if this is a trick 𓋼 stuck

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 It has got to be... the dumbest luck to befall anyone in the history of ever. Edenpaw had been doing some tracking, just to practice mostly since their clumsy paws always failed to properly catch things, and now! Stuck. A frustrated growl escapes the normally cheery cat, trying to turn and push against the log they'd leaped over but doing so puts great strain on their neck in a most uncomfortable fashion. They cannot risk taking their hind legs off the ground, lest they want to experience some hacking coughing, suffocating choking...

How stupid... their collar dangles so conveniently around a jutting branch and they are infuriated by it. True, it had gotten looser and looser as they'd run around creating havoc and causing mischief and yes, they had been avoiding their Twoleg ever since half their face had been more or less shredded... but woah if the consequences of their actions weren't poorly timed. Dangling for a moment in defeated silence, the black and white cat gives another, frustrated huff before wiggling, in vain, to be free.

Branches nearby snap under the weight of approaching pawsteps and they think, briefly, in a flash of panic, it must be that dog that had been running rampant at the nearby Twolegplace. I'm so dead, they think miserably, for probably the umpteenth time since joining SkyClan before a swatch of familiar fur reveals itself instead. A hero... thank whatever stars were watching. "Help," they squeak, pressing at the dirt. "I can't get it off."

ooc ;; edenpaw's collar got stuck on a branch ! they just need some help to loosen it a bit more so they can slip out. it's not a break away collar, more like a seresto flea collar so it'll just need a little finangling!! feel free to be the homie they spotted approaching​
❀‿ "Oh no, Edenpaw! Are you stuck?" Lupinepaw scurried over from where she was doing her own bit of training among the branches and needles of the pines. She leaned over to lick at the black-and-white apprentice's shoulder comfortingly, "Uhm, you'll be okay... we can get you out! At least, she hoped so...

"Wait, you can breathe right? Uhm, try to relax and take a deep breath..." Lupinepaw stuck to keeping the other apprentice calm before making any attempts at touching the thing. She didn't want to just start tugging at the thing if her friend couldn't even breathe, and Lupinepaw was hesitant to try anything that could hurt them further. She peered at it sharply, humming to herself as she thought, "I think you might be able to slip out of it if you lean back?"

  • OOC: @Dandelionwish mentor tag ! (im assuming theyre outside of camp right..)
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 8mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
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Reactions: edenberry ?!

Lupinepaw's cry was unmissable- are you stuck, she cried, and Twitchbolt's attention soon whirled around. From a tree he did descent, eyes shot saucer-wide, utterly and completely taken aback by the scene he saw. Again, again- these contraptions that the daylight warriors bore, they were getting in the way? Pulling, snagging- blocking. Oh, it was... it had to be some all encompassing love you felt for your Twolegs, to let them do that to you.

Twitchbolt was not sure he had the love in him. He knew Quillstrike would get a slap if he asked him to wear something like that- though he supposed that was a different sort of love, wasn't it?

He winced at the scene, even at Lupinepaw's ginger approach- the apprentice was as tender as she could be, as gentle and delicate as it was normal, and Twitchbolt still contorted his face in a nervous grimace, shivers rattling across his body. "Be- be careful, Lupinepaw." He spoke as if the collar was going to unwind and whip poor Lupinepaw across the face. And- well, Twitchbolt stood a little back. Best not to get in the way, not to... to make Lupinepaw's job harder. "Yes- yes, Edenpaw, you'll be fine..."

Lily-curved words were rather bad reassurance.
penned by pin ✧
Yet out on another hunt with @Cherrypaw , Slate had not expected such a peculiar predicmant to occur. One of the daylight apprentices had gotten their collar stuck somehow and was now struggling. Lupinepaw and Twitchbolt stood by, unsure of how to approach the situation without harming the youth. That dumb kittypet sure wasn't going to free themselves! "For the love of—" If you were to ask Slate why he thought that collars had no place out in the wild? This was why. All they did was inhibit and cause grief, the only "purpose" they served being mere symbols of twoleg ownership.

He let out a frustrated sigh though was hardly alarmed by this risky situation; Slate had forced a collar off of someone before. This one did not seem to budge easy, though. "Someone get on top of that log and hold the branch still." If this was going to work, the wooden limb could not move with the collar. If there was enough stress on the accessory, perhaps it would eventually snap apart.

With that done, Slate would approach Edenpaw from the side and without warning jam his teeth downward, aiming to wedge them in between the nape of their neck and the collar. There was a possibility that he could draw blood with how much force he was using, but a tiny puncture wound was nothing compared to choking to death.

