private If we have each other ♔ Owlheart


Fake it till you make it
Dec 28, 2023
*+:。.。 Time passed by in a blink. A blink of a too-green and too-brown eye. One minute, his mom's fur is covered in blood, and the next, he's sharing tongues and gossiping about the gathering. One moment, he's slamming his paw down on a Skyclanner's head, and the next he's disregarding Fifeather's ranking to welcome in a kitty-pet named Nemo. One minute, he's staring at a wall, the next, a grave, the next, a half-eaten sparrow, the next, the sky. Up the sun rises, down the moon goes, the stars twinkle, and the clouds run on by, and Tawnyclaw acts the part. He's here, he's present, and he's smiling.

Today was like any other.

"Hey Owlheart" Tawnyclaw meows suddenly, blinking into focus to find the sky bathed in a unique glow. He doesn't look to see if his sister is following the line of his paw as he points above their heads to the azure river beyond the canopy - he's certain she's looking. She's reliable like that, making her company one of the best in the world. "Look, do you see it? A rainbow" Perhaps they were too old now to be fascinated by the colorful display of refracted light, but Tawnyclaw didn't care at this moment. "We're in for some good luck, I'm certain of it!" he purrs, curling his tail confidently.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
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Owlheart worried, it was a pretty well known fact. She worried about many things, the weather, predators, her clanmates but most of all she worried about her family. Tawnyclaw worried her a lot, when he was Orchidpaw she worried that he would get in trouble for avoiding work. She worried that his witty remarks would meet the wrong cat. These days she wished that those were the worries she carried.

Tawnyclaw's new name brought new worries as himself and her other littermates traversed the early moons of becoming warriors. She found that right now one of her new worries was about how he slammed his paw on that ThunderClan apprentices head. What was he thinking about when he did that? What was he thinking about now?

She cared for him, she was sure that's why she worried so much. His meow brought her attention like a moth to the flame, bringing her out of her thoughts. She follows the direction of his paw to the skyline, gasping in delight at the sight of a rainbow “oh wow! I haven't noticed one of them in a while.” There was always something beautiful about them. The warrior liked to think of them as a sign of better times, always there after the rain and when the sun breaks through.

“I hope so, we could use it” the unspoken addition of after all that's happened hung heavy in the air. Still, she smiles up at him, Tawnyclaw's confidence rubbing off on her. The tabby's eyes didn't part from the refracted light. There was hope that this may be a sign of good luck for the clan, and for them.

“Are your paws okay? It looked like you hit her pretty hard” She found the words tumbling out before she had time to dwell on it, they hadn't had a moment for her to talk to him about well.. Anything, not since Ashenclaw died and it seems time has become an even more finite resource since they received their warrior names. No time like the present, she supposed.
*+:。.。 Tawnyclaw's tail wiggled with satisfaction when he glanced over to see his sister positively beaming. As she deserved. Of all his siblings, Owlheart always seemed to be the easiest to interact with. She was the kindest among them, it was hard not to look at her and be disappointed if there was anything less than a smile on her maw. As of late, he was glad to see that the sight of a brilliant grin wasn't as rare as the appearance of a rainbow. Life was going well for his sister, and she deserved every blessing. "Work does take away from admiring the little things in life" he meows with a teasing yawn. Or perhaps, more positively, good things were always right around the corner, whether you noticed them or not, they're there. But Tawnyclaw wasn't the most optimistic so he'll save that line for another time.

He swipes his tongue over his maw as he considers the shift in atmosphere. Whether from his unspoken frame of mind or Owlheart's observation, it came together to form one dreary mood. Hoping to fix it, the man reiterates, "Of course it will! Rainbows are all about giving good luck! Trust me, nothing will keep Skyclan down" he purrs, bumping his shoulder against his sister's affectionately.

