border if this is a trick 〰 skyclan dusk patrol

Circles had a funny way of finding their start... over and over, a cycle inescapable. In some ways that return to the beginning was a comfort, dipped in the honeyed taste of nostalgia- it tasted so sweet on this day in particular it would make the bees jealous. Every step trod down this path at the front of their patrol (and it was their patrol), there is a bounciness to it that felt reminiscent to the first patrol they'd ever been on. Bittersweet, Edenberry swears they can feel Tawnystripe walking with them... Just like that first time.

'What can you smell?'

Drawing in a deep breath, they turn with maw spread wide in preparation for their joyous observation- "I can practically smell the sap from here," a breathy laugh escapes the daylight warrior, practically spinning like an over-eager kit to return their attention frontward. This outing in particular feels more like a reward than even their name had- did their den-mates feel the same way? Were they elated that it was just the group of them, together as a cluster of peers with no lead warrior to dog at them? "It smells so different from the pines..."

They'd have to remember to gush about it to Twitchbolt later, to thank him profusely even. Maybe they could steal one of those fun, thin stick-like toys from their house to gift him like they'd done for Dawnglare once. "Doing alright Fireflypaw? Smelling anything we should stop to grab?" They're not sure if that's the reason the blind tom has been assigned to come with them but... better to ask than not to.

A half-scarred face squints at the foliage that splatters the landscape around them, uncertain they'd even be able to identify anything useful with one and a half good eyes, much less zero. "Don't forget to look out for that missing kid Howlingstar mentioned," it is an additional suggestion, one brought on by Edenberry's ecstatic need to rant and ramble their good energy out of the leggy container it was bottled up in.

This would be a breeze... A routine, easy patrol to bolster the flames of some new warriors!

  • tagging @falcongaze @CROWSIGHT @Owlheart and @Fireflypaw !!
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
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Reactions: Owlheart
Ever since Dawnglare had left for ThunderClan, Fireflypaw had taken to harvesting herbs all by himself with a patrol with him. This patrol, however, was moreso for the ThunderClan border than his herb harvesting. So as the other warriors focused on marking the borders and chatting amongst each other, Fireflypaw turned his attention to a patch of marigold that suck out of the ground. His nose pressed into the flower, plucking it from the ground and placing it in the oak leaf he carried with him for storage. His ears perk up when his name is said, and he huffs softly in amusement at Edenberry's eagerness.

"No, I am alright. Just keep doing your thing." He reassures them, deep voice humming as he walks over to the patrol. He idly remembers his siblings, the announcement that Burnstorm and Moonwhisper had kits still fresh on his mind. If he could meet them, he'd tell them stories about the Clans and how they came to be, the stars above and their creation. He would tell them so many things, but he knew.. He knew he'd never be able to meet them on good terms, if at all if their parents could help it. Fireflypaw's ears droop at the thought, blind blue eyes staring into the distance owlishly with a hint of sadness in them.

"Maybe I'll see Dawnglare in passing." He thinks aloud, talking to nobody in particular. "I wonder how Burnstorm and Moonwhisper are faring with their kits.."

@skyclaw // eheh // feel free to keep replying!!​
"There are some SkyClan cats up ahead, Antlerpaw. See them?" She murmurs to her apprentice as they make their way through the forest. Ivory paws step with purpose through the foliage as they draw closer, the stout leader drawn up to her full (unimpressive) height as she makes her way closer to the pine forest border. The patrol seems filled with young cats, and seeing no older cat with them, she can only assume these are some of the brand new warriors Orangestar mentioned at the Gathering. And among them, further behind? Her grandson! "Hello," She greets them kindly, a smile playing on her muzzle as she comes to a stop on the other side of the scent-line. "How are you all enjoying your independence? I hear congratulations are in order." Her gaze drifts towards Fireflypaw, eyes twinkling with affection. She will not make a move first, but she wants oh so badly to touch her nose to his forehead, or his shoulder, or something.

// @antlerpaw!

It was strange having Edenberry lead the patrol, even stranger to be in a patrol without an older warrior there to guide them. They didn't need guidance anymore though did they? She certainly hoped not, herself and her peers are warriors now, surely they don't need that guidance. Owlheart hummed in agreeance, it did smell different compared to the pines. That's the appeal though right? Every clan should smell different, how else would they know what territory is there's.

