pafp IF THEY PAY FOR IT [ rogue skirmish ]

( ) the dawn patrol is possibly the event in his day that he least enjoys. waking up grumpy apprentices and having to walk the corners of riverclan territory with his exhausted clanmates is not entirely his idea of fun. still, coyotecreek is a team player and will never argue when smokethroat asks him to lead the earliest patrol, even if he hates it. this morning is no different- he finds his big paws trotting through dewey grasses, tail twitching in slight distaste as he approaches the far border. lichentail, brookpaw, dipperpaw and otterpaw move alongside him, the two warriors having been told to show their apprentices the joys of early morning border marking. "now i'm sure you're aware that this is the border we share with skyclan. beyond this is the twoleg camp, which we strictly avoid, and on skyclan's side of the river is the twolegplace." his voice, though tired, is chipper, perhaps a bit annoying for the time of day. "let's mark quickly and be on our way."

flicking his tail, he gestures for the apprentices to set to work. padding a few fox lengths away to work himself, he finds the scent of the border broken a bit. skyclan scent, yes, and riverclan, but something else as well. sour and odd, yet still feline. coyotecreek halts, ears up, eyes narrowed as through the reeds, he spots a dark tabby pelt, accompanied by a snow white one. two strangers crouch over the river, batting at the water in a poor attempt at fishing. "intruders!" he announces to his patrol, hissing low as he feels the fur on his spine raise. the two rogues turn with surprise that fades into humored distaste. "this is riverclan territory, rogues. leave or we will make you." a growl rumbles in his throat as the orange and white tabby steps forward, lip curled. without even a word, the snow white she-cat launches herself at coyotecreek while the brown tabby aims to hook up the two small fish they caught and scamper away. coyote raises up to meet the she-cat, claws slashing through the air. the strange scent thickens as a third rogue, blue-grey in color, streaks out of the undergrowth, aiming hooked claws towards lichentail.

// wait for any tagged to reply before replying. also tagging the apprentices. tldr - dawn patrol attacked by three rogues. 1 is attacking coyo, 1 attacking lichen, 1 trying to run away with his prey. @lichentail @brookpaw @DIPPERPAW @otterpaw
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A dawn patrol, just as Coyotecreek could predict, is the most distasteful of duties to be given for Otterpaw. As greenleaf began to shift further into leaf-fall, the mornings had begun to greet him with a spine-chilling breeze whenever he rose from his nest. It only drove the chimera to stick himself further into his nest, and he just about tested his new mentors resolve by doing so. Otterpaw wanted to see how long Coyotecreek would wait for him to rise, how long he would call for his name only to be ignored.

The orange tabby was lucky Lichentail's apprentice's happened to be attending, specifically Brookpaw. Pining for the approval of her and her littermates, Otterpaw was quick to imitate her own actions in rising to their task. Even with some grace given due to their company, just a sliver of his poor attitude toward Coyotecreek still slipped through. His cheery voice is grinding against his ears and he dramatically rolled his eyes.

"I might be your new apprentice, but I'm not fresh from the nursery. I know what the SkyClan border is." For three moons he had been sleeping in the apprentices den now, he wasn't going to be treated like fresh blood in the river.

They disperse and Otterpaw made quick work to get as much reasonable distance between him and Coyotecreek. He pressed his coat against the stalks of grass that grew overhead. "This is boring." He muttered to the other apprentices, when suddenly the tom leading them began to shout. Intruders? Had SkyClan trespassed?

The chimera spun on his heels and saw three forms ahead. Both of the warriors each had a rogue baring teeth and claws, but Otterpaw's focus was on the brown tabby fleeing- with their food! Otterpaw kicked off after the rogue, yowling threats and demands, swearing by the stars he would do good by them if he caught him. He managed to cut in front of the tabby successfully, and in their skidding one of the fish falls from their jaws. He watched as their jaws clamp harder on the remaining fish and dart away, leading Otterpaw toward the twoleg camp.