His smile grows a bit strained when she blurts out her question. He opens his mouth to spew out his impulsive commentary - you're just determined to make that rainbow's good luck work for it but he luckily bites his tongue in time. He looks his sibling over, debating the purpose of this question. A sharp pang of guilt strikes him at the mention of his opponent's well-being. The Thunderclanner had been small and looked pretty young despite the awful scars that marred its pelt. He lashed his tail, before quickly stilling it.
"I'm sure she's fine," he replies, cutting to what he assumes Owlheart is trying to say between the lines. It didn't feel great playing defense with Owlheart of all cats, so he quickened his pace a little. Jogging now, he meows, "'Sides, crossing a clan's border has it's risks - they're lucky no one got truly hurt" Pointing with his tail towards the rainbow, he says with a laugh, "Starclan says they learned their lesson, only peace from here, I'm sure! So don't stress so much! You'll give yourself grey hairs enough to compete with Cherryblossom"

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

The bump against her shoulder is returned in kind, the orange and white tinted tail flicking against her brother's flank in playful affection as they walk. After her words had tumbled out she tried to remain close to his side, keeping her tail to herself though. She wasn’t quite sure what her sibling's mood may become after voicing what’s been sitting on her mind for a while and she didn’t really want to potentially make things worse by being in his space too much.

Wide eyes blink in surprise as he starts to quicken his pace, she in turn stops for a moment, too stunned to match this new pace set. The tabby gets over her shock pretty quickly and hurries after him “I know, ThunderClan’s medicine cat had Dawnglares help so surely she’s fine” she adds on to his reassurance with some of her own. “I asked how are your paws though, you weren’t scratched up too bad right?” She tries again, making it explicitly clear where her worries were aimed at.

She finds herself catching up to him properly now, looking back over at the rainbow with help of the direction from his tail. “You’re right, I’m sure it’s peaceful from here” she knows that he’s making sense, it would be better to think positively. Things could be worse she tells herself, they weren’t exactly great but compared to horror stories that come out from the other clans at times she could live with this being the worst thing that’s going to happen.

It takes her a moment to register the other half of his sentence “Hey- I’m not going to give myself grey hairs. Besides Cherryblossom doesn’t have any, I don’t think being deputy has done that just yet!” at least she was pretty sure that was the case. She didn’t have any plans to approach her sister out of the blue to enquire how the state of her fur was currently.
*+:。.。 Tawnyclaw focuses his attention on the canopy, squinting to see the rainbow as it briefly appears through patches of absent leaves. Guilt gnaws on his heels, but he keeps his stride long, feigning assuredness through squared shoulders and purposeful steps. "Then we'll ask him about it when he returns" he meows with a sigh, his tail lashing once more. It's rare for Tawnyclaw to feel even slightly put off by his sister, who's never been less than kind, especially towards him. Now, however, the threat of irritability reaches spindly claws through his ribcage. Why is she asking about the apprentice? Asking if his paws are scratched up - of course, they aren't! He's the one who slapped a kid, why would he be hurt?
He betrays himself and glances over his shoulder, meeting her eyes. "Must've been crazy awkward healing cats that stole from your clan, I hope he prescribed a lesser dose on the poppy seeds" he laughs, snapping his attention away again. He's not a fan of the sincerity he saw in her eyes. It makes his theory that she's playing a passive-aggressive game on him sound a little...more ridiculous, actually. Flicking his ears as though the heat at the tips were a gnat he could chase off, Tawnyclaw finally relents.
"My paw is fine, sis I dont-" he frowns, slowing to a halt to free up a paw to slide over his ears. Smoothing down the puff of fur that begins the mane to the rest of his neck, he works his jaw thoughtfully. After a beat, he finally admits with all the reluctance of one who would've preferred the topic be gone and buried, "It wasn't my finest moment"
He finds searching for the rainbow to be a riveting challenge as he cranes his neck up and away, doing his best to continue the game of not meeting his sister's eyes, "You had it handled, I get that, trust me - the goal wasn't to steal your honor" he snorts, "not that there's much honor in hitting a kit"

But he finds he can only give his sister a strained smile now, on the subject of grey hairs and peace. Because he's not sure, not truly. He finds he can't quite see the rainbow from where they stand now, and though he's sure it's still there, somewhere behind all the leaves and branches, he hopes with a strain in his chest that it isn't somehow behind them. Because this had only been a border quarrel, where no one got more than a few scrapes - he'd been there, that time, to help his sister with that but...what about the next time? If the fighting was real and Owlheart's opponent wasn't just a small apprentice, caught off guard and too immature to consider acting out a harmless shove.
"Give it time" his lips curl back to show too many teeth for it to be considered a smile. He hopes his sister - both of them - will have that time. Grow those grey hairs, live long into their elder moons, and die sleeping peacefully surrounded by generations of lovingly grown families.