Every now and again she would look to her side to ensure that Fireflypaw was alright and didn't require any help. She didn't doubt that he would ask for it if needed but her own eagerness matched Edenberry's, even if she didn't vocalise it. The tabby was proud of them, it must of been so exciting to be announced as patrol lead! She was certain that they were doing a fine job to her understanding anyways. The medicine cat apprentice's words brought her pause, would he see Dawnglare in passing? “I hope so, it would be nice to see a familiar face.'' she offered back. It must be hard, she hopes that Fireflypaw is doing okay without him. There's no point dwelling on this while out on patrol though, she needed to be focused.

The sight of Howlingstar brought the new warrior pause, she forgot there was a social aspect to this too, huh. Usually she'd just let the warriors do the talking but she can't really do that anymore can she? “Hello” she mews back, soft and pleasant. The tabby gives a glance to her den mates before focusing on the ThunderClan leader. “It's good, different. Edenberry got assigned to lead the patrol and everything” she couldn't help but let her pride for her friend ooze out in her words. It is good, and it's also different, she was sure that things will be normal in time. “I hope that ThunderClan is doing well” she nods her head in respect, unsure of what pleasantries are actually supposed to be said in moments like these, when in doubt she usually fell back on formal language.

Crowsight can't say he loathes Edenberry from leading their patrol or feels any hint of jealousy. Perhaps if another warrior such as Slate were to join them, then they would have the worst time ever. He frankly doesn't care if Edenberry is a daylight warrior. They're equals in his eyes, well for the most part. Currently she is his superior, but save for this instance they were equals. He's gone on many patrols that he doesn't expect any fighting to go on, nor can he find the same enjoyment as Edenberry when it comes to Thunderclan's scent. All he can offer is a hum. "Oak. Thunderclan has oak trees instead of pine. Funny we both have trees but the scent is entirely different. I wonder if we could as the patrol for Oak bark..." If one thing hasn't changed, it would be how peculiar Crowsight could be. Bark? He wanted bark from Thunderclan? Out of anything, food even, all he wanted was bark? Does it feel any different? How rough is it compared to pine? Would it taste super different? How bad would it taste I tried pine and it was... Not bad.

Oh no we've lost a warrior to trees! Someone save him!

When he hears his step brother speak about his own family within Thunderclan he is snapped out of his tree ponderings and feels anguish. He loves Fireflypaw and has seen him as an older brother, but he knows that had his step brother decided to live in Thunderclan... We wouldn't be close. However, there is a level of understanding. Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Burnstorm, and Moonwhisper have made their choices. And those choices came with consequences. How are you sure any of you are doing the right thing? When the time comes will you have no regrets about the decision you made? It's difficult not to ask his step brother, the inquiry always sitting on his tongue. Unlike his step brother, he has his family. His mother is living. His younger siblings are living. His littermates were made warriors alongside him and lived, yet he wanted nothing to do with those who shared blood with him. "I'm sure they're okay Firefly. Maybe you can ask? I don't think Thunderclan will be too upset if you want to know about your family," he answers.

Howlingstar approaches with an apprentice. He's seen Howlingstar and run into a Thunderclan patrol a great number of times that it's already routine for him. He doesn't feel any unease towards Thunderclan nor is there any reason to be. After all, Howlingstar's Firefly's grandma. They also have Dawnglare with them. It'd be silly to start a fight. "Hello Howlingstar," he greets while dipping his head in respect. At her inquiry he is pleasantly surprised, after all, they're not her warriors. She had no reason to congratulate them or ask how things are. How many cats actually care when a leader announces new warriors? The thought is promptly shoved aside for two reasons. The first is that it's gloomy to think about. The second is that his partner is answering Howlingstar. You don't have to be so nervous. From his lips a smile forms as he nudges her playfully.

"I'm excited to spar with all the other warriors now. They can't tell me no because I'm an apprentice anymore. And Owlheart is right, it's a nice and different. Although... I think Orangestar might have to expand our den or make another one. It's cramped in there." The black smoke can't help but shiver remembering when all of them tried to find a spot in the warriors den. I swear the older warriors either hate us or are annoyed. Then again, I would be upset too if a whole bunch of cats crowded the den.

