"Here you are, my darling." The words surface from an ebony maw as Snakehiss deposits a freshly caught rabbit down at Berrysnap's paws. He didn't catch it himself, no, but it was one of the fattest pieces of prey on the pile and offering it specially for Berrysnap was surely an act of appreciation and respect for his new partner.

There are eyes on them now, the deputy can tell, but he gladly lets them watch. Snakehiss wants his "affections" to be as public as possible. Why, soon enough it would be as if his relationship with Cottonpaw had never even occurred! It would be in the past, a mere bump on the path, but nothing he would sit and linger upon. Snakehiss had to bounce back and move on with his life, proving to the others that he was still strong and capable of getting what he wanted. "I can't have my mate going hungry now, can I?" He chirps toward the tortoiseshell she-cat with a light smirk.

  • pls wait for @BERRYSNAP
  • 71016142_9rYADptBxGUs9zn.png
  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; deputy of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
  • Wow
Reactions: revelations

How it had happened she wasn't sure. Somehow she'd found herself spending more and more time with Snakehiss until one day they'd found themselves as mates. Perhaps a part of her just wanted the status symbol of being the deputy's mate, or perhaps part of her wanted to help take a stab at Cottonpaw for what she lost. A purr would escape the woman's jaws as she lay on her side, watching the movement of the clan away from the other clan's members.

Snakehiss's grand entrance would pull her from her thoughts as the rabbit was thrown at her paws. Being treated as the queen she was. "Thank you my love." The affectionate words easily fell from her tongue, really making an effort to sell their little performance. Berrysnap would reach up to lick the side of her mate's face, to thank him for the meal. She too was aware of the eyes upon them and would be lying if she said she was unaware of the shocked gasps and whispers throughout the growing crowd.

"We definitely wouldn't want that to happen." A flirtatious echo of his own words, Berrysnap's whiskers would twitch in amusement, releasing eye contact from the deputy to give a side glance to check for the reactions of the clan before returning her attention to Berrysnap, attempting to intertwine her tail with his. "Did my big, strong deputy have a good day today?"

// so sorry for the delayed response !!
What in the stars was she looking at? Rose-colored hues squinted at the interaction in front of her, while silently trying to process this strange occurrence in her head. Snakehiss was calling another cat by an endearment, referring to her as his mate, and so soon after the admittedly disastrous break up between him and Cottonpaw. A brief grimace of disgust washed over here as Berrysnap reciprocated quite willingly. She half wondered if they were serious or doing it for attention, before deciding it wasn't her business. If Snakehiss wanted to flaunt a new relationship, that was all up to him. Weird as it was for him to be so public about it.
Harbingermoon's ebony and white fur stood on end, a reflection of the annoyance that coursed through his veins. The scene of the overly sweet affair assaulted his senses, a stark reminder of his own predicament. Their impossibly round belly, unable to be concealed, baring the evidence of his miserable state—sick and feverish in the unforgiving cold. The lack of Hollowcreek's presence only added to his discomfort. Sootstar's decisions had left him with mundane tasks, watching over the camp while nursing his illness.

His disdain wasn't limited to the physical malaise; the looming prospect of impending fatherhood irked him to no end. Harbingermoon wasn't prepared for parenthood, nor did he desire the incessant clamor of offspring following him around. The sight of Ebonylight, embracing the responsibilities he so vehemently rejected, only fueled his resentment. To make matters worse, Sootstar, instead of offering understanding, saw him as vulnerable and weak, further stoking the fire of his frustration.

The dreams of power and influence that once danced in his mind were now shattered, all thanks to the inconvenient truth of his pregnancy. With a snort of disbelief, he turned his gaze away, attempting to block out the nauseating couple and quell the rebellion of his own stomach, strained by the meager sustenance of a pitifully caught squirrel between their paws.