Could rainbows last that long?

"Although there's no way she hasn't grown at least one or two - hah, the amount of time she's tried chasing me down to get me on one of her fancy patrols," with a wave of his paw, he slaps away the melancholic vibe in the air before it can fester. Once again, his eyes shine, and this time he can properly look at his sibling as he purrs, "you think if I tell her, she'll send me to do apprentices chores?" he snickers, resuming his trot, this time at a more manageable pace, "I'm glad you're free of them, sis, though with wrangling two whole boyfriends, I'm shocked!" He tilts his head to the side, "how is Crowsight doing? He got the worst out of the squirmish, didn't he? He's recovering well, I hope?"

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

It's hard to not notice the lashing tail from the corner of her eye, every time it lashed, seemingly with frustration- or irritation? Owlheart wasn't if there was a difference. She felt her heart sink a little, the idea that what she perceived as harmless concern would upset her brother. That she was causing him torment or anguish, it broke her heart. Tawnyclaw attempts to lighten the mood, maybe for his own sake, joking about Dawnglare not fully helping to heal the cats of ThunderClan. She can't help but laugh at the idea of it, even if her tone sounded like she wasn't in the mood for laughing. “It's Dawnglare so he probably did” she offers to layer onto the joke, in reality she really wouldn't put it past him. He seemed petty enough to do that, not necessarily a bad trait to carry.

That pang of heart breaking guilt strikes her when he slows down to slide a paw over his ears. She didn't like seeing him be upset, in general but aimed at her and poured salt into the wound. “It’s not about that- I don't care about honour, the whole situation wasn't honourable” she frowns as she approaches, taking advantage of the fact that he's slowed down to a halt. She tries to meet his gaze to no avail, instead she opts to hesitantly lower her head so she can press it against his shoulder. “I just want to know that you're okay” she confesses in a low whisper, voice warbling as she fights to maintain composure. The worry she carried for him is now exposed. “You'll have finer moments, you have plenty of moons ahead of you to make better choices- we both do.” She hoped so at least, to cling onto the idea that there was plenty of time waiting for them. There was nothing to be proud of when attacking an apprentice but they could make up for it. After saying what had been on her mind for the better part of a moon she moved her head away from his shoulder, returning the strained smile with a bittersweet one of her own.

There's a huff at his remark about growing grey fur, she's grateful for the change of mood but she can't help but try and search Tawnyclaw's eyes for a sign that he was still frustrated with her. Either she wasn't as insightful as she used to be as an apprentice or he was too good at hiding because at this moment she can't seem to find it. She opts to believe that it's truly gone so she can enjoy the time she's spending with him. “She probably would but you'd just find a way to get out of it” the teasing is that of something light hearted rather than anything being mean spirited. There wasn't a time at least in her memory where she could even recall being mean spirited- no the border skirmish hadn't been her finest moment- apart from that though.

“You don't have to be so surprised by it- I'm surprised too though.” There's a laugh bubbling from her, even though they'd been together for moons now it was still a surprise that things had turned out the way that they did. The mention of Crowsight brings her pause, ears flattening as she remembers spilling her concerns out to his mother, she didn't really want to do that again. “He's recovering well, I think so at least. It was a little shaky at the start but I think he's gained confidence again.” If he wasn't doing well then he hadn't told her or Oddgleam and she would hope that wouldn't ever be the case. “I'm thinking about asking them to be my mates- don't tell anyone though. I'm still figuring that out” she narrows her eyes at her brother, silently trying to make him promise through a feeble attempt at intimidation. “Has anyone stolen your heart, brother? Is that where you go when you're avoiding Cherryblossom's patrols?” That light hearted teasing returns as she walks by his side.

// this is soooo late so sorry!! Time really slipped by me with this thread