Owlheart once again speaks up and asks if Thunderclan is doing well and before he can even stop himself he tacks on "How are Moonwhisper and Burnstorm's fairing with their kits?" Embarrassment immediately flares up his spine and he swears his cheeks are flushed at the realization that he's asking something he has no say in. After all, he isn't related to them. Well... Blood wise no, but Moonwhisper and Burnstorm would be considered his step siblings too. Do she even know about? No, let's not make this worse. She probably doesn't want to hear about it. "Sorry. It's not my place, but Fireflypaw has been worried about them." Oh boy. Please don't be mad Fireflypaw.
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Simple patrols are always nice, and patrols at the SkyClan border are typically without incident. The chocolate tom walks near Howlingstar as they pad through the trees towards the border, ears angling various ways as he catches the sounds of the forest around them and he catches the scent of SkyClan cats on the other side of the scent line. Like Howlingstar, he notes that the other cats are almost certainly new warriors judging by their age, and his whiskers twitch with a touch of amusement, recalling his own experiences as a young warrior. "Hello," He greets, dipping his head briefly to the young cats across the scent-line, noting the young medicine cat's presence among them, "yes, the change from warrior to apprentice is a big one, isn't it? I'm sure you will all adjust to it in time. ThunderClan is well," Now that the threats are gone goes unsaid. "How is SkyClan? Enjoying the pleasant weather as we are, I assume."

// app tag @roaringpaw

Raccoonstripe must enjoy sending him this way - he imagines this time, his face twists up with frustration, much to the easy laughter of his uncle. Skyclaw is almost nerved, too, by the fact he must come this way with his grandmother of all cats. He respects her, of course, but she's too kind to the kin that've left them. The tom would admit wholeheartedly, too, that he still feels hurt from the secrets withheld prior.

"Hold your tongue, Luckypaw," he instructs, hoping for this to be as quick as last time. And yet - Howlingstar greets the new warriors on the border with friendliness, and they respond in kind. He supposes he could tug his apprentice along, unwilling to listen to such a conversation, when he hears one of the SkyClan toms mention his siblings. His fur prickles, and though Crowsight apologizes, his mention of the seal point nearby only reinforces the frustration in Skyclaw.

"No need to worry," Skyclaw interjects the conversation, not at all coolly. Any cat with eyes could tell he is bothered by the conversation - and the tom without would surely hear it in his tone. "ThunderClan takes well care of their own; our warriors and queens are more than capable to mind the kits and apprentices we are plentiful with." He gathers his apprentice closer with a flick of his tail, hoping to keep Luckypaw at his haunch in case any of the new warriors feel their honor must be defended somehow. His gaze flares as it befalls Fireflypaw - his brother. He detests that he knows that.

"Your business is with the pine trees," he says, pointedly. "If either Moonwhisper or Burnstorm care enough to regale you with news of their young, they will do so on their own. Do not bother our patrols with your questions." Does he know if Fireflypaw petitioned the new warrior to ask? Perhaps the seal point is clever to hide his interest beneath the newly minted ruff of someone who doesn't know better. He grinds his teeth, looking towards Howlingstar; he anticipates a tongue lashing later, however surely their leader will not admonish him in front of a SkyClan patrol. Right?

"We should be off," he suggests. "There's still the RiverClan stretch to handle after this."

[ apprentice tag! @luckypaw! <3 ]​
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Reactions: Thorny
Fireflypaw's ears perk up at the sound of his grandmother's voice, and another voice along with her that he didn't know. He dips his head in respect to the leader, making his way over to the border to gently attempt to touch his nose to her cheek in greeting, a sign of affection for his family matriarch. She had seen the creation of the Clans, had been around when StarClan first graced these lands. She was an artifact, laced in gold and kissed by the stars themselves. He looked up to her, and loved her dearly- if he lost her, he'd be just as broken as he was when his other family members died. Part of him wondered what it would be like if he would have been sent to ThunderClan instead, if he was amongst his family members that hated him because of his decision to stay with his father. He blinks, sadness in milky blues before Crowsight's words make his ears run hot.

