him along the intended path eventually.

Coincidentally- his dream had involved him chasing a bird, and a jay was the first thing that his gilded gaze swept toward when he arrived at the freshkill pile, prepared to fulfil Heronbelly's request. Ah, but it was no coincidence, he had to remind himself. The Stars favoured him, he knew it- his faith held strong even in the appointment of a new prophet. They illustrated their plans to him in his slumber.

A flurry of ocean-blue, the jay fell at Heronbelly's feet. "Weave your tale not just for the youth, but for me too." Trufflepelt requested, tusk-toothed maw curved in a smile. "I have not yet grown tired of hearing stories!" A laugh- one would think he would have grown tired! But the prophecies StarClan sent to him were stories in themselves, always open to interpretation... perhaps this would be a more literal tale, however. Either or, he minded not!

At the promise of a story, Howlkit was soon enticed into coming over. Luckily Trufflepelt had provided a meal in the form of a jay for Heronbelly so she had no reason to seek out further prey. That was probably a good job too as she would have only brought with her the smallest of prey with her off the fresh-kill pile due to her stature. The little torbie settled down next to Heronbelly, her amber gaze flickering excitedly between the two toms. "What story will you tell us, Heronbelly?" She asked, mind racing with the potential possibilities. Maybe a cool hunting trip he had had, or a legendary fight, or an encounter with a mysterious cat? "You're so old I bet you have lots of cool stories!" She trilled enthusiastically.
Coming to sit beside Howlkit, Tybalt looked curiously toward the elder. He wasn’t usually up for stories, but he was exhausted after an extensive morning hunting trip. He might as well listen. “Sure thing, old timer,” he said with a grin. “What’ve you got?”