// otter rolled a 12, put that toward success in getting one of the fishies to drop! ​
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The tangible weight that had leapt off her shoulders that morning.... Coyotecreek may as well have been an angel sent from StarClan in that moment. SkyClan patrol... early in the morning before the forest itself had fully woken. It was bound to be a harmless trip, one quickly done with and not another adventure out to WindClan. Surely, no one enjoyed patrolling WindClan's borders (amongst the clans the only ones who smelled worse may be ShadowClan), but Lichentail especially loathed the repeated assignment. If for no other reason than paranoia, Brookpaw was bound to be tired of going there too.

Curling her tail in an absent thought, it was something of a relief not to stand at the head of the group, letting pale eyes wander over the tree-dappled landscape. The grass was soon to die in the coming cold winter and with it, the lushness of that field they loved so much. A noisy growl of her belly served a cold reminder of the struggle they already were facing- hunger would only grow to be more familiar, a painful friend that kneaded with claws against her tender skin.

Otterpaw is as much of a good sport as he always is (see: not at all) and wanders off to begin his part in all of this. "He'll lighten up," they try not to speak loud enough that the hard-headed boy might hear her but his new mentor was bound to need some sort of reassurance. "He's not half bad at-"

Whatever kind compliment she'd managed to pull out of thin air-- it was so hard to find nice things to say about a half-drowned drypaw-- died quickly in her throat as the foliage screams to life with unfamiliar bodies. A growl nestles in her chest, ears pinned back as her clan-mate makes their boundary known clearly...

It seems the warning goes unheeded and a pair of claws whip towards her. The blue hesitates, distracted by the familiarity of the color of that coat, mistaking the blurred face for a hundred other foggy figures- her mother.. her own apprentices don the same riveting color... Hazecloud? Narrowly dipping under the swipe aimed for her face, Lichentail can quickly feel the exhaustion in her muscles. The clan needed to eat and who was she to deny her warriors a meal when she could... always catch another? It had been a foolish act of selflessness mostly... one blinded by an unwillingness to see the reality for what it was.

RiverClan was already so hungry... she was so hungry...

"Help him," the lead calls, glancing back towards Dipperpaw and Brookpaw, eyes blown wide by the surprise attack. Otterpaw was the only one standing between that thief and their next meal. Crouching down quickly, they lunge for their opponent's chest, bowling their look-alike over with a heavy breath of effort.

-- rolled an 18 to avoid surprise attack !!​

It is like any other normal day. Dipperpaw follows along with her mentor thinking about how much she would rather be doing literally anything else. She glances at Brookpaw out of the corner of one of her deep blue eyes and she wonders if the gir feels much of the same. Does she wish Dipperpaw was a different cat? Does she wish to be somewhere else doing something else? She will not know because she will not ask. Doing so would open up into a conversation and she does not wish to engage with anyone in idle small talk, does not wish to insult her mentor by insinuating that this task was beneath her for truly she does not feel that way. It is just that on border patrols usually nothing happened at all.

She is surprised when Otterpaw speaks to her is even more surprised when his words are an echo of her own. Otterpaw too might be surprised to see any sort of emotion form on her face. She is about to open her mouth to speak, but before she can something is happening. Coyotecreek yells and she looks up to see the intruders he speaks of. Three cats stood poised over the river. She almost wants to joke that they are better fishers then some of her clanmates but she holds her tongue. Two of the rogues turn and attack, likely trying to distract the patrol while their friend gets away with the food.

She is moving to help her mentor but Lichentail looks back at her and calls out 'help him' motioning with her head to Otterpaw. Dipperpaw only hesitates for a moment before nodding her head and streaking after the brown tabby who held the other fish in their jaws. Otterpaw had gotten them to drop one but Dipperpaw would be damned if she allowed them to get away with the other "We have to- we have to cut them off" Her words are said between breaths while she runs. She is no WindClanner and neither is Otterpaw, if the rogue was allowed to get much farther they would outpace them. Her long legs could only do so much for her, they would have to work together.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 69166767_W29VveJbx7B3cGv.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]