if we have each other — yukio


bad decisions make good stories 09/30/23
Feb 19, 2023
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
HE BOUNCED ON THE PADS OF HIS PAWS, VIBRATING WITH ENERGY AS HE WAITED for Yukio to appear, grinning despite the heavy heat that nestled in his chest. His willowy tail twitched in anticipation, humming a random tune as he waddled along the edges of the white picket fence, peeking between the boards every now and then to check that there were no twolegs bustling about. He really didn’t want to deal with the notion of twolegs spotting them, especially with what they were going to do.

Of course! It wasn’t anything bad. It wasn’t like it was stealing, right? They were just using the flowers for a better purpose than watching them slowly rot or sit in weird pots until they wilted. He huffed, shaking his helm at the mistreatment.

It wasn’t long until he caught sight of the familiar mismatched hues of his pregnant friend waddling up with a bright grin of his own. “Took you long enough? How’re you holding up?” He bumped his shoulder against the smaller male, offering a gentle lick to his friend’s ear who keened under the attention, wiggling around until he was pressed up against Yuhwa with a hum.

“The plan’s simple, yeah? I’ll hop over the fence and stuff flowers through the cracks before they notice. Nothing too bad!” He chirped. “Then I can teach you how to make flower crowns! They’re super easy to do once you get the hang of it!” He hummed, stumbling forward, head swerving to glance at Yukio with a cheeky grin adoring darkened lips. “See you in a little bit!”

thoughts speech
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————

THE FELINE WADDLED FORWARD, HAVING CAUGHT SIGHT OF HIS FRIEND WHO chirped in greetings. The mismatched-hued feline brightened at the sight of his friend, preening under the attention with a giddy hum, rocking on the pads of his paws as he hummed.

“I’m alright! There was a pretty butterfly that crossed my path though.” He chirped, head cocked, optics narrowing at the thought of having to ignore it. I’ll just have to see if I can find it again. He thought with a nod.

With Yuhwa pulling away from Yukio, the feline let out a whine at the loss of warmth that radiated off of the semi-larger male, but knowing they’d be able to make flower crowns stopped him from stumbling after the other. His cheeks gutted out into a pout, bobbing his head in agreement with the plan.

Despite the loss of contact, the giddy sensation of making flower crowns spurred the male forward, waddling along the fence as Yuhwa’s paw slipped through the cracks holding various shades of flowers until they had a decent pile. His knobby spine was visible beneath the stretch of skin as he moved, gathering what he could grab in his mouth, stems hanging loosely in his maw, watching Yuhwa hop over to carry the rest.

His mismatched hues twinkled, purring as Yuhwa pressed up against him, helping the pregnant feline towards the forest. A place he used to be terrified of, now felt of safety as long as he stuck close to the friends he made.

thoughts speech