private IF WE HAVE EACH OTHER — roepaw


Jun 15, 2022
In spite of their efforts, Cinderfrost was banished. Anger is not an emotion familiar to Whiskercloud, but it simmers in their stomach now, a spark that has been ignited. Justice has failed Cinderfrost... And, they have too, for not being able to save her. They're a failure, and Cinderfrost has paid the price.

Stars, when did this get so messed up?

Carrying a squirrel towards the apprentices' den, Whiskercloud taps a paw against the ground to let Roepaw know they're outside. "Roe?" Their voice sounds strange to them, tired and muffled by the squirrel. Heaving a sigh, they drop the prey so that they're at least legible. "Uh, I've brought a squirrel. If you'd like to, share it with me, I'd be happy to have your company." A quiet invitation to not be alone. Because Cinderfrost might've been ripped away from Roepaw, but they'll be beside her no matter what.

@. Roepaw .

Sleep is a small escape, and one that brings little comfort, but it is her last resort.
Curled in a tattered nest, Roepaw has her back turned to the entrance of the den, trying to will herself into a nap when a pattern of thumps sound from just outside.
Alarm causes her to flinch, anticipating the familiar coat of Robinpaw to suddenly appear- but the voice that calls out her name is far different, tired but gentle.
She turns, gingerly poking her head out of the den to face Whiskercloud. The warrior had been the one to name her, to help her when she was still a small kit, but their close bond hadn’t stuck- Roepaw had felt herself drift away from them by the time she had been apprenticed.
Grief wraps itself around her heart now as she is looking at them as Roepaw is realizing how much she missed their presence.
She glances down at the squirrel, the sudden watering of her mouth reminding her how hungry she is.
"Yes… please." She accepts after a moment, deciding right then that if she had anyone she could trust, it’d be Whiskercloud.