"Crow-" He begins, though soon after another voice cuts in coldly and shuts him out. Fireflypaw's head snaps in the direction of Skyclaw, eyes narrowing. "They're my family, just like you are, Skyclaw. I have every right to worry about them. With the wolves that ravaged your territory, and how easily kittens are susceptible to sickness, I worry." He replies with an exasperated tone, shocked that Skyclaw would be so cold to him. He could understand Moonwhisper or Burnstorm being like this, shoving him away- but Skyclaw hadn't even gotten to know him enough to be able to have a justified grudge against him. "Why do you hate me so much? You don't even know me! I don't even know you! You are a total stranger to me, and yet you go based on what our family has told you instead of seeing for yourself who I am." He snaps his jaws, his irritation a rare sight- yet it fills him with such fury to be looked down upon by his brother he didn't even know.

"But.. But that's okay." He glances back over to Howlingstar, guilt evident in his eyes as he backs away from the border, leaving her and joining Crowsight's side instead. "You don't understand. You never will. You're just as close-minded as you were when I found out you were pa's kid, too. For just a second, I thought I could get to know you. That I could learn to love you as much as I love the rest of my siblings. I guess I was wrong." He sniffs, anger ebbing away into sorrow. He just wanted to be close to his family, but suddenly, the border felt so much more wider than it was before. There was distance there, between him and his siblings.

Please forgive me, Morningpaw. If you were here, if I could have protected you back then.. He prays to the sky above, willing the tears away.​
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Emotional. Skyclaw detests it, but even he can acknowledge their similarities. Their tempers are evenly matched, for as much as they both pride themselves in being strong willed, they both find themselves unyielding to the frustrations boiling up inside of them. He grits his teeth still, having wanted to move on, and shield his apprentice from any display the SkyClanners would have for them. It seems his stoic brother and his possey of flower gatherers would only want otherwise.

"Worry on your own time, Fireflypaw-" he tries to interrupt and end the other's tirade, but the burly medicine cat refuses to halt. Skyclaw can only feel his own anger bubble, the want to rake his claws along already torn scars - he should have already, given the other's blatant disrespect of the border. Howlingstar should've instructed him back, but his grandmother's heart bleeds for children lost to the pines. Skyclaw holds his tongue just as he instructed Luckypaw to minutes before, allowing his brother to go through his motions. Let him be emotional, let him show his new warriors the kind of cat who will be treating their cuts now, in the interim. Surely this will fair well on his end...

But then... he says it. Skyclaw feels something click and his pupils pinpoint as he glares down his nose at his brother. He can't manage his anger, not when Fireflypaw so easily expresses the sin that he is in fits of grief - the sins that they are. Shut up, he wants to scream. His head hurts and his heart thrums impossibly fast, and for several too long beats he doesn't know what to say. Fireflypaw has rendered him speechless - perhaps that's the purpose of his tantrum. Skyclaw doesn't even have half the mind to properly respond to the other's accusations, lack a connection, of love and care across borders.

"I hope you enjoy dragging your father's name through the mud," Skyclaw growls eventually. "Your new warriors must have only good memories of him, yeah? Grand to reveal them that he cared not for the rules he enforced." Sins we are, he doesn't say. His thoughts retain that of spilling his own blood, as if his ichor would run black instead of red, as if his very existence is proof that damnation is real and he never was destined for an easy life due to the actions of their parents. He stares at Fireflypaw, and though he knows the tom cannot see him, he hopes he can feel his anger. He almost wishes to share how it felt tearing a life from Blazestar's throat, all those moons ago - but he decides against it. Howlingstar is here, and surely she is unhappy with this display.

"You look like him," Skyclaw comments, but nothing about him softens. If anything, his hackles raise, as if he is growing porcupine quills straight from his pelt. "This must be how he acted, too - his heart must've bled like this any time he saw the family he could not be with..." does he pity Blazestar? He does not think so, yet he thinks of their mother and how many sorrows he holds for the black pelted warrior. He does not take the time to admonish her for her crimes, however; he finds her absolvable. "Yet even he was smart enough to know when to stop talking. I guess losing your sight loosened your tongue as well," he lets out a shaky sigh, his claws tearing up the dirt beneath his paws.