The large Maine Coon then continuously yanked his head backward, attempting to loosen the damned thing as the other side was firmly snug around the branch. Slate felt as if the gap between his teeth and Edenpaw's fur had widened, though he could not tell if it was enough. There was only one way to find out. "Try wedgin' your head through." The lead warrior ordered through a muffled mouthful.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Foliate gaze awash with relief to hear the familiar voice of a den-mate, Edenpaw would've rushed into Lupinepaw's familiar grasp if they weren't being physically restrained- a sorely missed comfort they would have to reach for later. Stamping their feet firmly on the ground to keep their neck from an uncomfortable tightness, they offer an uneasy smile, "Not choking! Just... just stuck!" As long as the log didn't roll.. there was plenty of time to solve the silly predicament.

Twitchbolt appears not unlike a wet leaf, shaking in the breeze with sun-honey eyes transfixed on the grayish trap around their neck. He looks like he might jump out of his skin at any moment but that's just kinda how the tom is, they realize. He offers some form of encouragement (it doesn't really reach the corners of his eyes though) and remains firmly planted where he is. It isn't a snake, they think helplessly, wondering after his insistence not to get any closer.

Perhaps most frustrating is the appearance of a hulking, gray-furred storm cloud of a SkyClanner- Slate they think in simultaneous dismay and annoyance. Why did it have to be him? And... oh crap. That meant Cherrypaw must be somewhere nearby too huh? Writhing away from the lead warrior has he lumbered impatiently towards them, the two-toned feline had half a mind to swat him on the nose and refuse his help entirely. They didn't want his downpour of a personality to infect them- it probably could through touch alone that's how powerful his dour attitude was!

But he all but narrowly misses teeth at their throat and the momentary fear that he may've just killed them dead stills their loathsome squirming.... Seconds tick by in silence, waiting for a chorus of star-sent cats to appear afront them and sing of their demise, a summoning to some mystical land in the night sky... but they don't appear... and nothing hurts... and Slate is hissing at them to move already.

Twisting their neck in an awkward attempt to flatten it some more, the stripe-marked apprentice practically tumbles in a ball the moment their ears squeeze past the collar's chokehold grip and releases them from an otherwise ominous predicament. Shaking out their fur to hide the red-hot embarassment that burned like fire under their skin, the daylight youth's bright smile could be convincing enough that they are not, in fact, bothered at all.

"Whew!" Turning to Lupinepaw, they butt their head against hers a little too hard in a show of appreciation, "Thank goodness you were around Lup!" They scrunch up their nose, begrudgingly willing to acknowledge their more... sincere... savior... "And Slate...."
  • Love
These days, whenever Slate is out of camp, Cherrypaw is never far behind. The apprentice lopes through the green-furred trees while her mentor plods through the earth and snow, carefully timing her steps to shake as little white from the boughs as she goes. No use in getting Slate to knock her off a branch by dumping a load of snow on his head. She's preoccupied with what she thinks is the call of a robin when a gruff voice barrels through her mind: "For the love of—"

The apprentice leaps down, claws drawn and ears forward. Slate didn't sound panicked, but maybe he found someone who was. When she arrives at the scene, she finds she's half-right. Poor Edenpaw looks panicked enough, with their throat held at the mercy of their own collar and Slate's teeth, and Twitchbolt's whole demeanor never really helped in these situations either. The apprentice witnesses the few seconds of Slate urging them to move, dammit! (which is what she assumes he would've said if he wasn't straining against a tree) and Edenpaw's black-topped head wriggling like a worm to freedom.

With all the life-threatening danger out of the way, Cherrypaw just laughs. Kind of meanly, kind of not. She wedges herself between Lupinepaw and Edenpaw, softly butting the latter with her head while pressing her flanks against both. "I guess Slate is nice sometimes," she remarks, throwing a teasing glance towards her mentor.

Looking back towards Edenpaw with a grin, she finds their appearance now somewhat...lacking. It was like their collar was an integral piece of the Edenpaw puzzle, and without it they now seemed a little less Edenpaw-like to her. "So are you, like, free from it forever?" she asks, tilting her head.​

The Lead Warrior had watched with bated breath as Slate and Lupinepaw worked together to dislodge Edenpaw from their entrapment, paws tentatively lifting and falling back towards the ground as they measured whether or not they needed to step in. Luckily, the apprentice was free soon enough. Silversmoke had considered it would be easy for a cat to wrap their jaws around a collar and push and pull a kittypet around with ease. It was a permanent disadvantage in combat to have those things lodged around one's neck, but having it get caught on the environment was something he had never thought of before. A new danger of Twoleg accessories was exposed, and Silversmoke felt even more vindicated for admonishing the appearance of such thing, the rising of his chest rapid, as if he had been the one caught in that trap. The idea of seeing someone die slowly was not a pleasant one. "You are lucky this branch was close to the ground," he mewed with a twitch of his ears. "Any higher and you'd have choked to death... StarClan, what a stupid thing to put on a cat." Owning a living being was never something that seemed fair in the eyes of the justiciar, but if it was that important for Twolegs to show their kittypet's allegiance, then why couldn't they just scentmark like any normal creature?