If We Have Each Other - Open


May 23, 2023
Each intake of breath was painful, both physically and mentally, yet the air was meant to be refreshing. Her eyes were all too wearily cast at the pinpricks of stars in the sky, a sight that she would've once called beautiful but now she only saw claws about to become unsheathed. How many glazed-over eyes had she stared into after this sickness had begun? A dry cough would interrupt her vigil over the stars as her shoulders hunched forward and her head bowed low as the fit racked through her lungs and rattled in her throat. So desperately the molly had wanted to be aiding her clanmates, yet Starclan had other plans. Yellowcough had claimed her early on, she was forced to sit and stew in her own sickness when she should be doing so much more.

The molly would swipe her only colored stocking at her damp nose after the coughing fit had subsided, how she-cat-like.. Shaking her head, she tried to adjust her mentality. Things were definitely bleak, and she was feeling no better for wear but allowing that to overtake every bit of energy she had was not going to work. A smile, albeit weak, would sit on her maw. "Does anyone want to play a game?" Her usually smooth like a lullaby voice would rasp in its sickly tone that she had been gifted. "It's easy, my kits had loved this one." Honeystone would go on quietly. "You have only two chances to describe a certain prey of your choosing for anyone to guess. Like.." She'd trail off as she'd tilt her head thoughtfully to the side. "I'm thinking of a prey with thousands of teeth in a circular row!" The primarily white molly would exclaim excitedly before stifling a cough into the back of her paw. — tags
to be reborn , you have to die first .
A pinkish eye peeked out behind a dark eyelid, listening to Honeystone go about a childish game. He wasn’t as delirious, but the thought of using his mind was even more grueling. He groaned, shifting in his nest that reeked of ShadowClanner, already missing the smell of honey and milk—the presence of his kits and mate a massive hole in his heart brought his mood down tenfold.

He huffed, resting his helm within the divot of his paws, body stretched out to ease the ache of his bones. A game for kits? Spiderlily hummed. Maybe Whitelion would like to play it with their own—Isn’t that a pity? He sighed, chest rising and falling in a stuttered wheeze.

“Row of teeth?” He mumbled, pinkish hues narrowed. A circular row of teeth. His mind sluggishly until Vixenkit wiggled itself into his mind. “Vixen.” He mumbled tiredly, a smile barely noticeable, but there with the small crinkle of his eye.

If he got it right, Spiderlily would go on, idly tapping his claws against the nest’s outer walls. “Prey …. I have its bones in my nest.” He mumbled, tail flickering. “Big eye sockets … Long beak.” He rasped.
thought speech