"Burnstorm and Moonwhisper will find you if they wish," he reiterates with a sense of finality. Again, he gathers Luckypaw and motions to his apprentice to begin walking, swallowing thickly as he thinks of the repercussions his existence will afford him now. "I wish to have known you less, Fireflypaw," he says, and for a moment, his tone has a smidgeon of mournful blues. He doesn't afford any of the other cats a bid farewell, attempting to leave before his claws speak for him.

[ out! unless someone attacks him ;) ]

This was supposed to be the easy part... Looking towards Howlingstar with a friendly, tooth aching smile, the shadow-split cat thinks that this trip is practically all but a confirmed success. Fireflypaw's melancholy is not hard to miss, despite the careful kindness that managed to lace through his words as if born into his nature, in his blood. His insistence they not worry is all the reassurance they need.. and the mention of some random ThunderClanners he muses about quietly only manages to grab their interest. They didn't know the large, fluffy tom had friends across this sea of trees... but Crowsight is more than happy to take that matter into his own paws and make sure their companion for the evening gets the answers he wants (all in good natured nosiness of course).

"Hey Howlingstar," they set about greeting her, focusing on that foremost in an effort to maintain good graces with their neighbors.. besides, she goes out of her way to note they're SkyClan's newest warriors and that is an appreciation for detail if Edenberry ever saw one. "SkyClan's newest and finest," they chirp confidently, puffing out their chest at the front of the pack, "Going great so far today, how's things with-"

The yammering between Fireflypaw and one of the grouchy ThunderClan warriors that had walked up had been hardly noticeable at first as more than passive bickering (that's just kinda what the clans did... right?) but grew more loud and more heated, in a way that the new warrior had never seen their medicine cat apprentice become so riled up. Their ears twitch, dragging a leafy gaze towards the rising, clashing tides. It seems bizarrely personal... up until it becomes publicly personal..

They're... family? Edenberry looks towards Fireflypaw with an expression of confused alarm... trying to slowly click the puzzle pieces into place... He didn't even look like this warrior.. the resemblance is non-existent in their eyes. But... they're kin? They're... Blazestar's.... An uncomfortable nausea sets over them as Skyclaw tears into their clan-mate, hissing and spitting about legacy, about what it means to drag it through the mud after death, about-

"Hey!" The dark streak along their spine stands on end and they take an infuriated step towards the border, "His sight has nothing to do with this- keep your nasty comments about the blind out of it." Bewildered, frustrated, they turn towards the brown tabby leader, flicking a bobbed tail in agitation, knowing better than to chase that loud mouth into the protection of his own land- "Say something- what was that except disgusting and unnecessary?"

Anger boils like an uncomfortable set of claws inside their back, growling in their ear to encourage more than just angry words. "Let it go Fireflypaw..." And in tandem they mean to tell themself that too- Let it go. Because Blazestar isn't here... Why should he care? "Howlingstar can deal with his foul mouth... Can't promise he'll get to keep that ugly tongue the next time he chooses to lash it at a cat that walks with StarClan.."

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
Howlingstar is smiling, nods accompanying every word she hears leave the new warriors' mouths. It's endearing to hear them speak so excitedly about their new roles, every new task they must partake in. As her grandson drifts closer, she leans towards him to help guide his nose to her cheek, a purr rumbling in her throat. "It's good to see you," She murmurs to Fireflypaw, her heart aching. For just a moment, he is a kitten again, crouched between her forepaws as she tells him stories of the Great Clans. Time is a cruel thief.

She is surprised when one of the young warriors asks about her great grandchildren, and she blinks to him before opening her maw. She does not get the chance to speak, her ears flattening to her skull when Skyclaw coldly cuts in from behind her. She looks to him then, her eyes narrowed and blazing with frustration. "Skyclaw," She scolds sharply, her tail lashing in an order to be silenced. Unfortunately, it can't be stopped there. His words rile up Fireflypaw across the border, and she looks to him desperately as if to get him to stop, but of course it is a look he will not see. Her heart breaks with every bristled word. They are kin. Why must this be every interaction?

You're just as close-minded as you were when I found out you were pa's kid, too.

Her blood runs cold when she hears that sentence. She stares, dumbfounded, as her grandson spills the secret she has kept since the day Little Wolf told her she was pregnant with a second litter. Shock and horror fill her gaze and she has to grit her teeth to keep from screaming. Fireflypaw had just spoken words to both ThunderClan and SkyClan clanmates that they were never supposed to hear. She doesn't want to be angry, but...stars, she's angry.

"Skyclaw, that is enough!" She hisses, frustration boiling over as she forces herself between the two. But Skyclaw is already leaving, his barbed words sizzling in the air as he walks away. Her snout is wrinkled, and she feels lost. She needs to him. Yes, that is what she needs to do now. Because now the secret is out that Skyclaw is not a half-sibling to Little Wolf and Blazestar's first everyone will know he is their full brother. "We must go," She tells the other patrol curtly, her gaze lowering as surprise and panic threaten to overtake all of her thoughts. She casts a glance towards Fireflypaw, and though he cannot see it, there is disappointment in her eyes before she turns to stalk after her warrior.
. ° ✦ SkyClan's border always had something going on, he had heard from the mutterings in the apprentices den. Squabbles and petty remarks this way and that, but most often Bravepaw understood that it wasn't SkyClan that initiated such harassment first. His Clan, as much as he loved them, had some serious issues with kittypets. Or cats that were once of the sort. He didn't quite understand it himself as Bravepaw hardly ever found himself in such negative thought, let alone bigotry, but his older Clanmates appeared eager to jump into a role he wouldn't think a ThunderClanner rightful for.

"Freckleflame, was it SkyClan that really likes birds? They have all the tree's to climb right?" Bravepaw looked to his mentor as they kept behind Howlingstar and Skyclaw. Doepaw didn't like the leaders grandson all that much, he knew, and often wondered why. Doepaw was sweet! Always so nice to him and their denmates, what could he have possibly done to break that kindness from her?

He would quickly find out, as Fireflypaw and Skyclaw throw themselves into a dispute. This was going to be one of those spats they told him about, and as it followed a ThunderClanner threw the first punch. Verbally, of course.

Bravepaw cringed his neck away from the tom and looked to Freckleflame with concern. What do they do? Why did he get so angry? But then it's said- a secret that was not ready to spill. Skyclaw was Blazestar's son all along?

A burning pyre took place where his heart should be, his maw tugged into a frown. He couldn't imagine treating his brothers this way- different Clans or not. He understood they were orphans just like himself, too, and yet that still did not encourage the bitter tom to try and reconcile. "He's so mean..." He whispered, a verbal thought as he watched his Clanmate storm away and Howlingstar order them to follow suit. "I don't wanna be anywhere near that guy. If he gets to just treat his kin like that, what about his Clanmates?" He grimaced towards Freckleflame once more, tail puffed from the agitation.

He does not wish to defy the old leader, though, already scorched from the flames of her anger once. With an awkward wave of his tail he departed, allowing as much distance between himself and Skyclaw as possible.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @freckleflame
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
Antlerpaw is silent as she follows the patrol, nodding her head to things that Howlingstar says. Finally being able to stand next to her mentor on the earth of the forest was a good feeling. All the love to her stand-in mentors, Howlingstar she was just more at ease around. Golden eyes shifted through the forest as they traveled. Skyclanners. Her ears perked at Howlingstar's question- she did not look to her first, vision shifting across the border to the similarly approaching patrol. "I see them."

Antlerpaw didn't get much out wordwise as hisses were suddenly thrown, Skyclaw indignant and sharp towards F.. Fireflypaw, she thinks his name was. Antlerpaw shifts closer to Bravepaw, glancing at the other apprentice. His words were slightly concerning- Antlerpaw couldn't dream of hurting her siblings like that, but she couldn't imagine being around her mother. The scars over her eyes stung as she squinted gently, ears falling flat. "S-sometimes things are... more difficult then related or not related, right?" She asked softly.

She casted an apologetic glance at the other patrol, and Bravepaw, moments later following after Howlingstar before she fell behind.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    a small, lh cinnamon lynx sepia still small, with a brown patterned pelt and bright orange-gold eyes. looks naive.